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FITS is quite flexible and highly standard. Because of the flexibility in headers and conventions used in uv FITS, interpreter programs in different software packages might be not good enough to understand each other. The UVFITS output from fits seems to follow the AIPS conventions. GILDAS has its own convention in the alternation between frequency and velocity. In addition, Miriad programs understand and distinguish between all the polarization conventions (I, Q, U, V, RR, LL, RL, LR, XX, YY, XY, YX and etc.) used in radio astronomy. This is not true for other interferometer software packages. For users who want to export SMA data from Miriad to GILDAS, a Miriad task gildas has been implemented. gildas converts Miriad uv files to FITS following the GILDAS convention for the headers of spectral line features and degenerate the polarization complex to Stokes I (OK for non-polarization projects). Here is a usage:
gildas in=/home/data/gildas/060512uv out=060512FITS.UV \

For users who want to degenerate complex in polarization labelling and convert a Miriad uv data to AIPS UVFITS, here is a usage:

gildas in=/home/data/gildas/060512uv out=060512FITS.UVFITS \

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Jun-Hui Zhao (miriad for SMA)