[ Basic Info | References | User Guide ]

Basic Information on design

Task: design
Purpose: Interactive array design, uv coverage and beam
Categories: general

DESIGN is an interactive program that allows you to add
pads and populate them with antennae to a site of your 
For a selected design a synthesised beam is computed, and
the noise in the primary beam, exluding the central gaussian
part of the synthesised beam, is shown.

Commands in cursor mode are:

    a   -- add an antenna (to this pad)
    d   -- delete an antenna (from this pad)
    p   -- add a new pad at this cursor position !!
           (NOTE: Can't delete a pad position (*yet*)
    c   -- check redundancy
           (NOTE: not implemented yet)
    x   -- execute a script to display uvcover and beam
    r   -- redraw screen
    l   -- list all antennae
    ?,h -- this help
    q   -- quit
    e   -- exit

Key: pad
Name of the input file with pad locations. 
The format of the text file is unformatted; the first two
columns are taken as the X and Y positions (a cartesion
system with origin at pad location 0N with units in Feet).
Default: $MIRCAT/hc.pad

Key: ary
The name of a file containing the antenna positions for a
particular array.  This file can be used to initially select
a grouping of antennas.
Note:  If this file contains multiple configurations of a
group of antennas, that some of the cross-correlations present
in this simulation will not really be present in real data.
Default: no antennas initially selected.

Key: antlist
List of antennae identifiers, numbered 1 through MAXPAD
to start the design with. Default: none supplied.

Key: device
PGPLOT graphics devices (two can be given):
The first one is the one to edit the pads, it better be
an interactive device. The second device is optional, and
will be the same as the first one if not supplied; it it
used for the spawned script, and does not have to be
an interactive device.
Note: The first device needs to be interactive device.

Key: minmax
Site Coverage, in feet, for displaying the data.
Four numbers need to be supplied: umin, umax, vmin, vmax. 
Default: -520,520,-20,600 (useful for the basic T at
Hat Creek).
Eventually we'll allow arbitrary units etc.

Key: vis
Output visibility dataset to be used. No default.
Maps and beams are stored as ``items'' within this dataset.
NOTE: If the dataset already existed, it will be deleted
without any user intervention using RMDATA.

Key: imsize
The size of the output image in pixels, for INVERT. Only one 
value can be given (i.e. a square image will be produced).
INVERT increases the sizes to the next power of two (if
they were not initially a power of 2). Default: 256.

Key: cell
Image cell size, in arcsec, for INVERT. Only one value can be
given. Default: 1.0

Key: box
Half the box size, in arcsec, that is used by HISTO to compute 
statistics of the gaussian subtracted dirty beam. Must be less
than half the product of CELL and IMSIZE of course.
Default: 64.

Key: server
This is used to specify the TV display device. It is giving in the




The first form causes a connection to be made with a network
display server, whereas the second form uses local hardware
directly. For the network servers, the server process may have
to be started before invoking the Miriad task -- see below.

Currently supported types are:

  xmtv          Miriad X server. `server' is the servers hostname.
                (use "localhost" if you are not networked)
                Normally the xmtv server will be the same host as
                the X server. The user will normally invoke the xmtv
                server before running any Miriad TV tasks, with

                  % xmtv  

                If the X server and xmtv server are on different
                hosts, you may need to set the DISPLAY environment
                variable on the xmtv server, and use xhost on the
                X server.

  ivas          IVAS (VMS only). `device' is the VMS device name.
                You will require an IIS IVAS for this.

  ivserver      IVAS server. `server' is the servers hostname.
                Servers are currently installed on
                castor.astro.uiuc.edu and bkyast.berkeley.edu.

  msss          Miriad Sun Screen server. `server' is the serving
                Sun, which can be any Sun with a console. The user
                will normally invoke the server before running
                any Miriad TV tasks, with

                  % msss  

  mxas          Miriad X server. `server' is the servers hostname.
                This is an inferior server to xmtv.
If this keyword is present, the server will be used to display the
beam; the Maryland specific task 'mirsao' will be used otherwise.

User Guide References to design

[ Basic Info | References | User Guide ]

Generated by smamiriad@cfa.harvard.edu on 09 Jul 2012