On Linux Computers

Here is a procedure for installing Miriad configured for the reduction of SMA data on a linux computer.
1. gunzip smaMiriadBeta.tar.gz           % unzip the package
2. tar xvf smaMiriadBeta.tar             % untar the package
3. cd miriad_cvs/install                 % go to the sub-directory install
4. install.miriad                        % run the installation script;
                                         % it will take a few minutes
                                         % to complete the installation.
5. source ../miriad_start.csh            % to set MIR env and start Miriad
                                           for (t)csh users.
   source ../miriad_start.sh               for (ba)sh users.
                                           One may add this line in
                                           login env setting file.                              
Note: please try the binary installation if one runs into
compiling problems with OS and/or g77/gcc compilers.  
Jun-Hui Zhao (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory)

November 27, 2009

February 21, 2013