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Basic Information on calflux

Task: calflux
Purpose: Print or plot flux data for a calibrator source.
Categories: calibration, flux

CALFLUX returns the flux (in Jy) of a calibrator source at a
given frequency (in GHz).  The source resides in a calibration
file that is formatted such that each record is composed of
white space separated fields ordered Source, Day (yymmmdd.d),
Freq (GHz), Flux (Jy), and rms (Jy).  Lines beginning with
a "!" are excluded.  Warnings are returned if there is no match
of the source in the calibrator file, if there is no matching
entry at the desired frequency, or the observation date is
greater than 4 years.  The Day field, presently, is formatted
as yymmmdd.d where yy is the year field 19yy, mmm is the three
character string of the month, and dd.d is the decimal value
of days.  None of the inputs are required, but they provide a
means of bracketing the desired source(s).

Key: in
Name of the calibration data file (Default is the file
cals.fluxes in the directory MIRCAT).

Key: source
Name of the calibration source to list (default is all sources).
The source name is minimum match format.

Key: freq
Frequency that the source was observed at in GHz (default is
0.0, which implies all frequencies are valid matches).

Key: delfreq
A full width in GHz (default is 5.0) in which to accept
deviations from the value of ``freq'' as a match.  If ``freq''
is not given or is set to the default value, this input
is ignored.

Key: date
The cutoff date before or after which no observations are
listed (default is date=1.0, which implies all dates are valid
matches).  If ``date=0'', then only the most recent data is
listed.  If ``date>0,'' then all data more recent than ``date''
are listed; ``date<0,'' then all data prior to ``abs(date)''
are presented.  The format for ``date'' is the same as the DATE
field in the flux calibration file:  either ``yymmmdd.d'' or
``yymmmdd:hh:mm:ss.s'' with no internal spaces (the first 7
characters are required).

Key: deldate
A full width in Julian days (default is 0.0) in which to accept
deviations from the value of ``date'' as a match.  If ``date''
is not given or it is set to the default value, then this input
is ignored.

Key: flux
The lower limit flux value to consider as a match (default is
all matching fluxes).

Key: device
PGPLOT device to plot flux versus time. Default is no plot.

Key: xrange
Plot range in the x-direction. 2 values in format year.fraction
Default is to self scale.

Key: yrange
Plot range in the y-direction. 2 values.
Default is to self scale.

User Guide References to calflux

[ Basic Info | References | User Guide ]

Generated by smamiriad@cfa.harvard.edu on 09 Jul 2012