UVCS MISSION LOG ---------------- Date: 12 July 1996 ----- GSFC Time: 09:30 - 21:00 ---------- File Name: 96.07.12.a.log ----------- Compiled by: M. Romoli ------------ UVCS Activity: StimPulse Test -------------- Check on polarizer and grating mechanisms Plume study above North pole SOHO Activity: None -------------- EOF Staff: M. Romoli: Lead Scientist ---------- L. Gardner A. Ciaravella S. Giordano S. Fineschi Science files: Houskeeping files: S/C AUX files: Command file: NRT-s cmd session: 16:00 - 22:00 - (UT) Activity: 1) StimPulse Test Sequence: Purpose: Does a StimPulse XDL exposure produce spectral wings? The answer is no. Duration: start: end: ONUMs = 1080 (2 exp. - by mistake on the synoptic ONUM) 1081 (6 exposures) Instrument configuration: - Detectors off and at HV level 100 - LYA mask: Stim_Lya in slot # 5 - OVI mask: Stim_OVI in slot # 5 Fits Files: q96.07.12.14:05:36.lya.dat This fits contents the synoptic also !! q96.07.12.14:05:36.ovi.dat " " " q96.07.12.16:39:36.lya.dat q96.07.12.16:39:36.ovi.dat 2) Check on Polarizer and Grating mechanisms Purpose: The polarizer mechanism at low values of the readout (< 4000) draws more current from the supply The test aims to verify that this effect leaves the mechanism power supply level within safe limits. The result shows that the effect is not monotonic with lowering the polarizer position. It was found that 3000 minimize this effect. Test on the capabilities of driving the gratings at extreme positions. OVI grating 45000 - 235000 Lya grating 40000 Duration: start: end: 3) Polar Plume study above the North pole Sequence: U_GenPurpose:MirScan Purpose: Observation of Lya profile and OVI1032 profile for plasma diagnostics in plume and interplume regions. Duration: start: end: ONUMs = 1082 (84 exposures) Instrument configuration: - Pointing: Sun Center - Roll: North PA=0 - Mirror/Occulter: 1.5, 1.8 Ro - LYA Slits: 50 um - OVI Slits: 75 um - LYA GRTPOS: 100000 - OVI GRTPOS: 182000 - LYA mask: Lya_Plume in slot # 4 - OVI mask: OVI_Plume in slot # 4 Fits Files: q96.07.12.18:31:01.lya.dat q96.07.12.18:31:01.ovi.dat q96.07.12.18:31:01.vld.dat