from:	Young, Ken 
to:	Mark Gurwell 
cc:	Ken Young ,
Chunhua Qi ,
Glen Petitpas ,
David Wilner ,
Jun-Hui Zhao 
date:	Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 2:31 PM
subject:	The best SWARM-only dataset so far

Dear SMA Data Enthusiast,

   We now have a dandy full SWARM-only observation to look at.   It's Glen's 7 point mosaic of IC342, and the data file is /data/science/mir_data/160916_11:05:18/ .   The opacity was terrible, but the phase stability wasn't bad at all, so the data should be calibratable.   We clearly detected at least CO(2-1) and 13CO(2-1).   We should try to reduce this dataset fully, all the way to maps.   Once we are convinced we can take decent SWARM-only data, we can run SWARM-only at least for single receiver tracks, which would improve our duty cycle.
