Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2013 21:58:20 +0000
From: "Marrone, Daniel P - (dmarrone)" 
To: Ken Young 
Cc: Jun-Hui Zhao , Glen Petitpas , "" 
Subject: Re: track with crate loss
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Hi Taco,
I had hoped that it would be less work than that somehow. The MIR reading did work, it claimed to have to fix something about
4-7, as I noted in my email to Charlie. So perhaps there was some ill effect of having to restart the correlator with fewer


On Jun 5, 2013, at 2:32 PM, Ken Young wrote:

      On Wed, 5 Jun 2013, Marrone, Daniel P - (dmarrone) wrote:
            Taco,  one time a long time ago you rewrote a raw data file for me when

            it was corrupted. I've asked you before about making it possible for me

            to hack at the code that could do this but not gotten a response. I

            could take that as a hint that it's impossible, but I am not good at

            subtlety. In this case (and probably most cases, since I could always

            leave the bad data out of the file), just code that could divide a data

            file into parts at a certain scan number would be adequate. Can anything

            be done on this front?

      I could probably write something that would divide the data set into two
      parts, one with the block 4 chunks and one without.   Then they could be
      concatonated during data reduction.   I don't have any code that will do
      that right now.   I could write something to do it - it would probably
      take at least a day to do it.   Did reading it into MIR work (slowly), or
      did the readdata eventually die?


Dan Marrone