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Basic Information on calflag

Task: calflag
Purpose: Display raw calibration data with user interaction
Categories: calibration

CALFLAG is a MIRIAD task which displays the raw calibration data and 
optionally a fit. CALFLAG reads the data and fit from a ``gcal'' file 
and displays the result graphically.  The phases and amplitudes for both
sidebands and all baselines are simultaneously shown, but individual
plots or groups of plots can be zoomed.  The fit is displayed as a
line over the points, and all the axes are labeled, with ticks.  The
user may interactively pick different plots to zoom on, and can mark
individual points as good or bad. Breakpoints in time can be added
and deleted as well. To make new polynomial fits, the program CALFIT
has to be rerun, possibly by using ``DELHD IN=file/PDATA'' to remove
a bad polynomial fit.

    Commands in cursor mode are:

      d/D -- flag the nearest point as bad (uppercase only one band)
      a/A -- flag the nearest point as good (uppercase only one band)
      x   -- zoom/unzoom toggle on the current column
      y   -- zoom/unzoom toggle on the current row
      z   -- zoom/unzoom toggle on the current plot
      b/B -- insert breakpoint (uppercase only one band)
      c/C -- delete breakpoint (uppercase only one band)
      +/- -- moving around in zoom mode
      q   -- quit (no save)
      e   -- exit (save flags and breakpoints if modifications done)
      ?   -- this help and redraw screen

Key: gcal
Input calibration dataset produced by calmake. No default.

Key: source
Source names to be selected. Default is all sources selected.

Key: flags
Use flags for scaling? If set to false, all points are selected
for viewing, including the ones previously flagged bad.
Default: true

Key: close
Use closure? If set to true, closure will be applied to the phases,
Also note that in closure mode breakpoints must be at the same time 
accross baselines. Default: false.
Note: *** this mode is under development ***

Key: taver
Taver consists of two numbers, TGAP and TTOT, both in minutes;
they are used for vector averaging. If the time interval between
any two successive data points is greater than TGAP, or if the total
time between the first data point in a vector average and any
succeeding data point exceeds TTOT, then a new vector average is
started. The time-(X)-axis on top of your plot should be labeled
in (UT) hours-minutes and seconds. The bottom is labelled in fractional
days, offset from the date in the plot-header.
Default: 0.0,1000.0 (no vector averaging)

Key: device
This keyword is used to specify the plotting device. It uses
the normal PGPLOT format of




Usually there exists a default file name or device name.
The part after the slash gives the plotter type. Examples of the
type are:

  xs    X-windows output. This window is resizeable and
        persistent. Prepending a number allows you to use multiple
        windows, e.g. 1/xs, 2/xs etc.
  xd    X-windows output. A transient window that disappears
        when your task exists.
  ps    Postscript (landscape mode).
  vps   Postscript (portrait mode).
  cps   Color postscript (landscape mode).
  gif   gif files. Only supported with g77, not gfortran.
  vcps  Color postscript (portrait mode).
  tek   Tektronix 4010 or equivalent.
  xterm Xterm window (better for simple plots over slow X links).

A `?' as device name generates a complete list of the recognized
types (which will most likely vary from system to system).

Files created for hardcopy devices must be spooled to the printer
separately. The command needed for this is site and device specific.
No default.

Key: reset
Reset all flags to true or false, or leave them alone. 
If set to 't' or 'f' all flags in the file are set as such. When
a flag is set to false, it means it is marked as bad.
If flags are reset, there is no further interaction possible, and the
programs quits after the flags have been altered. This is a quick and 
dirty way to reset all flags in the calibration dataset. 
Default: not used.

Key: clip
If used it is the clip value above which the gains (Jy/K) are flagged
bad. Default: not used.
Note: you can only use clip= in Jy/K units. See next keyword.

Key: units
Units to work in. Options are: K, K/Jy, Jy/K.
Note: since CALAPPLY assumes Jy/K any other units are nice to
look at, but produce badly calibrated files.
Default: Jy/K.

Key: ampmax
If supplied, the amplitude scale is fixed from 0 to ampmax,
otherwise autoscaling is done. Default is autoscaling.

Key: phminmax
If supplied, the phases are plotted from phmin to phmax.  Note
that the units are degrees, though the plot is given in radians.
Default is independent autoscaling in lower and upper sideband.

User Guide References to calflag

[ Basic Info | References | User Guide ]

Generated by smamiriad@cfa.harvard.edu on 09 Jul 2012