DATE: May 22, 2006
Subject: Procedure of data reduction for high spectral resolution in Miriad
From: Jun-Hui Zhao & K. H. (Taco) Young

This memo reports the detailed procedure for reducing SMA high spectral resolution data in Miriad based on the recent testing data observed on May 12, 2006.

1. Data Conversion and Reduction Script
The miriad program smalod has been updated for converting SMA high spectral resolution data from the Mir data format to Miriad. Based on a testing data set taken on May 12, 2006 by Taco using the SMA, we made this template script for the reduction of high spectral resolution data. The target source in this test is the SiO maser in R-Cas at the rest frequency of 215.59591 GHz. The chunk 16 in the lower side band contains the maser line. Neptune is used for bandpass. The phase reference calibrator is 0133+476. Ceres is used to determine the flux density scale. 060512.csh is the end-to-end reduction script. This script gives the details in data reduction process in Miriad in terms of Tsys correction, bandpass calibration for removing antenna-based bandpass for both the high resolution (2048 channels per chunk) and lower resolution chunks (128 channels per chunk), antenna-gain calibration, flux density scale bootstraping, and imaging the line cube. The testing data 060512_18:10:36 can be found under /pool/jove1/miriad in the CF system or from SMA data archive. There is one obvious problem in the testing data that the amplitude scale is off by a factor of 1.7 between the lower and the higher spectral resolution chunks. To fix the scaling problem, one must run smaflux for the higher and lower spectral resolution data separately, as is shown in the script (060512.csh). The on-line software will fix this problem.

2. Plots
We show a few plots derived from the data reduction process:
2.1. High velocity resolution spectrum

This is a very high resolution spectrum of the SiO maser in R-Cas obtained in the uv domain by averaging all the baselines and time; the channel width is 0.05 MHz or 0.07 km/s.
2.2. Line cube
This is a pdf file of the line images in the central 400 channels folded in 16 pages.
2.3. Spectrum derived from the line cube

This is the spectrum derived from the line image cube in the central 2 arcsec region.

Updated: jhz 2006-5-25