DAS51 - New and Updated Features (10/4/13)

A. V. Panasyuk and L. Strachan (earlier D. Phillips and S. Giordano)


This document describes the new and updated features of the UVCS Data Display and Analysis Software, Version 5.1 (DAS51). It has new features to work with the FINAL UVCS DATA (uncalibrated and calibrated UVCS FITS files) in the SOHO Archives. Note that any old calibrated FITS files that were calibrated prior to this DAS release will not work with DAS51. It is recommended that users download the new versions of their FITS files that are now in the SOHO Archives. These new files have additional FITS header KEYWORDS that were not included in the old FITS files. Old and new calibrated files are only compatible with their respective DAS version. 

To see the previous version of this document, which described the DAS40 updates, click here http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/uvcs/get_involved/das40_news.html .   This document has the original plots of the radiometric efficiencies vs. mirror aperture, mirror pointing correction, etc.

All of the features listed below have been implemented in the DAS Version 5.1.

The DAS51 package consists of the following subdirectories and files:

DAS51/DPS/ das51_standalone2.pro Main code

das.help DAS Help file (txt)

das.pro batch file to run das51_standalone2

line fitting package

batch file to run SULFIT5_standalone
DAS51/DPS/CAL/ D.40.1996.01.02, etc. Radiometric calibration files

xtalk_LYA.tab LYA grating positions for X-talk correction

xtalk_OVI.tab OVI grating positions for X-talk correction

GratShiftLYA.idl IDL save file for LYA grating shift calibration

GratShiftOVI.idl IDL save file for OVI grating shift calibration

stray_light_vld_DAS40_mod.dat VLC stray light calibration

UVCS_Art_small1.jpg small UVCS+EIT solar image for DAS menu

signat.jpg small UVCS logo for DAS menu
Tables A and B for Observation catalog,
created from FITS file headers.
Presently a file for each year (YYYY) from 1996 to 2006

UVCS Observed CMEs list
from J.Raymond and A. Ciaravella,
last update Oct 23, 2003

UVCS Observed Comets list
from J.Raymond and S. Giordano
last update May 20, 2004

IDL save file for UVCS DAS Catalog

list of values for Planned Targets

list of values for Observed Heights

list of values for Lead Observers

list of values for Actual Targets

list of values for Science Objectives
DAS51/DPS/DARK dark_1996_smth5 Dark Field file
DAS51/DPS/DOCS e.g. das51_news.html This document (and Help files for earlier DAS versions)
DAS51/DPS/FLAT e.g. flat_sao.lya.*, flat_sao.ovi.* Flat Field calibration files
DAS51/DPS/MLOG e.g. 96.08.27.a.log Mission Log Files
DAS51/DPS/SCI (empty) Location for UVCS VLD and spectral FITS files to be analyzed by the User

In addition to the code:

1 - if you want display colored buttons, you should add the following lines somewhere in your ".Xdefaults" file (in the top level of your home directory):
! IDL colors
Idl*background:         LightBlue
Idl*foreground:         Black
Idl*white*background:   White
Idl*green*background:   Green
Idl*yellow*background:  Yellow
Idl*blue*background:    Blue
Idl*lblue*background:   LightBlue
Idl*red*background:     Red
Idl*magenta*background: Magenta
Idl*cyan*background:    Cyan
Idl*azure*background:   Azure       
Idl*aqua*background:    Aquamarine   
Idl*gold*background:    Gold       
Idl*indian*background:  IndianRed   

2 - to manage DAS under 24-bit Linux displays add also the following lines in your ".Xdefaults" file
Idl.gr_visual: TrueColor

To run the DAS51 code:
  1. change to the directory DAS51/DPS/
  2. start IDL
  3. compile the code from the IDL prompt type: "@das {Return}"
  4. bring up the DAS interface by typing "mn {Return}"
The updated and new features are organized and described in this document
following the menus and buttons as they appear in the DAS main window.


Main Window (No change from DAS40)

General Menu (No change from DAS40)

SPVL Data Menu (NEW changes for DAS51)

Calibration Menu (NEW changes for DAS51 are highlighted below)

IMAGE Data Menu (No change from DAS40)

DATA CATALOG (No change from DAS40)

The DAS comes with up-to-date catalog tables as of the date you downloaded it. If you would like the newest tables, please check http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/uvcs/DOWNLOAD/TABLES51.tar.Z

Display Data (No change from DAS40)

Quick Look (No change from DAS40)

Display 2D Images

Display Pointing (1 NEW change for DAS51)