VEX baseline issues (MG)

Calibration for baselines
Delay w= geo + atmosphere delays
Phase = 2pi....
Ut1-utc correction hasn't been done.
For swarm 1micro seconds in order
ASIC & SWARM difference. Bulk of errors traced to ut1-utc correction.
Milli- second time precision.
Ntp time.
Over shadowed bt asic issue ( block 4 non function).

Slope 180deg, rms >10deg
160712_09:15:12 excellent
.6 lambda.
80deg drift in 8 hr track. After correction for 0.6 lambda baseline error.
No s/n issue.
Shortest bl shows a small slope and less scattering. Atmosphere issue?

Baseline correction removes the slope.
Declination dependence.
Corrected baseline errors derived from 160718 measurement

Need good weather for more test to differentiate the delay errors from atmosphere.

2005, very extended array. Baseline solutions work.
2016 7-8 These are all ASIC dara.
Pointing errors? Leads to a very small delays.

Pattern stays over 10 days time period.

1deg per GHz. Ut1-utc errors.
Trunk frequency error, drifting.
Frequency error in the 2nd phase rotation.
DDS code, once worked. Check the old code.
Astrometry. ESMA, 2008? Works good, vex like compact.

Need excellent weather.

Good or bad baseline solution, repeatability.
Short term atmosphere error dominates the solution errors.

Systematic errors.
Using baseline_based solver by shaki (Japanese postdr from assia).

Don't trace noise but systematical errors.
Cable errors?
All night time. Temperature changes?
East arm.