UVCS MISSION LOG ---------------- Date: 09 July 2009 ----- Last revision: 16 July 2009 (Wu) -------------- File Name: 2009.07.13.a.log ---------- Compiled by: M. Uzzo, R. Wu ------------ UVCS Activity: UVCS in Modified Safe Configuration Due to SOHO ESR -------------- SOHO Activity: Received via email Monday, 13 July 2009, -------------- 22:22:15 GMT: OBT DISTRIBUTED TO UVCS BY FOT EOF Staff: M. P. Miralles / J. Kohl: Lead Scientist ---------- M. Uzzo: Commander, Planner R. Wu Command file: No Commanding Activity: --------- 1) UVCS in Modified Safe Configuration Sequence: SCI_SPEC: UVCS Aperture Door remains closed. UVCS TSU Substitution Heater (Circuit #84) is turned off. OVI Detector Power is turned on. Spectrometer Heater is set to 50% Duty Cycle (128 Engineering Units), and Mirror Occulter Mechanism Heater is set to 100% Duty Cycle (64 Engineering Units). ESR Warning Flag enabled at 22:20 UT Message from SOC received Sunday, 12 July 2009 16:10:34 GMT: SOHO has been in Emergency Sun Reacquisition (ESR) since approximately 0413 UT today (12 July 2009). The likely cause of the ESR was spurious CSPAAD triggering. Initial instrument safings and thermal adjustments have been done. The spacecraft is currently in Coarse Roll Pointing (CRP) mode, but the spacecraft recovery remains incomplete. Due to downlink-only passes both today and tomorrow, the recovery activities will cease for today no later than 1650 and continue tomorrow 13 July 2009 as of approximately 1630 UT. OBS_PROG: SCI_OBJ: OBJ: CMP_NAME: CMP_NUM: Duration: start: 2004.04.13.16:00 end: 2004.04.14.21:37 ONUMs = 25620 Instrument configuration: - Pointing: Sun center - Spacecraft Roll: 180 Degrees - Roll: 352.09 Degrees (50331) - Mirror/Occulter: 2.1 Ro 1.5 mm overocculting - LYA Slit: 100 um - OVI Slit: 50 um - LYA GRTPOS: 100000 - OVI GRTPOS: 232100 - LYA HIGH VOLTAGE POWERED OFF - OVI HIGH VOLTAGE POWERED ON - VLD HIGH VOLTAGE POWERED OFF - LYA DETECTOR POWERED OFF - OVI DETECTOR POWERED OFF - VLD DETECTOR POWERED OFF - OVI mask: OVI_Hole_237 in slot 2 Fits Files: GAP between 07/13/09|15:00:27(12777) and 07/13/09|22:06:03(12865) GAP between 07/14/09|01:52:56( 1899) and 07/14/09|01:53:58( 1996) GAP between 07/14/09|15:45:47(16376) and 07/14/09|15:50:13( 417)