Example line profiles:

Measured O VI 1032,1037 line profiles at 2.1 solar radii, in a polar coronal hole. Notice the significant difference between the broad coronal profile shapes and the narrow (instrument-scattered) solar-disk profiles which are separately fit (see Kohl et al. 1997 for more details).

Empirical model parameters:

The points below denote measured (1/e) line-widths (in Doppler velocity units) in polar coronal holes for (a) H I Lyman alpha, and (b) O VI 1032 (north: squares, south: triangles) and O VI 1037 (north: diamonds, south: crosses). Also plotted are the best fits to the data (solid black lines) and the modeled anisotropic microscopic speeds in directions parallel and perpendicular to the model magnetic field. The upper and lower edges of the shaded regions generally estimate the modeling uncertainties, but the proton mass flux (see Section 2.2) constrains the H I results further.

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