from matplotlib import image from pylab import * plt.ion() fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.patch.set_alpha(1.0) axis([-10, 10, -10, 10]) # Download a dolphin image # Originally from '' import urllib url = '' urllib.urlretrieve(url, 'dolphin.gif') im = image.imread('dolphin.gif') # Define properties of the "bouncing balls" n = 1 pos = ((20 * random_sample(n*2) - 10)*0.7).reshape(n, 2) vel = (0.3 * normal(size=n*2)).reshape(n, 2) #sizes = 100 * random_sample(n) + 100 # Colors where each row is (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha). Each can go # from 0 to 1. Alpha is the transparency. # colors = random_sample([n, 4]) # Draw all the circles and return an object ``circles`` that allows # manipulation of the plotted circles. # ax.circles = scatter(pos[:,0], pos[:,1], s=sizes, marker='*', c=colors) # Several kinds of forces elastic = 1.0 gravity = 0.03 ffloat = 0.06 #ax.figdol = figimage(im,100,100,origin="lower") #angle = 60 #dolphin2=dolphin.set_transform(matplotlib.transforms.Affine2D().rotate_deg(angle)) # Plot the 'aquarium'. ax.text(1, 8.5, 'a poorly designed aquarium', fontsize=15,bbox={'facecolor':'yellow','alpha':0.5,'pad':10}) ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) x = np.linspace(-10, 10, 500) ax.fill_between(x,-10,0,color='b', alpha=0.3) for i in range(200): bounce = abs(pos) > 8 # Find balls that are outside walls vel[bounce] = -elastic * vel[bounce] # Bounce if outside the walls floating = pos[:,1] < 0 vel[floating,1] += ffloat # Floating force vel[:,1] -= gravity # Gravity force # vel[floating,:] += random_sample(2) / 10.0 pos = pos + vel # Replace markers with dolphin, however I don't know how to draw more than one dolphin. line, = ax.plot(pos[:,0]-1.4,pos[:,1]-1.0,"bo",mfc="none",mec="w",markersize=5,alpha=0) line._transform_path() path, affine = line._transformed_path.get_transformed_points_and_affine() path = affine.transform_path(path) for pixelPoint in path.vertices: dol = fig.figimage(im,pixelPoint[0]-10,pixelPoint[1]-10,origin="lower", zorder=1) draw() dol.set_zorder(0) # Reference: #