#title Observations table for Kepler photometry program. #maxentries 250000 #items StarID C*21 StarID RA R*8 RA, hours, J2000.0 (corresp to 'stars' table) Dec R*8 Dec, degrees, J2000.0 (corresp to 'stars' table) ISeq I*4 Image sequence number Filter C*9 Name of filter, with trailing blanks mag R*4 Magnitude in this filter err R*4 Estimated error in mag X R*4 Airmass for this star chip I*2 4-shooter chip number xcen R*4 x- center coord of star on chip (pix) ycen R*4 y- center coord of star on chip (pix) sky R*4 Estimated sky background for star sharp R*4 DAOPHOT sharp parameter chi R*4 DAOPHOT goodness-of-fit parameter dra R*4 RA diff betw this obs and standard (s of arc) ddec R*4 Dec diff betw this obs and standard (s of arc) #formats ENTRY I6 Entry StarID A21 StarID RA F12.7 RA,(hr) Dec F12.7 Dec,(deg) ISeq I6 ISeq Filter A9 Filter mag F7.3 mag err F7.4 err X F7.3 Airmass chip I4 Chip xcen F8.2 xcen,(pix) ycen F8.2 ycen,(pix) sky F8.3 Sky,(ADU) sharp F7.3 Sharp chi F7.3 Chi dra F7.3 RA disp,(asec) ddec F7.3 Dec dis,(asec) #index RA sorted DEC sort ISeq sort mag index err index X index sky index dra index ddec index