Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 15:39:58 -0400
From: Chunhua Qi 
To: Mark Gurwell 
Cc: Ken Young , Chunhua Qi ,
     Jun-Hui Zhao ,
     Argon Alice ,
     Thomas Cooper ,
     Ken Young 
Subject: Re: Flagging the observation "intent" in SMA data format
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We don't have aq, oq etc in the new data format now, as far as I know.
The only flags left are pq and gq. Taco, let me know if you want to
implement in.intent so I can change the mir routine accordingly.


On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 11:05 AM, Mark Gurwell
      I am pretty sure that we must have a flux qualifier also.�
      I've even seen it set in MIR datasets.� however, it does
      appear to be a 'c' variable (associated with the 'codes'
      structure): ... to me it doesn't make sense that it is
      separate from the other codes (sp.igq and sp.ipq) though.�
      And actually, why are those codes 'spectral' and not
      'integration'?�� Oh, yes I see you have the same issue in
      your email.

Now, the only thing that might be an issue is that the
variable has three values:� 0 = not intended for flux, 1=primary
flux source, 2=secondary flux source.� My guess is that 1=planets
or something with a fundamental model that can be used, while 2
might be a quasar with a lot of observations (one of the 3C's for
example) that might be used to bootstrap flux from.� If we wanted
to get really serious in the future we'd meld the flux history
database with the calibration tools such that one could look up
and potentially use a flux measurement of some quasar.

But...we haven't done that so far, so maybe that's not really all
that important.

Finally, if we could get the 'on' vs 'off' center qualifier for
iPointing to work that would also be really great.� It was
working for a while, but hasn't reliably for at least a couple of