pro find_prop1,colvec,errvec,rmag,gb,$ teff,logz,logg,logl,ext,props,properr,chmin,rats,xform=xform,flg=flg,$ bias=bias ; This routine searches the color vs stellar parameter table colblock for ; the item that best matches (in a chi^2 sense) the input color vector ; colvec, with estimated errors errvec. ; Also included in the maximum-likelihood calculation is allowance for the ; known distributions of stars with teff, luminosity, metallicity, and ; distance from the galactic plane. ; Inputs for the single input star are the vector of colors colvec(9), ; the corresponding vector of estimated errors errvec(9), ; the stellar r magnitude rmag, and the galactic latitude gb (degrees). ; Also input are the array of model colors colblock and its coordinate vectors ; teffu, loggu, logzu, ; and the HR diagram log probability array hrb, with its coordinate vectors ; logtn, logln. ; Estimated properties are returned in the vector props, in the order ; {teff, log(Z), log(g), A_V}. Estimated errors on these quantities ; are returned in properr. ; If keyword bias is set, giants are preferred over dwarfs a priori by an amount ; proportional to the bias value. if(keyword_set(flg)) then sflg=1 else sflg=0 ; stop at checkpoints if set ; constants wfact0=1.0 ; weighting of ln prior prob relative to chi^2 common tables,logln,logtn,hrb,$ logtp,loggp,bcp,bmvp,loglump,logmassp,rabsp,vabsp,vmrp,$ teffu,loggu,logzu,colblock ; indices defining colors from magnitudes ii=[[0,1],[1,2],[2,3],[3,4],[4,5],[5,6],[6,7],[1,8],[1,9]] sz=size(ii) nii=sz(2) ; get sizes of things sz=size(colblock) ncol=sz(1) if(ncol ne nii) then stop ; make colors, estimated errors from the magnitudes in colvec cobs=fltarr(ncol) sig2=fltarr(ncol) badc=intarr(ncol) for i=0,ncol-1 do begin cobs(i)=colvec(ii(0,i))-colvec(ii(1,i)) sig2(i)=errvec(ii(0,i))^2+errvec(ii(1,i))^2 if(errvec(ii(0,i)) gt 10. or errvec(ii(1,i)) gt 10.) then badc(i)=1 endfor ; make chi^2 and prior probability grids for a slice in teff, logg space ; at constant logz trang=[3200.,12000.] ltrang=alog10(trang) dlt=.02 lgrang=[0.,6.] dlg=.2 lzrang=[-.2,-.199] dlz=1. grid_likeli,cobs,sig2,rmag,gb,$ ltrang,dlt,lgrang,dlg,lzrang,dlz,chi2,lprior,loglum,lto,lgo,lzo,$ lto1,lgo1,lzo1,xform=xform,bias=bias ; adjust wfact to reflect min chi^2 wfact=(min(chi2)/10. > 1.)*wfact0 ; find minimum of merit fn,and do 2D chunk in T,Z plane centered on it subg1: merit=chi2-lprior*wfact ; plotting stuff for IFA talk, sci team talk ;nb=where(sig2 ge .1,nnb) ;if(nnb le 2 and rmag gt 11.922 and rmag lt 11.924 and min(chi2) gt 2.) then begin ; plots_ifa,lto,lgo,lzo,chi2,lprior,merit,'',0 ; plots_ifa,lto,lgo,lzo,chi2,lprior,merit,'',1 ; plots_ifa,lto,lgo,lzo,chi2,lprior,merit,'',2 ;endif ; end plotting stuff mm=min(merit,ix) dlt=.02 ltrang=[lto1(ix)-7.*dlt,lto1(ix)+7.01*dlt] dlg=.2 lgrang=[lgo1(ix),lgo1(ix)+.01*dlg] dlz=.25 lzrang=[-4.,.99] if(sflg eq 1) then stop grid_likeli,cobs,sig2,rmag,gb,$ ltrang,dlt,lgrang,dlg,lzrang,dlz,chi2,lprior,loglum,lto,lgo,lzo,$ lto1,lgo1,lzo1,xform=xform,bias=bias ; find minimum again. This time try a block that spans the range defined ; by the larger of (range spanned by 10 smallest merit values) ; or delta(merit) <= 10 plus a bit in T,Z, full range in g on coarse grid. subg2: wfact=(min(chi2)/10. > 1.)*wfact0 merit=chi2-lprior*wfact ; more plotting stuff ;nb=where(sig2 ge .1,nnb) ;if(nnb le 2 and rmag gt 11.922 and rmag lt 11.924 and min(chi2) gt 2.) then begin ; plots_ifa,lto,lgo,lzo,chi2,lprior,merit,'',3 ; stop ;endif ; end plotting stuff mm=min(merit,ix) s=where(merit le mm+10.,ns) so=sort(merit) s1=so(0:9) ; 10 best merit values dlt=.01 ltrang=[(min(lto1(s)) < min(lto1(s1)))-.02,(max(lto1(s)) > max(lto1(s1)))+.021] ltrang=ltrang+.003 dlz=.125 lzrang=[(min(lzo1(s)) < min(lzo1(s1)))-.25,(max(lzo1(s)) > max(lzo1(s1)))+.26] dlg=.5 lgrang=[0.,6.]+.03 if(sflg eq 1) then stop grid_likeli,cobs,sig2,rmag,gb,$ ltrang,dlt,lgrang,dlg,lzrang,dlz,chi2,lprior,loglum,lto,lgo,lzo,$ lto1,lgo1,lzo1,xform=xform,bias=bias ; do this once more, searching a selected range in g, with slightly improved ; resolution in Z and much improved in g. subg3: wfact=(min(chi2)/10. > 1.)*wfact0 merit=chi2-lprior*wfact mm=min(merit,ix) s=where(merit le mm+10,ns) so=sort(merit) s1=so(0:9) ; 10 best merit values dlt=.01 ltrang=[(min(lto1(s)) < min(lto1(s1)))-.02,(max(lto1(s)) > max(lto1(s1)))+.021] ltrang=ltrang-.002 dlz=.1 lzrang=[(min(lzo1(s)) < min(lzo1(s1)))-.25,(max(lzo1(s)) > max(lzo1(s1)))+.26] dlg=.1 lgrang=[(min(lgo1(s)) < min(lgo1(s1)))-.25,(max(lgo1(s)) > max(lgo1(s1)))+.26] lgrang=lgrang-.02 if(sflg eq 1) then stop grid_likeli,cobs,sig2,rmag,gb,$ ltrang,dlt,lgrang,dlg,lzrang,dlz,chi2,lprior,loglum,lto,lgo,lzo,$ lto1,lgo1,lzo1,xform=xform,bias=bias ; find the absolute minimum on this grid, and fit a general quadratic ; to the surrounding region. find min of this function, and call that the ; answer. isc=0 ; counts scoots of box center point wfact=(min(chi2)/10. > 1.)*wfact0 merit=chi2-lprior*wfact mm=min(merit,ix) subg4: dlt=.005 ltrang=[lto1(ix)-.015,lto1(ix)+.016] ltrang=ltrang+.0025/(1.+isc) dlz=.05 lzrang=[lzo1(ix)-.2,lzo1(ix)+.21] dlg=.05 lgrang=[lgo1(ix)-.15,lgo1(ix)+.16] lgrang=lgrang-.025/(1.+isc) if(sflg eq 1) then stop grid_likeli,cobs,sig2,rmag,gb,$ ltrang,dlt,lgrang,dlg,lzrang,dlz,chi2,lprior,loglum,lto,lgo,lzo,$ lto1,lgo1,lzo1,xform=xform,bias=bias ; find the minimum on this grid, scoot box if min falls on a boundary. ; if no luck after 2 scoots, declare failure. wfact=(min(chi2)/10. > 1.)*wfact0 merit=chi2-lprior*wfact mm=min(merit,ix) lt0=lto1(ix) lg0=lgo1(ix) lz0=lzo1(ix) if(isc ge 4) then begin ferr=1 sol=[lt0,lg0,lz0] serr=[9.99,9.99,9.99] ; values indicate error c2m=chi2(ix) goto,windup endif else begin if(lt0 eq min(lto1) or lt0 eq max(lto1) or lg0 eq min(lgo1) or $ lg0 eq max(lgo1) or lz0 eq min(lzo1) or lz0 eq max(lzo1)) then begin isc=isc+1 ; some debugging openw,iune,'~/kdbase/propdebug1.asc',/append,/get_lun scin=[0,0,0] if(lt0 eq min(lto1)) then scin(0)=1 if(lt0 eq max(lto1)) then scin(0)=2 if(lg0 eq min(lgo1)) then scin(1)=1 if(lg0 eq max(lgo1)) then scin(1)=2 if(lz0 eq min(lzo1)) then scin(2)=1 if(lz0 eq max(lzo1)) then scin(2)=2 printf,iune,isc,scin close,iune free_lun,iune ; done debugging goto,subg4 endif endelse npt=n_elements(lto1) funs=fltarr(npt,10) x=lto1-lt0 y=lgo1-lg0 z=lzo1-lz0 funs(*,0)=1. funs(*,1)=x funs(*,2)=y funs(*,3)=z funs(*,4)=x^2 funs(*,5)=y^2 funs(*,6)=z^2 funs(*,7)=x*y funs(*,8)=x*z funs(*,9)=y*z ; weight the points near the minimum more strongly met2=x^2/dlt^2 + y^2/dlg^2 + z^2/dlz^2 wts=1./(1.+met2) cc=lstsqr(merit,funs,wts,10,rms,ch2,outp,1) ; coeffs of quadratic fit ; setting derivs to zero gives linear eqns to solve for min aa=[[2.*cc(4),cc(7),cc(8)],[cc(7),2.*cc(5),cc(9)],[cc(8),cc(9),2.*cc(6)]] rhs=-[cc(1),cc(2),cc(3)] ludc,aa,indexl sol1=lusol(aa,indexl,rhs) ; reject this solution and set error flag if correction is more than 2.5 ; grid spacing in any dimension. if(abs(sol1(0)) le 2.5*dlt and abs(sol1(1)) le 2.5*dlg and abs(sol1(2)) le 2.5*dlz)$ then begin sol=sol1+[lt0,lg0,lz0] ; compute 1-sigma formal errors, ignoring correlated errors serr=1./[sqrt(abs(cc(4)*wfact)),sqrt(abs(cc(5)*wfact)),sqrt(abs(cc(6)*wfact))] c2m=cc(0) > 0. ferr=0 endif else begin sol=[lt0,lg0,lz0] serr=[9.99,9.99,9.99] c2m=chi2(ix) ferr=2 openw,iune,'~/kdbase/propdebug1.asc',/append,/get_lun scin=[0,0,0] isc=-5 scin=[0.,0.,0.] if(abs(sol1(0) gt 2.5*dlt)) then scin(0)=sol1(0) if(abs(sol1(1) gt 2.5*dlg)) then scin(1)=sol1(1) if(abs(sol1(2) gt 2.5*dlz)) then scin(2)=sol1(2) printf,iune,isc,scin close,iune free_lun,iune endelse windup: ; compute value and errors for extinction linked_props2,[sol(0)],[sol(1)],rmag,gb,loglf,logd,a_v errav=sqrt(4.*serr(0)+.25*serr(1))/2.5 ; guess at error in a_v, in mag ; put everything in a form compatable with previous code teff=10.^sol(0) errteff=teff*(10.^serr(0)-1.) logz=sol(2) logg=sol(1) logl=loglf ext=a_v props=[teff,logz,logg,ext] properr=[errteff,serr(2),serr(1),errav] chmin=c2m rats=[ferr,isc,0.,0.] if(sflg eq 1) then stop ;stop end