Date:     April 6, 2012 (Friday)
Time:     14:00 to 15:00 EDT
Location: Concord ave 160, 2nd Floor (M-240)

1) Questions and Answers on SMA data reduction in Miriad
2) Progress on developing a catalog of calibrators
   in polarization at submillimeter wavelengths

Catalog -

New Miriad graphic tool - smacatool

Example plot - 3C84 lightcurve at 230+/-120 GHz from CARMA (black) and SMA (red)

3) Call for helpers and interested collaborators for QSO/radio extragalactic core 
monitoring program at mm-submm with CARMA & SMA, and potential ToO VLBA observations
during flares.

   Please note that the meeting time has been changed
so that our Hawaii folks can call in. The teleconf number
is 617-496-7900.

   Jun-Hui Zhao

Astrophysicist at SAO
60 Garden St., MS 78
Cambridge, MA 02138
Tel:   617 496 7895