Date: April 27, 2010

This note is for a procedure to make a RGB composition image using SMA data
written by Hui Shi, SAO visiting student (2010-4-1 to 2010-4-29) from  
National Astronomical Observatories of China

> kvis &                                                                                   

(1). Load files: 
     (a). In the main window, click "Files" menu to load files 
          (we named the files f1,f2 and f3 here);              
     (b). In browser for display window, click "Make Data" menu, 
          you will find those three files have already in there; 
(2). Make a RGB image:                                           
     (a). Choose the "RGB" in the "Algorithm" menu;              
     (b). Click on the files' name to define the color:          
          "left" mouse --> define "R" color (e.g. f1)            
          "right" mouse --> define "B" color (e.g. f2)           
          "middle" mouse --> define "G" color (e.g. f3)          
     (c). Put a new name in the blank, we named "RGBmap" here;   
     (d). Click "Make" button to produce a new map, you will find the 
          "RGBmap" has been listed in the browser window;    

(3). Ajust the contrast of the map:                                   
     (a). Select the "RGBmap" in the browser window,                  
          and select "main" in the "Image" menu, then the RGB map     
          will be shown in the main window;                           
     (b). Select the f1 file in the browser window, and click the     
          "Histogram" button to pop-up a new window named             
          "Intensity Zoom for f1", this is used to ajust the          
          contrast of f1;                                             
     (c). In the "Intensity Zoom for f1" window, put the mouse on the 
          black part of the plane, press and drag the "left" mouse    
          to control the lower clip, press and drag the "right" mouse 
          to control the upper clip, you can check the impact on the  
          map in the main window at the same time, the RED color      
          contrast is being adjusted. The same procedures for the     
          rest two colors (f2 and f3).   

(4). Produce a image that can be printed:                             
     (a). Press and drag the "left" mouse on the main window to define
          the size of the image, you can also roll the "middle" mouse 
          to zoom in or zoom out.                                     
     (b). Click the "Overlay" menu and select "Axis Labels" to pop-up 
          another window about the defination of axises. Select "Enable"
          to draw the labels; choose the size of the words in the image;
          define the colors of the label, e.g. write "black" behind the 
          "Label" and "white" behind the "Grid", the color of the labels 
          will be plotted with black color and the grid lines will be white.
     (c). Click the "Overlay" menu and select "Load Annotation (file)"      
          to pop-up another window, click "*.ann" file to put the coordinates, 
          text words or geometrical patterns into the figure. The format       
          of annotation file can be found in the user manual of Karma.         
     (d). Click "View" menu on the main window, un-select the "Auto Title"          
          in the new opened window, and write your new title in the blank           
          below or let it empty, the new title will be appeared on the              
          top of the figure.

(5). Export the figure:                                                             
     (a). Click "Export" menu on the main window and choose the "PostScript",       
          You can define the line width in that new opened window, you              
          could also rename the output file.                                        
     (b). Finally, click the "save .ps" button, a ps file with RGB composite        
          figure will be produced. 

(1). Never click the "x" button on the top-right of any window, because 
     everything will be closed if you click it. You just need to click  
     the "close" or "Quit" button in the window which you want to close 

(2). You must active the blank, which you want to input some value, with mouse,
     and `let the mouse always above the blank when you are inputing,
     otherwise you wouldn't be able to input anything.

(3). If one of your image is in negative intensities, such as integrated
     intensity image of absorption line, you should multiple a value of -1
     with the intensity before you load it into Karma (the task of MATHS in
     Mirid is useful for it), otherwise the RGB value of the image would
     be not correct.

There is another way to produce composite figure with simple arithmetic
such as addition, subtraction, multiplication or division. You just need
to choose the "Arithmetic" in the second step above, and:
          Click "left" mouse --> define "+"
          Click "middle" mouse --> define "-"
          Write "*" with keyboard --> define "*"
          Write "/" with keyboard --> define "/"
See more in the user manual.