Date: Mon, 09 Jul 2012 10:06:33 -0400
From: Peter Teuben 
To: Nicolas Duronea 
Subject: Re: question LVG

On 07/09/2012 09:52 AM, Nicolas Duronea wrote:
>     Hi,
>    I'm very interested in using the program LVG of your MIRIAD 
> package, but the instructions of the MIRIAD's User Guide are not 
> enough about how to  run that program (it focusses mostly in 
> processing observational data). Could you give me some more 
> information about running LVG?
> Thank you very much
> NIcolas Duronea
LVG was a program that was contributed to miriad by Lee Mundy.  You can 
check the helpfile
("mirhelp lvg", or "lvg -k"), or browse over the source code 
I'm sure Mundy has some papers describing scientific results from this, 
or you can always try
and email him.   But true, there isn't any writeup on this in the normal 
users guide
