pro stellar_parms1,tilenames,colblk=colblk,hrblk=hrblk,prmblk=prmblk,$ xform=xform,zdb=zdb,bias=bias ; This routine estimates stellar parameters {teff, log(Z), log(g), A_V} ; for all of the stars found in the list of tiles tilenames. For ; each tile, it reads the data in the 'stars' database, and uses ; the magnitudes found therein to estimate stellar properties and errors, ; using routine The properties and their estimated errors ; are written into the 'properties' database. ; Stellar colors (uncorrected for M67 color transformation) are obtained ; from file colorblock, written by routine ; If keyword xform is set, these colors (also reddening values) are transformed ; using the coefficients in file xform before comparison with observations, ; with xforms data computed by ; If keyword xform is not set, the color transformation file defaults to ; that in variable xformi. ; Also written are a number of missing-data flags, which are set to 1 ; if the corresponding data are missing, else zero. ; These are: ; uflag = 1 if no u photometry ; m2flag = 1 if no 2MASS photometry ; zflag = 1 if no Z photometry ; oflag = 1 if any of {gri,gred,D51} missing ; ; A later version will do something useful with proper motion info. ; Note that the properties databases are recreated from scratch each ; time this routine is run -- they are not simply modified. ; If keywords colblk, hrblk, or prmblk are set, their values override ; the defaults for save files colorblock, hrblock, prmblock. ; If keyword bias is set, giants are preferred to dwarfs by an amoung proportional ; to the bias value. values in the range 1-10 are plausible. ; path names, etc. zdbase=getenv('ZDBASE') if(keyword_set(zdb)) then zdbase=zdb starpath=zdbase+'/survey/stars/' proppath=zdbase+'/survey/properties/' ; the old one ;colorblock='/home/tbrown/d/basel/color_block1.sav' ; the good one colorblock='/home/tbrown/d/basel/colblock_cas4_smth.sav' ;hrblock='/home/tbrown/d/stardat/hrblock1.sav' ;hrblock='/home/tbrown/d/stardat/hrblock_gen2.sav' ;hrblock='/home/tbrown/d/stardat/hrblock_gen2.2.sav' ;hrblock='/home/tbrown/d/stardat/hrblock_gen2.3.sav' ;hrblock='/home/tbrown/d/stardat/hrblock_gen3.1.sav' hrblock='/home/tbrown/d/stardat/hrblock_mod2.sav' prmblock='/home/tbrown/d/stardat/propsblock.sav' ;xformi='/home/tbrown/d/basel/xform_color3.sav' ; the old one ;xformi='/home/tbrown/d/basel/xform_color5.sav' ; the good one ;xformi='/home/tbrown/d/basel/xform_color_cas3.sav' xformi='/home/tbrown/d/basel/xform_color_cas4.sav' guessdat='/home/tbrown/d/stardat/guessvals_in.sav' deg2rad=180./!pi ; degrees per radian astrolib !priv=2 ;deltas=[250.,1.,1.,.5] ; min step sizes in each parameter tsolar=5777. ; solar Teff if(not keyword_set(xform)) then xform=xformi ;stop ; fetch colors table, ancillary tables, ; These restores create arrays cblock, teffu, loggu, logzu, hrb, logtn, logln ; Also logtp,loggp,bcp,bmvp,loglump,logmassp,rabsp,vabsp,vmrp common tables,logln,logtn,hrb,$ logtp,loggp,bcp,bmvp,loglump,logmassp,rabsp,vabsp,vmrp,$ teffu,loggu,logzu,colblock if(keyword_set(colblk)) then colorblock=colblk if(keyword_set(hrblk)) then hrblock=hrblk if(keyword_set(prmblk)) then prmblock=prmblk restore,colorblock restore,hrblock restore,prmblock restore,guessdat ; read list of tilenames openr,iun,tilenames,/get_lun ss='' tnames=[''] while(not eof(iun)) do begin readf,iun,ss tnames=[tnames,strtrim(ss,2)] endwhile close,iun free_lun,iun tnames=tnames(1:*) ntiles=n_elements(tnames) ; loop through tiles, do the work for itile=0,ntiles-1 do begin fname=starpath+tnames(itile) dbopen,fname dbext,-1,'StarID,ra,dec,u,g,r,i,z,Gred,D51',sid,ra,dec,u,g,r,i,z,Gred,D51 dbext,-1,'J,H,K,sig_u,sig_g,sig_r,sig_i,sig_z,sig_Gred,sig_D51',jj,hh,kk,$ sig_u,sig_g,sig_r,sig_i,sig_z,sig_Gred,sig_D51 ; make galactic latitude for all stars glactc,ra,dec,2000.,gl,gb,1 ; loop over stars nstars=n_elements(sid) ; make output arrays stteff=fltarr(nstars) stlogz=fltarr(nstars) stlogg=fltarr(nstars) stext=fltarr(nstars) errteff=fltarr(nstars) errlogz=fltarr(nstars) errlogg=fltarr(nstars) errext=fltarr(nstars) kepmag=fltarr(nstars) stflags=intarr(nstars,4) chisq=fltarr(nstars) ratios=fltarr(4,nstars) stradius=fltarr(nstars) for j=0L,nstars-1 do begin colvec=[u(j),g(j),r(j),i(j),z(j),jj(j),hh(j),kk(j),gred(j),d51(j)] err2m=err2mass(jj(j),hh(j),kk(j)) errvec=[sig_u(j),sig_g(j),sig_r(j),sig_i(j),sig_z(j),err2m,$ sig_Gred(j),sig_D51(j)] colvis=colvec([1,2,3,4,9]) ;g,r,i,z,d51 sgv=where(colvis lt 40,nsgv) ; nsgv = number of valid visible-light mags if(colvec(5) lt 40 and colvec(5) gt 0) then irgood=1 else irgood=0 sbad=where(colvec lt 5 or colvec gt 25 or errvec gt 9.,nsbad) flags=intarr(4) ; if(nsbad gt 0) then guessvals,colvec,errvec,flags,sbad if(nsbad gt 0) then guessvals1,colvec,errvec,f1,f2,gmrs,rmis,flags,sbad kmag=kepler_mag(colvec(1),colvec(2),colvec(3)) rmag=colvec(2) ; test to see if photometry is complete enough to justify running find_prop1 ; insists on at least 3 visible-light mags, or valid 2MASS data if(nsgv ge 3 or irgood ne 0) then begin find_prop1,colvec,errvec,rmag,gb(j),$ teff,logz,logg,logl,ext,props,properr,chmin,rats,xform=xform,flg=flg,$ bias=bias stteff(j)=props(0) stlogz(j)=props(1) stlogg(j)=props(2) stext(j)=props(3) errteff(j)=properr(0) errlogz(j)=properr(1) errlogg(j)=properr(2) errext(j)=properr(3) kepmag(j)=kmag stflags(j,*)=reform(flags,1,4) chisq(j)=chmin ratios(*,j)=rats ; stradius(j)=star_radius(stteff(j),stext(j),kepmag(j),ra(j),dec(j)) logr=(logl - 4.*alog10((teff > 1.)/tsolar))/2. stradius(j)=10.^logr endif else begin stteff(j)=0. stlogz(j)=9.99 stlogg(j)=9.99 stext(j)=9.99 errteff(j)=10.^9.99 errlogz(j)=9.99 errlogg(j)=9.99 errext(j)=9.99 kepmag(j)=kmag stflags(j,*)=reform([1,1,1,1],1,4) chisq(j)=999.9 ratios(*,j)=reform([9.99,9.99,9.99,9.99],1,4) stradius(j)=10.^9.99 endelse if(j mod 500 eq 0) then print,'j=',j endfor ; redo the radius estimate based on the reddening-based luminosity estimate ; lum_r,kepmag,stext,stteff,ra,dec,lumr ; stradius=sqrt(lumr > 0.)*(tsolar/stteff)^2 ; stradius=float(stradius) ;stop ; put results into properties database. Create them from scratch every time. pname=proppath+tnames(itile) comm='cp '+zdbase+'/properties2.dbd '+pname+'.dbd' ; stop spawn,comm dbcreate,pname,1,1,/silent dbopen,pname,1 dbbuild,sid,ra,dec,stteff,errteff,stlogz,errlogz,stlogg,errlogg,$ stext,errext,stradius,kepmag,stflags(*,0),stflags(*,1),stflags(*,2),$ stflags(*,3),chisq dbopen,pname,1 dbindex dbclose ; stop endfor end