UVCS MISSION LOG ---------------- Date: 16 February 2006 ----- Last revision: 18 February 2006 (Wu) -------------- File Name: 2006.02.17.a.log ---------- Compiled by: M. Uzzo, R. Wu, Y.-K. Ko ------------ UVCS Activity: Load OVI Detector Mask OVI_JOP175 into OVI slot 5 -------------- Load and Start OVI Synoptic for 17 - 18 February 2006 Load JOP175 Extended Filaments at the Limb Observation for 18 - 19 February 2006 Load JOP175 Extended Filaments at the Limb Observation for 19 February 2006 Load OVI Detector Diagnostic for 19 February 2006 Load JOP175 Extended Filaments at the Limb Observation for 19 - 20 February 2006 Load JOP175 Extended Filaments at the Limb Observation for 20 - 21 February 2006 SOHO Activity: -------------- EOF Staff: J. Kohl / J. Raymond: Lead Scientist --------- R. Wu: Commander D. Phillips: Planner Y.-K. Ko: Commander, Planner M. Uzzo: Co-Planner Command file: Activity: --------- 1) OVI Synoptic Sequence Load and Start Sequence: SynopticD:Start SCI_SPEC: Synoptic studies. VLD & LYA HV & Power off / OVI voltage at 200, LYA grating position now at 128000 "permanently". OBS_PROG: Synoptic SCI_OBJ: Synoptic OBJ: Entire Corona CMP_NAME: CMP_NUM: Duration: start: 2006.02.17.16:33 end: 2006.02.18.06:47 ONUMs = 49470 (49 exps) 49471 (47 exps) 49472 (49 exps) 49473 (46 exps) 49474 (43 exps) 49475 (47 exps) 49476 (49 exps) 49477 (49 exps) Instrument configuration: - Pointing: Sun center - Spacecraft Roll: 180 Degrees - Roll: NE: os, N: oc, NW: os, W: os, SW: os, S: oc, SE: os, E: os - Mirror/Occulter: ls: 3.00, 2.50, 2.10, 1.90, 1.75, 1.60 Ro lc: 2.10, 1.90, 1.75, 1.60 Ro os: 3.00, 2.10, 1.90, 1.75, 1.60 Ro oc: 1.90, 1.75, 1.60 Ro ms: 2.10, 1.75, 1.60 Ro mc: 1.90, 1.75, 1.60 Ro 1.5 mm overocculting (1.60 Ro) 2.0 mm overocculting (1.75, 1.90, 2.10, 2.50, 3.00 Ro) - LYA Slits: 100 um - OVI Slits: 150 um (LyA Synoptic) 200 um (OVI, and Mini Synoptic) - LYA GRTPOS: 100000 - OVI GRTPOS: 187260 (LyA Synoptic) 229000 (OVI, and Mini Synoptic) - OVI MCP Voltage: 200 - OVI mask: OVI_Syn_188 in slot 2 (LyA Synoptic) OVI_Syn_230 in slot 1 (OVI, and Mini Synoptic) Fits Files: z06.02.17.16:32:51.ovi.dat z06.02.17.18:21:31.ovi.dat z06.02.17.20:04:59.ovi.dat z06.02.17.21:53:39.ovi.dat GAP between 02/17/06|23:31:53( 4294) and 02/17/06|23:57:05( 6709) z06.02.17.23:42:19.ovi.dat z06.02.18.01:30:59.ovi.dat z06.02.18.03:14:27.ovi.dat z06.02.18.05:03:06.ovi.dat