Station: hilodr2
Loading lsb data: 170127_rx0.lsb
SmaLod: 4.8.9-beta for SWARM 01-MAR-2017
Debugging-Warning: SWARM data only, Spectral chunks =4!
wideband patch................swarmDrxP version 1.0.9-beta: 2017-03-21

open miriad uvdata file........170127_rx0.lsb
*  Observing Date: 2017 Jan 27  *

principal investigator...........Michael Dunham

Number of antenna in antennas....10
Warning: Number of 10 antennas in antennas, exceeding that of standard SMA.
Geocentrical coordinates (meter) with refant=10:
ANT x y z = 1     -4.4413    -10.0942     12.2367
ANT x y z = 2     -6.3996    -68.0013      3.6382
ANT x y z = 3      0.0000      0.0000      0.0000
ANT x y z = 4     -0.5079    -25.1520      1.2801
ANT x y z = 5      2.7358    -23.7440     -7.7545
ANT x y z = 6      0.0000      0.0000      0.0000
ANT x y z = 7      1.9573     -7.4651     -5.4999
ANT x y z = 8     -5.7007    -18.9838     15.6108
converting geocentrical coordinates to equatorial system (nanosecs).
ANT x y x = 1    -14.8147    -33.6706     40.8171
ANT x y x = 2    -21.3467   -226.8279     12.1356
ANT x y x = 3      0.0000      0.0000      0.0000
ANT x y x = 4     -1.6942    -83.8980      4.2701
ANT x y x = 5      9.1257    -79.2014    -25.8661
ANT x y x = 6      0.0000      0.0000      0.0000
ANT x y x = 7      6.5287    -24.9008    -18.3458
ANT x y x = 8    -19.0154    -63.3232     52.0719
handling header variables........
skipped first 10 integration(s) to load 821 integrations from a total
number of integrations...........0841
number of c1 + SWARM Spectra.....5
number of polarizations..........1:  XX--non polarization
number of receivers..............2:  rx1->230, rx2->400 
number of sidebands..............2:  lsb & usb
number of baselines..............21
number of antennas...............7
number of channels...............65537
solving for antenna-based Tsys...
3c84                  id=  1 RA=03:19:48.1602 DEC= 41:30:42.1051
Per44SVS13B           id=  2 RA=03:29:03.4204 DEC= 31:15:57.7194
Per47                 id=  3 RA=03:28:34.4998 DEC= 31:00:51.1002
SVS13C                id=  4 RA=03:29:01.9699 DEC= 31:15:38.0470
uranus                id=  5 RA=01:18:10.7480 DEC=  7:37:01.1969
A total of 5 source(s) found in this data set.
reading visibilities.............inhid  time(UTC) int(s) percent Gbyt W-status
inhset=..........................00010 0d03:34:10  29.7  001 (%) 0.00  NO
inhset=..........................00100 0d04:18:12  29.7  012 (%) 2.20  OK
inhset=..........................00200 0d05:07:40  29.7  023 (%) 4.40  OK
inhset=..........................00300 0d05:25:28  05.2  035 (%) 6.61  OK
inhset=..........................00400 0d06:11:52  29.7  047 (%) 8.81  OK
inhset=..........................00500 0d06:43:21  29.7  059 (%) 11.01  OK
inhset=..........................00600 0d07:32:50  29.7  071 (%) 13.21  OK
inhset=..........................00700 0d08:22:18  29.7  083 (%) 15.41  OK
inhset=..........................00800 0d09:11:46  29.7  095 (%) 17.62  OK
inhset=..........................00831 0d09:27:06  29.7  099 (%) 18.30  NO
Warning: only store the visibility data in the integration range: between the start inhset=10 and the end inhset=821
Real time used = 1731 sec.
Output file = 170127_rx0.lsb