UVCS MISSION LOG ---------------- Date: 27 Jan 2011 ----- Last revision: 22 Apr 2011 (RR) -------------- File Name: 2011.01.27.a.log ---------- Compiled by: R. Rosati ------------ UVCS Activity: Turn on and ramp up OVI detector following keyhole -------------- Conduct OVI detector dark rate diagnostic SOHO Activity: -------------- EOF Staff: R. Rosati: Lead Scientist ---------- R. Rosati: Commander Command file: Activity: --------- 1) OVI detector turn on, HV ramped up, OVI Detector Dark Rate Diagnostic Sequence: Manual, OVI_dark_chk 26799 19790 SCI_SPEC: After powering on OVI detector, discriminator settings were discovered to be incorrect. Discriminator settings were commanded to their nominal values. Determine Dark count rate for OVI detector. Instrument rolled to coronal hole, 5.0 Ro with 0.8 mm exposed mirror. Script engages OVI filter and then disengages it at end. OBS_PROG: Calibration SCI_OBJ: Calibration OBJ: Coronal Hole CMP_NAME: CMP_NUM: Duration: start: 2011.01.27.13:56 end: 2011.01.27.14:32 ONUMs = 26799 (7 exps) Instrument configuration: - Pointing: Sun center - Spacecraft Roll: 0 Degrees - Roll: 84.4 Degrees (19790) - Mirror/Occulter: 5.0 Ro 0.8 mm exposed mirror - LYA Slit: 50 um - OVI Slit: 50 um - LYA GRTPOS: 83040 - OVI GRTPOS: 210000 - OVI Filter Engaged - OVI MCP Voltage: 215 - OVI mask: OVI_chk_1xfull in slot 6 Fits Files: q11.01.27.18:56:22.ovi.dat