Q: How to setup for running the Miriad new code for SMA SWARM correlator?

A: The newly developed Miriad code is now available on the computer system 
   at the Hawaii site for testing SMA data taken from the SWARM correlator.

   1) login to hilodr2
   2) source /sma/reduction/jzhao/INSTALLSWARM/tmp/automiriad.csh
      one should see a prompt message:
      MIRIAD version SMA-beta3.1.1/Miriad4.3.5 [CVS] loaded from 
      for testing SMA SWARM correlator 

   3) set DATPATH  = /data/engineering/mir_data/
      set datafile = 131121_04:59:22    # input file 
      set output   = test.uv            # output file
      set rxid     = 0                  # 0 for 230 GHz rx
      set sb       = 1                  # 1 for usb  

      \rm test.uv 
      smalod in=${DATPATH}/$datafile out=$output rxif=$rxid sideband=$sb options=cdebug

   4) Bug reports
      Bug reports can be sent to smamiriad@cfa.harvard.edu or
      to fill up the report form: http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/sma/miriad/download/bugRpt/

JHZ: end of Sept., 2013
JHZ: 2013-10-18
JHZ: 2013-11-15 
JHZ: 2013-11-26