Date: Mon, 13 May 2013 15:46:40 -0400
From: Arielle Moullet 
Subject: 4.2.2

Dear SMA miriad group,
based on this webpage, it is my 
understanding that the 4-GHz handling has been implemented in miriad 4.1.3.
I assume that the 4-GHz handling is then implemented in later versions, 
but could you please confirm that?
I am using :
MIRIAD version 4.2.2 - [automated build Fri Jul 22 09:46:18 EDT 2011] 
[CVS] loaded from MIR=/opt/local/stow/miriad_4.2.2_sma
   Optimized for telescope=sma,
that seems to accept 4 GHz sidebands, but I am not convinced that it is 
treating it correctly.

Thank you very much!

Arielle Moullet - Jansky Fellow at NRAO
520 Edgemont Road, 22903 Charlottesville VA
Tel: (434) 244 6865
Web page: