pro obs2db4,obsfile,over=over,zdb=zdb,noseg=noseg ; This routine reads obsfile, which contains photometry and necessary ; header information for a single 4-shooter image. This version takes ; as input Mark's 2nd-generation data files. It then ; Creates a new entry in the 'images' DB, provided that an entry with ; the same JD (within +/- 5s) does not exist. ; If keyword 'over' is set, then data from obsfile overwrite existing ; 'images' DB data, regardless of possible time collision. ; Adds entries as necessary to the 'stars' standards and targets DBs, ; and identifies existing entries. ; Adds entries to the 'observations' standards and targets DBs, reflecting ; the new data. ; New DB files are created in subdirectories of ZDBASE/survey as needed ; to provide for the new input data. ; A log file ZDBASE/survey/obs2db.log is updated on each invocation of ; obs2db, giving summaries of number of chips used, number of stars ; input and output, and number of stars matched to reference stars. ; If zdb keyword is set, its value overrides environment var ZDBASE ; If keyword noseg is set, std stars data go into one large database, ; and observations from tile 294+046 go into to294+046. ; Otherwise, they go to time-segmented databases with names like tostds123, ; to294+046123. ; constants dt=.00006 ; time matching cutoff, in days (~= 5s) rad2deg=57.295 widmin=.15 widmax=.25 ; min & max plausible coord spread for 1 chip, in deg zdbase=getenv('ZDBASE') if(keyword_set(zdb)) then zdbase=zdb path=zdbase+'/survey/' imdbase=path+'images/images' logfile=path+'obs2db.log' f1='(f13.5)' ;astrolib ;called in !priv=2 ; read the data file ;rd_obs,obsfile,filter,jd,exptime,rac,decc,xmid,obj,focus,tccd,ra,dec,mag,$ ; err,x,chip,xcen,ycen,sky ;rd_obs,obsfile,filter,jd,exptime,rac,decc,xmid,obj,focus,fwhm,bias,gain,$ ; ra,dec,mag,err,x,chip,xcen,ycen,sky,sharp,chi rd_obs2,obsfile,imid,filter,jd,exptime,rac,decc,xmid,obj,focus,fwhm,bias,$ gain,apercor,ra,dec,mag,err,x,chip,xcen,ycen,sky,sharp,chi,ra2m,dec2m,$ idno2m,j2m,h2m,k2m nst0=n_elements(ra) nst2m=n_elements(ra2m) ; set various bad data flags to zero, set camera flag cldf=fix(0) astf=fix(0) fitf=fix(0) camf=icamera(jd) ; open the log file, write in input filename openw,iul,logfile,/get_lun,/append printf,iul,'Processing '+obsfile+' Filter = '+filter+'exptime = ',fix(exptime) printf,iul,'JD= ',jd,format='(1a4,f13.5)' printf,iul,'No of input, 2mass stars = ',nst0,nst2m if(nst0 le 0 or nst2m le 0) then goto,fini ; check to see if images DB exists. If not, create it, put data in. ierr=findfile(imdbase+'.dbh') berr=byte(ierr) if(berr(0) eq 0) then begin comm='cp '+zdbase+'/images4.dbd '+imdbase+'.dbd' spawn,comm dbcreate,imdbase,1,1,/silent dbopen,imdbase,1 dbbuild,imid,jd,filter,rac,decc,exptime,xmid,obj,focus,fwhm,bias,gain,$ apercor,cldf,astf,fitf,camf,/silent iseq=1 goto,contin endif ; check to see that no other image was taken at the same time dbopen,imdbase jdmin=string(jd-dt,format=f1) jdmax=string(jd+dt,format=f1) sstr=jdmin+' < JD < '+jdmax ll=dbfind(sstr, /silent) if(ll(0) le 0 or keyword_set(over)) then begin ; put new data into the images DB. 2 cases: entry doesn't yet exist, ; or entry exists and must be overwritten. if(ll(0) le 0) then begin ; entry doesn't exist dbopen,imdbase,1 dbbuild,imid,jd,filter,rac,decc,exptime,xmid,obj,focus,fwhm,bias,gain,$ apercor,cldf,astf,fitf,camf, /silent dbopen,imdbase lnew=dbfind('jd = '+string(jd,format=f1), /silent) dbext,lnew,'entry',iseq & iseq=iseq(0) endif else begin ; entry exists, so must be overwritten dbopen,imdbase,1 dbupdate,ll(0),'imid,jd,filter,ra,dec,exptime,xmid,obj,focus,fwhm,bias,',$ imid,jd,filter,rac,decc,exptime,xmid,obj,focus,fwhm,bias,/silent dbupdate,ll(0),'gain,apercor,cldflg,astflg,fitflg,camera',$ gain,apercor,cldf,astf,fitf,camf,/silent iseq=ll(0) endelse contin: ; remove from input all stars on chips that have bad coord spread -- ; this indicates failure of world coord conversion. ierr=rmbaddat(ra,dec,mag,err,x,chip,xcen,ycen,sky,sharp,chi,camf,$ nbch,nbp,nbst) printf,iul,'Bad chips, chi/shrp, all bad = ',nbch,nbp,nbst printf,iul,'Good stars = ',n_elements(ra) if(ierr ne 0) then begin ;print some stuff to help keep place in obs2db.log printf,iul,'Ref, targ, new stars = ',0,0,0 printf,iul,'ndiag, version = ',8,2 diags=fltarr(8) printf,iul,diags printf,iul goto,fini endif ; put data into the stars db, get back a bunch of useful derived quantities obs2stardb3,jd,ra,dec,mag,err,x,chip,xcen,ycen,sky,sharp,chi,$ ra2m,dec2m,idno2m,j2m,h2m,k2m,dra,ddec,$ hits,stdnames,targnames,unid,ibot,starid,zdb=zdb sref=where(hits eq 2,nsref) strg=where(hits eq 1,nstrg) smis=where(hits eq 0,nsmis) printf,iul,'Ref, targ, new stars = ',nsref,nstrg,nsmis obsdiagnos,jd,filter,exptime,mag,sky,sharp,chi,dra,ddec,ra,dec,ra2m,dec2m,$ j2m,k2m,x,diags,diagnames,ver,zdb=zdb ndiag=n_elements(diags) printf,iul,'ndiag, version =',ndiag,ver printf,iul,diags printf,iul ;stop ; put data into the observations db obs2obsdb,iseq,filter,jd,ra,dec,mag,err,x,chip,xcen,ycen,sky,sharp,chi,$ dra,ddec,hits,stdnames,targnames,unid,ibot,starid,zdb=zdb,noseg=noseg ;stop endif else begin print,'Image already exists in DB. JD-2450000 = ',jd-2450000. endelse fini: close,iul free_lun,iul end