UVCS MISSION LOG ---------------- Date: 6 Jun 2012 ----- Last revision: 12 Sep 2012 (RR) -------------- File Name: 2012.06.06.a.log ----------- Compiled by: R. Rosati ------------ UVCS Activity: LyA detector performance tested with respect to -------------- MCP high voltage setting. LyA exposures taken at 3 different MCP high voltage settigs. All exposures taken at 1.8 Rsun. SOHO Activity: -------------- EOF Staff: R. Rosati: Commander ---------- Command file: Activity: --------- 1) LyA detector MCP high voltage test Sequence: Manual, TakeLYAexp 0 1 2 SCI_SPEC: OBS_PROG: SCI_OBJ: OBJ: CMP_NAME: CMP_NUM: Duration: start: 2012.06.06.18:24 end: 2012.06.06.20:07 ONUMs = 27503 (10 exps) 27504 (10 exps) 27505 (10 exps) Instrument configuration: - Pointing: Sun center - Spacecraft Roll: 180 Degrees - Roll: -152.9 Degrees (62994) - Mirror/Occulter: 1.8 Ro 1.5 mm Overocculting - LYA Slit: 50 um - OVI Slit: 50 um - LYA GRTPOS: 85460 - OVI GRTPOS: 98000 - LyA MCP Voltage: 210, 212, 214 - LyA mask: LYA_wing_100 in slot 5 Fits Files: q12.06.06.18:18:05.lya.dat q12.06.06.19:03:47.lya.dat q12.06.06.19:44:45.lya.dat