An entry was made in the SMA Operations Log by rtm on 2012 Jan 10 22:33:44 UTC.

( read it directly at )

Number:         23894
Author:         Taco
Categories:     General
Antennas:       none

**** When antennas share a pad ID ****

    [ Part 2: "Attached Text" ]

Antenna 1 is now on the pad (4) which held antenna 2 until that antenna
checked into the antenna spa. This caused problems with the
limit-checking software in subcompact. Because the antenna computer in
antenna 2 is not online, the standard methods of updating pad IDs will
not fix this problem. I have modified the project command to check the
pad IDs of all antennas (not just the antennas in the project list) to
make certain that no two antennas claim the same pad, and that no pad ID
is invalid (outside of the range 0->26). If it detects a pad ID problem,
it prints a warning message, but otherwise proceeds normally. If you need
to slam a new pad ID value into reflective memory, there is a new SMAsh
command, setPadID which will do that for you. For example, to set the pad
ID of antenna 2 to 0, issue the command

 hal9000> setPadID -a 2 -p 0