SMA Software Limits
MAXCHAN  = 6144 + 2x16384  (maximum channels per bl, sb, rx, pol)
MAXANT   = 8               (maximum number of antennas for the standard SMA)
MAXBAS   = 112             (maximum number of baselines =
MAXINT   = 12,960          (maximum number of integration scans = 
                                18h for 5s integration) 
MAXSCHAN = 16384           (maximum channels per spectral window (chunk))
MAXCHUNK = 51              (maxmimu number of spectral windows per side band)
           C1, 48 ASIC, 2 SWARM 
           C1:              A single channel data, a vector-averaged of the 
                            spectral data from S1-S50, 
           S1-to-S48:       The 48 spectral chunks produced from the legacy 
                            ASIC correlator
           S49-to-S50:      The two SWARM (upto 2 GHz BW each) spectral chunks produced 
                            from the SWARM correlator
MAXSRC   = 200             (maximum number of sources per track,
                            about 10.8 min per source in a 18h track)
MAXRX    = 2               (maximum number of rx per track)
MAXPOL   = 4               (maximum pol states)
MAXDATA  = (1+6144+2x16384)*112
         = 4,358,256       (maximum data points per integration)

Rev 02 (2015-8-06)
Rev 02 (2015-6-26)
Rev 01 (2014-9-17)