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Basic Information on gpcopy

Task: gpcopy
Purpose: Copy or merge gains, bandpass and polarization correction.
Categories: calibration

GpCopy is a MIRIAD task which copies or merges calibration corrections 
(antenna gains, polarization leakages, frequency table, bandpass item)
from one data-set to another.

Key: vis
The name of the input data-set. This will normally be a visibility
data-set. No default.

Key: out
The name of the output data-set. This is NOT created by GPCOPY, but
rather the relevant items are copied to this data-set.

Key: mode
This determines how the calibration tables, etc, are ``copied''
to the output. The default is to ``copy''. Possible values are:
  create   Create the output, and copy the calibration tables to it.
  copy     Copy the calibration tables to the output, overwriting
           and previously existing calibration tables. This is the
  apply    Apply the input calibration tables to the output calibration
           tables. This is the sort of operation that you might do
           if you have two sets of calibration tables that you wish
           to "multiply" together (implemented for gains and bandpass
  merge    Merge the two calibration tables together. This is the
           sort of operation that you will want to perform if you
           have two sets of calibration tables which are disjoint in
           time (e.g. you used two secondary calibrators). The
           merge opertation will weave the two sets of tables together.
           (implemented for gain tables only).

Key: options
This gives extra processing options, which are used to suppress
the copying of certain items. Several options can be given,
separated by commands. Minimum match is used:
  nopol    Do not copy the items dealing with polarization
  nocal    Do not copy the items dealing with antenna gain
  nopass   Do not copy the items dealing with bandpass
           calibration (this includes the cgains and wgains tables).

User Guide References to gpcopy

[ Basic Info | References | User Guide ]

Generated by smamiriad@cfa.harvard.edu on 09 Jul 2012