UVCS MISSION LOG ---------------- Date: 22 September 2008 ----- Last revision: 06 October 2008 (Wu) -------------- File Name: 2008.09.26.a.log ---------- Compiled by: M. Uzzo, R. Wu ------------ UVCS Activity: Load and Start OVI Detector Diagnostic for -------------- 26 September 2008 Load Coordinated Prominence Observation with Hinode and SUMER for 26 - 27 September 2008 Load Coordinated Prominence Observation with Hinode and SUMER for 27 September 2008 Load Coordinated Prominence Observation with Hinode and SUMER for 27 - 28 September 2008 Load Coordinated Prominence Observation with Hinode and SUMER for 28 September 2008 Load OVI Detector Diagnostic for 28 September 2008 Load Coordinated Prominence Observation with Hinode and SUMER for 28 - 29 September 2008 Load Coordinated Prominence Observation with Hinode and SUMER for 29 September 2008 SOHO Activity: -------------- EOF Staff: J. Raymond: Lead Scientist ---------- M. Uzzo: Commander, Planner R. Wu Command file: Activity: --------- 1) OVI Detector Diagnostic Sequence: OVI_164_chk.tcl SCI_SPEC: Instrument Diagnostics OBS_PROG: Spatial Resolution SCI_OBJ: Calibration OBJ: Coronal Hole CMP_NAME: CMP_NUM: Duration: start: 2008.09.26.16:16 end: 2008.09.26.17:16 ONUMs = 24760 (12 exps) Instrument configuration: - Pointing: Sun center - Spacecraft Roll: 0 Degrees - Roll: 180 Degrees (51551) - Mirror/Occulter: 1.75 Ro 1.5 mm overocculting - LYA Slit: 100 um - OVI Slit: 100 um - LYA GRTPOS: 100000 - OVI GRTPOS: 164600 - OVI MCP Voltage: 200 - OVI mask: OVI_chk_1xfull in slot 6 Fits Files: q08.09.26.16:08:05.ovi.dat 2) Prominence Observations Sequence: 08.09_Prom.tcl, n = 8, m = 0, r = 0, e = 0 SCI_SPEC: We wish to observe the plasma above a prominence in conjunction with SUMER observations (JOP207, S. Parenti). The Lyman lines and He II 1085 A are the primary lines of interest, but O VI will also be needed for density estimates. HiRes Centered @ 315 Degrees OBS_PROG: Primary: Spectral Coverage Sub Obj: Temporal Resolution SCI_OBJ: Primary: Abundances Sub Obj: Density OBJ: Prominence CMP_NAME: JOP 207 / HOP 082, Quiescent and Eruptive Prominences, SUMER; UVCS; Hinode-EIS (S/C) CMP_NUM: 7287 Duration: start: 2008.09.26.17:39 end: 2008.09.27.15:42 ONUMs = 24761 (240 exps) 24762 (239 exps) 24763 (160 exps) Instrument configuration: - Pointing: Sun center - Spacecraft Roll: 0 Degrees - Roll: 321 Degrees (11662) - Mirror/Occulter: 1.7 Ro 1.5 mm overocculting - LYA Slit: 100 um - OVI Slit: 100 um - LYA GRTPOS: 100000 - OVI GRTPOS: 232100 - OVI MCP Voltage: 200 - OVI mask: OVI_303_8x2 in slot 3 Fits Files: q08.09.26.17:39:03.ovi.dat q08.09.27.01:55:03.ovi.dat GAP between 09/27/08|03:46:34( 8778) and 09/27/08|03:48:21( 8951) q08.09.27.10:11:03.ovi.dat 3) Prominence Observations Sequence: 08.09_Prom_LYA.tcl SCI_SPEC: We wish to observe the plasma above a prominence in conjunction with SUMER observations (JOP207, S. Parenti). The Lyman lines and He II 1085 A are the primary lines of interest, but O VI will also be needed for density estimates. HiRes Centered @ 225 Degrees OBS_PROG: Primary: Spectral Coverage Sub Obj: Temporal Resolution SCI_OBJ: Primary: Abundances Sub Obj: Density OBJ: Prominence CMP_NAME: JOP 207 / HOP 082, Quiescent and Eruptive Prominences, SUMER; UVCS; Hinode-EIS (S/C) CMP_NUM: 7287 Duration: start: 2008.09.27.15:43 end: 2008.09.27.16:41 ONUMs = 24764 (28 exps) Instrument configuration: - Pointing: Sun center - Spacecraft Roll: 0 Degrees - Roll: 321 Degrees (11662) - Mirror/Occulter: 1.7 Ro 1.5 mm overocculting - LYA Slit: 100 um - OVI Slit: 50 um - LYA GRTPOS: 100000 - OVI GRTPOS: 164600 - OVI MCP Voltage: 200 - OVI mask: OVI_Str_Prof in slot 5 Fits Files: q08.09.27.15:43:25.ovi.dat