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The storage types in the variable table are described below:
a  -  ascii
r  -  real (32 bit IEEE)
d  -  double (64 bit IEEE)
c  -  complex (2*32 bit IEEE)
i  -  integer (32 bit)
j  -  short (16 bit)

Miriad task varlist lists the variables used in the visdata. Here is an exmaple:

varlist% inp
  Task:   varlist
  vis      = gc.lsb
  log      =
  options  = all

The output is listed below with a format:

variable name :type: length.

     corr    :r:12290     epoch   :r:    1     latitud :d:    1
     longitu :d:    1     evector :r:    1     mount   :i:    1
     telescop:a:    3     instrume:a:    3     observer:a:    4
     version :a:   34     nants   :i:    1     antpos  :d:   24
     jyperk  :r:    1     ut      :d:    1     veltype :a:    8
     veldop  :r:    1     vsource :r:    1     antaz   :d:    8
     antel   :d:    8     lst     :d:    1     chi     :r:    1
     chi2    :r:    1     source  :a:    5     ra      :d:    1
     dec     :d:    1     pntra   :d:    1     pntdec  :d:    1
     obsra   :d:    1     obsdec  :d:    1     calcode :a:    1
     sourid  :i:    1     tau230  :r:    1     nspect  :i:    1
     inttime :r:    1     ischan  :i:   49     nschan  :i:   49
     sfreq   :d:   49     sdf     :d:   49     restfreq:d:   49
     freq    :d:    1     systemp :r:    8     npol    :i:    1
     pol     :i:    1     coord   :d:    3     time    :d:    1
     baseline:r:    1     nchan   :i:    1

Jun-Hui Zhao (miriad for SMA)