Subject: Miriad Software/users meeting
Date: Wednesday (6/12)
Time  : 3pm-4pm
Place : M240
Distrubtion: Mail List
1) Discuss the issue on resolving  the recent problems of the data produced 
   in SMA online system by implementing Miriad software. 

Some of the bugs reported by Glen are related to the number of sources for the
large mosaic runs exceed the solftware limit for the SMA components (MAXSOURCE=100).
The keyword input requested by Dan Morrone has been implemented for the DB patch.
2) Patches for handling some problematic files in next release:
   beta 1.4.6. 2013-06-14 (Download) for handling SMA 4GHz and 2GHz mode data. 

The beta 1.4.6 is available for downloading, which includes MAXSOURCE =200 and
implements nscans for the DB patch. After test, this version will be installed
to the public computer systems at CfA.

3) Qualifiers for the sources: Miriad implementation.

Peter provides information used for CARMA data - variable purpose
We will implement SMA Miriad file by following CARMA's convention.

Ken Young will provide the information about where the qualifier locates.
Glen will take care of the observing script supplying SMA online software
these informations.

4) The SWARM correlator & new format (if have time):

We may consider to add antenna-based variables in the SMA Miriad files if 
the autocorrelations are needed by scientists and engineers, and implement 
utility software to extract.


LOs are needed to distinguish Tsys.


We need to understand how the metric Tsys variables proposed/supplied from online 
go to calibrations.

By end of July, SMA may be able to deploy the wideband correlator with half speed,
paralleling with the standard DB correlator using the current format.
Will switch to the new format shortly.

Alice is installing CASA 4.1 to HYDRA cluster at SI for parallel calculation.
RH 5.6 (current OS) does not work for CASA 4.1 (missing libraries).
She is asking SI for upgrading OS to a higher version.
Jun-Hui Zhao     (6/12/2013) 

Astrophysicist at SAO
60 Garden St., MS 78
Cambridge, MA 02138
Tel:   617 496 7895