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Basic Information on implot

Task: implot
Purpose: Multi-panel contour or grey scale plot of a Miriad Image.
Categories: image analysis, plotting

IMPLOT makes multi-panel plots of a Miriad Image.
Either contours or grey-scale can be plotted. The plots
are annotated with map-header variables on the right side
of the page. In cursor mode user can measure positions
and draw a region of interest with the cursor for each plane.
The region of interest is written into the log file, and can
used to deconvolve the image or define a region for a mosaic

Key: in
Input image name. No default.

Key: device
Plot device/type (e.g. /xs, pgplot.ps/ps for postscript.
See the users guide for more details. No default.

Key: region
Region of image to be used. E.g.
  % implot region=relpix,box(-4,-4,5,5)(1,2)
plots the center 10 x 10 pixels of image planes 1 and 2.
The default is the whole Image. The region within the bounding box
is plotted.  The region specified is used for the mosaic pattern
(keyword cell). Pixel blanking is not used.

Key: units
The units for the plot axes, labels and contour levels.
 p means pixels with respect to the center pixel (default)
 s means arcseconds with respect to the center pixel
 a means absolute coordinates (RA in hours, DEC in degrees)
note: RA increases to the left of the map; pixels to the right.

Key: conflag
The contour flag is made up of letters denoting contour options:
 p means percent of max (The default)
 a means absolute steps
 i means conargs is list of absolute contours
 ip means conargs is list of percentage contours
 n means include negative contours
 g means gray scale (may be added to contours)
 q means gray scale is scaled to maximum for each subpanel.
 l means logarithmic contours with factor given by conargs.  
The default is conflag=p.

Key: conargs
Arguments for conflag; usually one number but may be multiple for
the i option. The default is 10 percent contors or 10 logarithmic
levels (conargs=1.58).

Key: range
Grey scale range (minimum,maximum). Defaults to (0,region_max),
where 0 is white and the maximum in the selected region is darkest.

Key: nxy
Number of plots in the x and y directions. The default is 1,1.

Key: beamquad
Quadrant placement (1-4) for the Clean beam picture in the first
plot; 0 means no beam.  The default is 0.

Key: lwidth
Plotting line width, the default is 1.

Key: log
The output log file. The default=log.

Key: title
title=none omits the annotation. The default is full annotation.

Key: mode
mode=cursor prompts for options after each plot. The options
apply to the current plot. Type the first character ( and <cr> )
to select an option. If the cursor handling is device dependent
the first character and <cr> may need to be typed several times.
  Help - list options.
  Box -  use the cursor to define a region of interest.
  Add [Left Mouse] - Add point with cursor.
  Delete [Middle Mouse] - Delete last point.  
  Comment - enter a comment into the logfile.
  Position - print cursor position.
  Quit - stop processing and exit from task.
  Exit [Right Mouse] - End options, get next plot.
The region of interest is written into the log file.

Key: cell
Draw a hexagonal mosaic grid, and write out the sampled
points in the formats for the UVGEN task and for the
telescope named in the image header (default HATCREEK).
cell specifies the cell size (RA,DEC) in arcsec.
Default=0 means no grid. cell(2) defaults to 0.866*cell(1)

User Guide References to implot

[ Basic Info | References | User Guide ]

Generated by smamiriad@cfa.harvard.edu on 09 Jul 2012