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Reference L1 links: Text Reference L2 links: Text Links to other Lists: Cores without Stars
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D = Detected
ND = Not Detected
(---) = no observation made
Cores with associated stars
Core Name RA (J2000) Dec (J2000) d (pc) Size
Continuum IRAS
hms deg'" 1100850450
IRAM04191+1522 04 21 56.9 15 29 47 140 5 x 5 --- --- --- (04119+1523)
TMC1-1C-2 4 41 04.00 26 09 08.0 --- --- ---
TMC1-2 04 41 10.00 25 49 28.0 --- --- ---
CB28 5 06 16.00 -3 56 29.0 400 5 x 5 --- --- --- 05038-0400
RNO43 5 32 27.90 12 53 11.0 400 5 x 5 --- --- --- 05295+1247
IRAS05413 05 43 51.5 -01 02 52 400 5 x 5 --- --- --- 05413-0104
B35A 05 44 37.0 09 10 13 400 10 x 10 --- --- --- 05417+0907
DC256.2-14.1 7 19 16.00 -44 34 29.0 400 5 x 5 --- --- --- 07178-4429
CG30/31 08 09 04.00 -36 00 51.0 --- --- --- --- --- 08076-3556
DC252.5+0.1 8 14 21.00 -34 29 13.0 400 5 x 5 --- --- --- 08124-3422
Sa109 08 21 01.3 -49 37 52 400 10 x 10 --- --- --- 08194-4925
DC267.4-7.5 08 25 48.30 -51 01 18.0 400 5 x 5 --- --- --- 08242-5050
DC267.2-7.2 8 26 34.00 -50 40 03.0 400 5 x 5 --- --- --- 08250-5030
DC253.6+2.9 8 28 44.00 -33 45 12.0 400 5 x 5 --- --- --- 08267-3336
DC267.7-7.4 8 27 29.00 -51 10 38.0 400 5 x 5 --- --- --- 08261-5100
DC275.9+1.9 9 46 46.00 -51 05 12.0 300 5 x 5 --- --- --- 09449-5052
DC297.7-2.8 12 01 35.9 -65 08 37 200 10 x 10 --- --- --- 11590-6452
DC302.1+7.4 12 45 38.5 -55 25 18 300 5 x 5 --- --- --- 12427-5508
DC303.8-14.2 13 07 35.7 -77 00 05 200 5 x 5 --- --- --- 13036-7644
Sa187 16 32 50.00 -44 57 54.0 500? 5 x 5 --- --- --- 16295-4452
L260 16 47 07.70 -9 35 56.0 160 5 x 5 --- --- --- 16442-0930
L158 16 47 08.00 -13 58 05.0 --- --- ---
CB68 16 57 20.5 -16 09 02 150 5 x 5 --- --- --- 16544-1604
B59 17 11 22.1 -27 24 28 160 5 x 5 --- --- --- 17081-2721
L100 17 16 01.00 -20 57 21.0 225 5 x 5 --- --- --- 17130-2053
DC345.4-4.0 17 22 54.5 -43 22 13 400 5 x 5 --- --- --- 17193-4319
L483 18 17 28.00 -4 38 53.0 200 5 x 5 --- 3.74(0.20)
L723 19 17 53.16 19 12 16.6 300 5 x 5 --- 1.79(0.11
CB188 19 20 15.00 +11 36 08.0 300 5 x 5 --- --- --- 19179+1129
L673 19 20 37.60 11 19 12.0 300 10 x 10 --- --- --- 19180+1114
L778 19 26 32.6 23 58 15 420 5 x 5 --- --- --- 19243+2352/50
L1152 20 35 46.00 67 54 07.0 350 5 x 5 --- --- --- 20353+6742
CB224 20 36 20.3 63 52 55 450 5 x 5 --- --- --- 20355+6343
L1157 20 39 06.20 68 02 16.0 440 5 x 5 0.58(0.09) 2.41(0.19)
L1082C 20 51 27.6 60 18 35 440 5 x 5 --- --- --- 20503+6006
L1082A 20 53 34.00 60 13 41.0 440 5 x 5 --- --- --- 20520+6003
L1228 20 57 11.81 77 35 47.9 300 5 x 5 --- --- --- 20582+7724
Bern48 20 59 14.10 78 23 13.0 200/300 5 x 5 --- --- --- ---
L1172A 21 02 24.1 67 54 08 440 5 x 5 --- --- --- 21017+6742
CB230 21 17 43.00 +68 18 24.0 450 5 x 5 --- --- --- 21169+6804
L1165 22 07 07.00 59 07 03.0 300 5 x 5 --- --- --- 22051+5849
L1221 22 28 03.00 69 01 12.0 300 5 x 5 --- --- --- 22266+6845
L1251C 22 35 14.00 75 15 55.0 --- --- ---
L1251E 22 38 47.2 75 11 29 300 10 x 10 --- --- --- 22376+7455

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The compilation of this database utilized the SIMBAD database, operated at CDS, Strasbourg, France
Reference Info:
"L1" = The Astrophysical Journal, 526:788-805, 1999 December 1. Copyright 1999.
The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Ê
A Survey of Infall Motions toward Starless Cores. I. CS (21) and N2H+ (10) Observations
Chang Won Lee, Philip C. Myers and Mario Tafalla.
Received 1999 March 18; accepted 1999 July 15
"L2" = The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 136:703-734, 2001 October. Copyright 2001.
The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Ê
A Survey for Infall Motions toward Starless Cores. II. CSÊ(21) and N2H+ (10) Mapping Observations
Chang Won Lee, Philip C. Myers and Mario Tafalla.
Received 2000 November 20; accepted 2001 May 29
"WK" Ward-Thompson, Kirk, Crutcher, Greaves, Holland, and Andre, 2000, ApJ, 537, L135
"L7" Paper in preparation, Chang Won Lee.
"V" Visser, Richer, & Chandler, 2001, accepted by MNRAS