Date Ref Targets N Samp Source Note Slot Program --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 02Mar2000 9,10,15 all other 7 1.2 3C48 A focus test. I moved the Subr to see the effect. 26Feb2000 9,10,15 all other 34 1.5 3C147 21May2001 12,19,24 all other 35 4.0 3C147 Some RFI in this run. 29Jun2005 2,21,27 8,17,26 25 4.0 3C461 prototype loaded dipole on 8, 17, 26 rotn 45 deg 1:91 RAP2P2 12Jul 2,21,27 3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,17,26 29 3.0 3C461 loaded dipole on 8, 17, 26 s/r rotn 0 deg 1:90 ACTST 13Jul 2,21,27 8,17,26 29 3.0 3C461 loaded dipole on 8, 17, 26 s/r rotn 45 deg 1:92 ACTST 26Jul ??? ?? ? 3C147 A test file. 1:97 26Jul 6,9,12 8, 13,14,16,18,26 25 3.0 3C147 prototype shorted dipole on 17; loaded 8, 26 1:94 ACTST 27Jul 6,9,12 25 3.0 3C147 no prototype dipole on 8, 17, 26 1:96 ACTST 16Aug 2,21,27 8,13,14,16,17,26 33 1.2 3C48 prototype loaded dipole on 8, 17, 26 ???? RPPBND 24Aug 2,21,27 8,13,14,16,17,26 35 1.2 3C123 prototype loaded dipole on 8, 17, 26 1:95 RPPHOL 28Sep 3,8,17,21,24,27 1,6,9,10,22,28 49 1.2 3C48 coordinates are wrong. 1:05 22Oct 3,8,24 4,12,13,14,16,18 45 1.2 3C461 prototype loaded dipole on 8, 17, 26 1:06 11Nov 26 6,13,14,16,18,20 15 3.0 3C123 shorted short 1.5m dipole 1:01 AP3HOL 11Nov 22,26,28 13,14,16,18,20 X37 3.0 3C123 filler for above. NO SHORT APPLIED. DATA BAD. 1:02 APPHOL 12Nov ditto ditto " " 3C144 filler for above. NO SHORT APPLIED. DATA BAD. 1:03 APPHOL 13Nov 22,28 ditto " " 3c147,3c196 filler for above. NO SHORT APPLIED. DATA BAD. 1:04 APPHOL ********The preceding four files form a single 37 x 37 raster with oversample = 3 ************* 17Nov 4,15,24 2,6,8,10,11,17,22,26,27 21 3.0 3C84 RFI; shorted long 1.5m dipole, 400 msec dump 1:89 APPHOL 17Nov 4,15,24 8,13,14,16,18,20 57 4.0 3C48 RFI; two long cuts, not a raster 2:01 APPHOL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Size means the number of points on each side of the grid. Oversamp is the number of points per beam. Slot shows the disk#:slotID# AIPS user 327 All data calibrated. 2000-2001 data on tape. NRAO archive unlock codes: ACTST 3UY5kdeK ACTST2 MdncKbcL RAP3HO Gu6RVBU2 RAP2F2 6Se5qbjR RP2BND ikJLcjHR (also known as RP002) RP2HOL ditto (also known as RP002) AP2HOL public (also known as AP002) P-band sensitivity data sets Date Antennas Source Notes Mode BW (MHz) Program -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11Nov 8,17,26 3C123 shorted long dipole 300-345 MHz 2AC 3.125 RAP2F2 17Nov 8,17,26 3C84 shorted short dipole 300-345 MHz 2AC 3.125 AP002/APPHOL?