UVCS MISSION LOG ---------------- Date: 03 March 2009 ----- Last revision: 10 March 2009 (Wu) -------------- File Name: 2009.03.03.a.log ---------- Compiled by: M. Uzzo, R. Wu ------------ UVCS Activity: ECS Software Command Link Test -------------- Load and Start Equatorial Coronal Observation for 03 - 04 March 2009 SOHO Activity: -------------- EOF Staff: M. Uzzo: Lead Scientist ---------- M. Uzzo: Commander, Planner R. Wu: Commander Command file: Activity: --------- 1) ECS Software Command Link Test Sequence: Manual, 09.03_OVIgrat.tcl, t = 10 SCI_SPEC: This is a test of current EOF Core System (ECS) software ported to linux. Test details as follows: - Command test conducted using primary commanding workstation - NRT Enabled through Newly Ported ECS Software - Telemetry connection has been tested using another machine, but primary commanding workstation will be receiving telemetry from ECS "prime" system (not newly ported software) - noop was sent successfully, and "Active Immediate Command" mnemonic changed to reflect noop, S/C toggle but changed from 1 to 0, and status of "Current Active Command" showed success. - mirror / occulter command was successfully issued, with CMRPOS = 28443, OCCPOS = 28.77 mm (34336 unconverted value), and MIRDIT = 4.99 Ro. - Batch Queue was loaded (456 Bytes worth), and commands verified, command link stable. - Batch Queue was flushed successfully, and "Active Immediate Command" mnemonic changed to FLUSH, with status of status of "Active Immediate Command" showing success. OBS_PROG: SCI_OBJ: OBJ: CMP_NAME: CMP_NUM: Duration: start: 2009.03.02.16:40 end: 2009.03.02.16:44 ONUMs = 25184 Instrument configuration: - Pointing: Sun center - Spacecraft Roll: 0 Degrees - Roll: 280 Degrees (4198) - Mirror/Occulter: 1.75 Ro to 5.00 Ro 1.5 mm overocculting - LYA Slit: 100 um - OVI Slit: 150 um - LYA GRTPOS: 100000 - OVI GRTPOS: 235900 - OVI MCP Voltage: 205 - OVI mask: OVI_str_Prof09 in slot 5 Fits Files: 2) Equatorial Coronal Observation Sequence: 09.01_StrProfOVI.tcl, sw = 40, n11 = 2 SCI_SPEC: A comprehensive study of several streamer properties including the outflow velocities, abundances, electron densities and temperatures. The spatial distribution of these physical properties are analyzed at multiple heights within several streamers examined over the course of the solar cycle. OBS_PROG: Primary: Spectral Resolution Sub Obj: Spatial Resolution SCI_OBJ: Primary: Coronal Dynamics...Nonthermal Velocities Sub Obj: Plasma Properties...Proton Temperature OBJ: Streamer CMP_NAME: CMP_NUM: Duration: start: 2009.03.03.19:08 end: 2009.03.04.18:59 ONUMs = 25185 (20 exps) 25186 (336 exps) 25187 (336 exps) Instrument configuration: - Pointing: Sun center - Spacecraft Roll: 0 Degrees - Roll: 285 Degrees (5109) - Mirror/Occulter: 4.0 Ro 1.5 mm overocculting - LYA Slit: 100 um - OVI Slit: 100 um - LYA GRTPOS: 100000 - OVI GRTPOS: 164600, 235900 - OVI MCP Voltage: 205 - OVI mask: OVI_str_Prof09 in slot 5 Fits Files: q09.03.03.19:07:51.ovi.dat q09.03.03.19:50:18.ovi.dat q09.03.04.07:24:42.ovi.dat