Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2010 11:59:01 -0400 (EDT)
From: Jun-Hui Zhao 
To: Peter Teuben 
Subject: Re: miriad beta trouble

Hi Peter,

>   Hi Jun-Hui
>      As long as you're only changing smalod and the sma* routines,
> that's ok. I'm a bit worried
> about things like smauvplt, smagpplt and such, as we may also have made
> changes to those,
> and then the merge may be more difficult.
     There are lots of updating in the lower level sma* subroutines in
both .for and .c, which we need your help for the compatibility concerns
while integrating them back to Miriad-CVS.
     For the users' interface routines (.for), such as smauvplt, smagpplt,
smamfcal ..., any changes would fit to the Miriad general use (for
improvement). The current basis of Miriad for the SMA development is
the 2009 november CVS version (1 year's old). Before our attempt to submit
the new version of the SMA subroutines, I will test them in
the latest Miriad CVS version to make sure they are OK to linux RH and
Mac if I can get a Mac.
> We'll do a desktop sharing technique (see wiki) for talks. Tey have
> experience with it  in their
> MMM meetings.
       Thanks for the advice. I will check it before the meeting to see
how it works. Might need your help to get my slides over.

> btw, i'll be in Boston for the ADASS meeting Nov 7-11, we might be able
> to catch up there as well,
> but of course  the meeting (which is downtown at the harbor) pretty much
> limits my local travel.
> I hope you can make it to the meeting, its' useful in more than one way
> peter

     Hope can meet you in Boston again.