pro rd_global,jd,nfilt,filters,gparms,geparms,chipz,ascolor,xglob,zdb=zdb ; This routine opens the file ZDBASE/survey/glob_parms?.asc, ; where ? = [1,2,3] depending on the camera being used at the time, and hence ; on the input Julian date jd. The routine then reads from the file ; the values of the global magnitude-fitting parameters for each filter. ; On return, ; nfilt = number of filters for which there are data ; filters = string array containing names of the filters, left justified ; and blank-padded to 9 characters length ; gparms(2,nfilt) = global fitting parameters: ; gparms(0,*) = transformation constants, ie, term ; proportional to nearby color ; gparms(1,*) = 2nd-order color coeffs. ; geparms(2,nfilt) = default extinction parameters, for use when fits ; are not available. ; geparms(0,*) = zero-point correction ; geparms(1,*) = color-independent extinction correction ; chipz(3,nfilt) = corrections to chip zero points for each color, ; for chips 2,3,4 relative to chip 1 ; ascolor(nfilt) = typical nearby color for randomly-chosen stars. ; xglob = typical airmass value for our observations ;constants zdbase=getenv('ZDBASE') if(keyword_set(zdb)) then zdbase=zdb gfilepre=zdbase+'/survey/glob_parms' gfilepost='.asc' ; make the filename scam=strtrim(string(icamera(jd)),2) gfile=gfilepre+scam+gfilepost ; read the data openr,iun,gfile,/get_lun readf,iun,nfilt nfilt=fix(nfilt) filters=strarr(nfilt) gparms=fltarr(2,nfilt) geparms=fltarr(2,nfilt) ascolor=fltarr(nfilt) chipz=fltarr(3,nfilt) ss='' readf,iun,xglob for i=0,nfilt-1 do begin readf,iun,ss,format='(1a9)' readf,iun,v1,v2 readf,iun,w1,w2 readf,iun,u1,u2,u3 readf,iun,v3 filters(i)=ss gparms(*,i)=[v1,v2] geparms(*,i)=[w1,w2] ascolor(i)=v3 chipz(*,i)=[u1,u2,u3] endfor close,iun free_lun,iun end