NOTES29.CU Copper KP2900WVL.SUN = BELL2900.DAT Energy levels checked with AEL II, nomenclature updated. No energy changes, no calculation of newwave. log GF: CORL, BIEM, BIEL. BIEL A.Bielski, 1975, JQSRT 15. 463-72, A CRITICAL SURVEY OF ATOMIC TRANSITION PROBABILIIES FOR Cu I (102 lines). CORL C.H.Corlis, 1970, J.Res.N.B.S. 74A, 781-90, A REVIEW OF OSCILLATOR STRENGTHS FOR LINES OF Cu I (272 lines), BIEM E.Biemont, 1973, Bull.Soc.Roy.Sci.Liege 42, 206-17, PROBABIL- ITIES DE TRANSITION ... DE Cu I ET IDENTIFICATIONS DANS LE SPECTRE SOLAIRE (theoretical). DEC 87 KP2901WVL.ENC Energy levels and designations updated to accord with Charles B.Ross, l97?, WAVELENGTHS (1968 lines, 1979-11227 A) AND ENERGY LEVELS OF SINGLY IONIZED COPPER, CU II. PROBLEMS, odd level only: Energy desig-old desig-ROSS 128365.720 (s4p 5S 2.0) s4p 3F 2.0 not in KP file 128569.138 s4p 3F 2.0 s4p 3D 1.0 Q: change j or en? 131044.404 s4p 1F 3.0 s4p 5D 3.0 not in file 131312.416 s4p 5D 3.0 s4p 5D 4.0 Q: change j or en? 131206. s4p 5D 0.0 not in ROSS in len & upn 139217. 6p 3P 2.0 not in ROSS/ 6p 3P 2.0 in ROSS as 138745.813 new 151419.012 6f 3F 3.0 6f 3F 4.0 j change N.B. J's not changed because this would give some lines violating the J rule. NEWWAVE CALCULATED. 28 mar 1986 KR M.Kock & J.Richter 1968 Z.Ap.69, 180 (7 lines GFs). KP KP2902NUW.DAT = BELL2902.DAT ENS updated from A.G.Shenstone, 1975, NBS 79A, 497-521, THE THIRD SPECTRUM OF COPPER (Cu III) (line list and energy levels); 546 lines DEC 87 NOTES30.ZN Zinc KP3000NUW.SUN = BELL3000.DAT D.L.Lambert, E.A.Mallia & B.Warner l969, THE ABUNDANCES OF THE ELEMENTS IN THE SOLAR PHOTOSPHERE--VII, M.N.R.A.S.142, 71-95. ZN et al. ZN = 4.42 LOG GFs = LMW 135 lines (xUV to fIR), 16 solar; 12 rev3 R. KP3000CB.DAT comparison of log gf's with those of CB. KP3001NUW.DAT = BELL3001.DAT 2 lines in CB, MC; 6 lines in KP; NEWWAVE calc. ENS from GFFILE3001.DAT AS T.Anderson & G.Sorensen 1973, J.Quant.Spect.Rad.Transf.13, 369. BS SEP 87 B.BELL KP3002WVL.DAT = BELL3002.DAT 3053 lines, energy levels & designation in accord with K.A.Dick 1968, Canadian J.Phys. 46, 1291-1302, THE SPARK SPECTRUM OF ZINC. II. ZINC III (some upn Js not= Dick, Table V(c), 3d4s4p, left as found, see KP3002UPN.QJ, KP3002UPN.ENC; change would give 3 of 23 with j diff = 2.0). Log GF from KP. 1177.675 597 0.919 4.0 190341.300 5.0 275254.400 30.02 4s2 3F s4p 3F 23.600 UPN J = 4.0 ?? 1844.944 1123 -2.175 4.0 221052.200 5.0 275254.400 30.02 4s2 1G s4p 3F 27.407 UPN J = 4.0 ?? 501.260 9 -1.268 3.0 78096.300 4.0 277593.400 30.02 4s 3D s4p 3D 9.683 UPN J = 3.0 ?? 1146.104 585 0.815 4.0 190341.300 4.0 277593.400 30.02 4s2 3F s4p 3D 23.600 UPN J = 3.0 ?? 1178.832 600 -0.372 3.0 192763.700 4.0 277593.400 30.02 4s2 3F s4p 3D 23.900 UPN J = 3.0 ?? 1768.622 1102 -2.272 4.0 221052.200 4.0 277593.400 30.02 4s2 1G s4p 3D 27.407 UPN J = 3.0 ?? 499.682 8 -2.330 3.0 78096.300 3.0 278223.600 30.02 4s 3D s4p 3D 9.683 UPN J = 2.0 ?? 502.639 10 -1.482 2.0 79273.600 3.0 278223.600 30.02 4s 3D s4p 3D 9.829 UPN J = 2.0 ?? 513.549 11 -2.380 2.0 83500.300 3.0 278223.600 30.02 4s 1D s4p 3D 10.353 UPN J = 2.0 ?? 1137.886 584 -0.358 4.0 190341.300 3.0 278223.600 30.02 4s2 3F s4p 3D 23.600 UPN J = 2.0 ?? j diff = 2.0 1170.139 593 0.650 3.0 192763.700 3.0 278223.600 30.02 4s2 3F s4p 3D 23.900 UPN J = 2.0 ?? 1191.607 607 -0.391 2.0 194303.300 3.0 278223.600 30.02 4s2 3F s4p 3D 24.091 UPN J = 2.0 ?? 1424.861 867 -2.189 2.0 208041.300 3.0 278223.600 30.02 4s2 1D s4p 3D 25.794 UPN J = 2.0 ?? 1503.802 920 -4.501 2.0 211725.500 3.0 278223.600 30.02 4s2 3P s4p 3D 26.251 UPN J = 2.0 ?? 1749.126 1087 -3.443 4.0 221052.200 3.0 278223.600 30.02 4s2 1G s4p 3D 27.407 UPN J = 2.0 ?? j diff = 2.0 1124.026 581 -0.352 4.0 190341.300 4.0 279307.200 30.02 4s2 3F s4p 3F 23.600 UPN J = 3.0 ?? 1155.488 586 0.812 3.0 192763.700 4.0 279307.200 30.02 4s2 3F s4p 3F 23.900 UPN J = 3.0 ?? 1716.591 1077 -3.435 4.0 221052.200 4.0 279307.200 30.02 4s2 1G s4p 3F 27.407 UPN J = 3.0 ?? 1106.546 580 -2.145 4.0 190341.300 3.0 280712.600 30.02 4s2 3F s4p 3F 23.600 UPN J = 2.0 ?? j diff = 2.0 1137.024 583 -0.357 3.0 192763.700 3.0 280712.600 30.02 4s2 3F s4p 3F 23.900 UPN J = 2.0 ?? 1157.283 587 0.685 2.0 194303.300 3.0 280712.600 30.02 4s2 3F s4p 3F 24.091 UPN J = 2.0 ?? 1376.059 823 -1.110 2.0 208041.300 3.0 280712.600 30.02 4s2 1D s4p 3F 25.794 UPN J = 2.0 ?? 1449.546 893 -3.422 2.0 211725.500 3.0 280712.600 30.02 4s2 3P s4p 3F 26.251 UPN J = 2.0 ?? NOTE: 3F J < 5.0, 3D J < 3.0 NOTES31.GA Gallium KP3100NUW.SUN = BELL3100.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB and AEL II; j's added; NEWWAVE calculated; Infrared lines added from MM; lab GFs from CB=Corliss & Bosman and PS, LMW, GUES 20 lines, 7 solar; 2 rev3 R. KB3101NUW.DAT = BELL3101.DAT Not in CB, nor KP tape; 3 ground-level lines from IL PS N.P.Penkin & L.N.Shabanova, 1964, Opt.& Spektro. 18, 504, ?? OSCILLATOR STRENGTHS OF THE AL I AND GA I SPECTRAL LINES MM W.F.Meggers & R.J.Murphy, 1952, J.Res.Nat.Bureau of Standards 48, 334-44, (6500 to 13000 A) Infrared lines added, GUES GFs. LMW D.L.Lambert, E.A.Mallia, B.Warner, 1969, MN 142, 71-95, solar ABUNDANCES--VII (GA I, p.76, log gf for 11949.12 = 0.233) IL B.Isberg & U.Litzen, 1985, Physica Scripta, 31, 533-38, REVISED AND EXTENDED ANALYSIS OF GA II (142 lines, 500 to 9800 A) BW Brian Warner, l968, MN 140, 53-59, ATOMIC OSCILLATOR STRENGTHS--IV. (....GA II,....) NOV 87 B.BELL NOTES32.GE Germanium KP3200NUW.SUN = BELL3200.DAT Original LENs changed to accord with CB and AEL II, updated from K.L.Andrew & K.W.Meissner, 1959, J.Opt.Soc.Am. 49, 146-61, ARC SPECTRUM OF GERMANIUM; 20 IR lines added; NEWWAVE calculated. GFs from CB, LCG, GUES 65 lines; 45 lines from CB, 13 IR, 23 solar; 5 rev3 R. lab GFs from CB=Corliss & Bosman; LCG; Infrared GUESimated from AM & HA intensities LCG J.Lotrian, J.Cariou, Y.Guern & A.Johannin-Gilles, 1978, J.Phys.B 11, 2273-79, DETERMINATION DES PROBABILIIES DE TRANSITION DES SYSTEMES 4p2 - 4p5s et 4p2 - 4p4d DE GE I DANS LA REGION SPECTRALE 1900-4700 A. (gf for 27 lines, generally < CB, wvl < 2500A) HA C.J.Humphrys & K.L.Andrews, 1964, J.Opt.Soc.Am. 54, 1134-40, EXTENSION OF OBSERVATIONS & ANALYSIS OF GE I (to 23,922 A) C.M.Brown, S.G.Tilford, & M.L.Ginter, 1977, J.Opt.Soc.Am.67, 584-606, ABSORPTION SPECTRUM OF GE I BETWEEN 1500 AND 1900 A. KB3201NUW.DAT = BELL3201.DAT Not in CB, nor on KP tape. Lines and ENS from K.L.Andrews & K.W.Meissner, 1959, J.Opt.Soc.Am. 49, 1086-7,...FIRST SPARK SPECTRM OF GERMANIUM (visual); NEWWAVE calculated; log GFs from MIG & GUES. 22 lines, 0 solar. MIG J.Migdalek, 1976, J.Quant.Spect.Rad.Transf. 16, 265-272, THEOREICAL OSCILLATOR STRENGTHS FOR SOME STRANITIONS IN Si II, GE II, Sn II & Pb II SPECTRA (relativistic gf). APR 87 B.BELL NOTES33.AS Arsenic KP3300NUW.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB and AEL II; Updated from L.E.Howard & K.L.Andrew, 1985, J.Op.Soc.Am.B 2, 1032- 1077, MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS OF HE SPECTRUM OF NEUTRAL ARSENIC (1478 lines 1644-35659 A, 191 energy levels, 175 classified). j's added; NEWWAVE calculated. lab GFs from CB=Corliss & Bosman (= KP3300.DAT originals + 1.029) 26 lines, 4 solar uv; none in rev3 R. KB3300NUW.DAT = BELL3300.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB and AEL II; Updated from L.E.Howard & K.L.Andrew, 1985, J.Op.Soc.Am.B 2, 1032- 1077, MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS OF HE SPECTRUM OF NEUTRAL ARSENIC (1478 lines 1644-35659 A, 191 energy levels, 175 classified). 84 of the strongest lines added; NEWWAVE calculated. GFs from CB, and GUESimated from HA intensities. 116 lines, 5 solar uv; none in rev3 R. KB3300NUW.ENC (includes H&A classif & intensiies) KB3300NUW.HA (incl.H&A Int.) = BELL3300.DAT KP3301.DAT None in CB, KP tape, nor MC. APRIL 87 B.BELL NOTES34.SE Selenium KP3400NUW.DAT = BELL3400.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB and AEL II; j's added; NEWWAVE calculated. lab GFs from CB=Corliss & Bosman (= KP3400.DAT originals + 1.029) 8 lines, 0 solar; = rev3 R. KP3401.DAT Not in CB, nor KP tape. JAN 86 B.BELL NOTES37.RB Rubidium KP3700NUW.SUN = BELL3700.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB and AEL II; j's added; NEWWAVE calculated. WA log gf from WARNER = WA, GHR, SK 144 lines, 2 solar; = rev3 R. KP3701.DAT Not in CB, nor KP tape. GHR D.von der Goltz, W.Hansen & J.Richter, 1984, Physica Scripta 30, 244-48, EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL OSCILLATOR STRENGTHS OF RB I (5p - nd and 5p - ns Series). SK L.N.Shabanova & A.N.Khlyustalov, 1984, Opt. Spektrosk. 56, 205-08, OSCILLATOR STRENGTHS OF LINES OF THE PRINCIPAL SERIES OF RUBIDIUM (5s - np, p = 5 to 26). NOV 87 B.BELL NOTES38.SR KP3800NUW.SUN Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB and AEL II; j's added; np 1P added, n=9,10,11; NEWWAVE calculated; lab GFs from CB=Corliss & Bosman (= KP3800.DAT originals + 1.029) 71 lines + 3 xUV lines, 28 solar; 21 rev2 R. KP3801NUW.SUN Original LENs agreed with AEL II; UPNs varied, corrected to agree with AEL II; j's added; NEWWAVE calculated; log GF = WA; 132 lines fron xUV to far IR, 12 solar; 7 rev2 R. MAR 85 KS M.G.Kozlov & G.P.Sartsev, 1970, Opt. & Spectr. 28, 6-8, (Oscillator strengths of - 4dnp & - 4dnf series of SR I, all weak GFs, not in KP file). NOTES39.Y = Yttrium KP3900NUW.SUN = BELL3900.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB and AEL II; j's added; ENs (and some term designations) further revised to accord with those determined by B.A.PALMER; lines added as measured by HL; 23 strongest infrared lines added from Palmer's list. NEWWAVE calculated. 330 lines, 42 solar; 40 rev2 R. KC3901NUW.SUN = BELL3901.DAT Original LENs and UPNs varied, corrected to agree with CB and AEL II; j's added; ENs further revised to accord with those determined by B.A.PALMER, & 5 infrared lines added; NEWWAVE calculated. New ENs and consequent wavelengths give improved agreement with solar lines; most unmasked KP3901 lines have solar counterparts; Palmer has more lines, not in KP3901; consider additions in visible and UV?? 121 lines, 82 solar, incl 6 IR; 81 rev2 R. Laboratory GFs from CB Corliss & Bosman HL P.Hannaford, R.M.Lowe, N.Grevesse, E.Biemont, & W.Whaling (1982) Ap.J. 261, 736-46, OSCILLATOR STRENGTHS FOR Y I(154 lines) and Y II (66 lines) AND THE SOLAR ABUNDANCE OF YTTRIUM (=2.24) CP' B.L.Cardon, W.H.Parkinson, & F.S.Tomkins (1980) J.Opt.Soc.Amer. 70, 1372. (+0.30 to accord with HL) CC C.R.Cowley & C.H.Corliss, l983, M.N.R.A.S.203, 651-659, MODERATELY ACCORATE OSCILLATOR STRENGTHS FROM NBS INTENSITIES--II, using calibration provided for Y II (generally good accord with HL). Calibration range: ens 23445-33358; wvls 2287-8372A. CB' Adjusted to accord with HL by average difference of its neighbors in E.P. and wavelength, or by estimate from plot of revised lab intensities vs log gf (HL). EP Estimated from Palmer's relative intensities. Far right columns give difference from original log gf (CB)s. JAN 86 B.Bell NOTES40.ZR Zirconium KP4000NUW.SUN Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB and AEL II; j's added; NEWWAVE calculated. 701 lines, 139 solar lines; 139 rev2 R. KP4001NUW.SUN Original LENs and UPNs varied, corrected to agree with CB and AEL II; j's added; NEWWAVE calculated. Lines added to some multiplets, gf's estimated from As(=lab intensities) from RMT. No additional lines found in CORLISS.DAT. 500 lines, 302 solar lines; 249 in rev2 R. Laboratory GFs from BG New ref.: E.Biemont, N.Grevesse, P.Hannaford, & R.M.Lowe l981 AP.J.248, 867-73. OSCILLATOR STRENGTHS FOR ZR 1 AND ZR II AND A NEW DETERMINATION OF THE SOLAR ABUNDANCE OF ZIRCONIUM = 2.56. Gives log gf for 34 lines of Zr 1, and 24 lines of Zr 2. CC C.R.Cowley & C.H.Corliss, l983, M.N.R.A.S.203, 651-659, MODERATELY ACCORATE OSCILLATOR STRENGTHS FROM NBS INTENSITIES--II, using calibration (Ens 27984 - 37682, wvl 3306-5350 A) provided for ZR II (generally good accord with BG). CC' CC outside calibration domains. MULT EM' Estimated from comparative intensities in RMT, lines not in CB (nor CC), 179 lines of ZR 2. CB Corless & Bosman (= original KP4000.DAT & KP4001.DAT + 1.029) KP4000: BG & CB in reasonable accord in UV; BG > CB by about 0.5 in visiable with considerable scatter. MAR 86 B.BELL KP4000CC.BG Lines with log gf(BG) and intensities CC, for calibration. NOTES41.NB Niobium KP4100NUW.SUN Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB and AEL II; j's added; log gf = DL, CB', CB NEWWAVE calculated. 1045 lines, 15 solar; = 15 rev3 R. KP4101NUW.SUN = BELL4101.DAT Original LENs and UPNs varied, corrected to agree with CB and AEL II; j's added; Log gf = HLB, HL', CB' NEWWAVE calculated. 306 lines, 26 solar; 25 rev3 R. Laboratory GFs from CB Corless & Bosman (= original KP4100.DAT & KP4101.DAT + 0.749,0.739) DL Duquette,D.W. & J.E.Lawler, l982, PHYS.REV.A, 26, 330-334, RADIATIVE LIFETIMES IN NB I, giving lifetimes for 50 levels of NB I, differing from CB in strongly UPN-dependant way (ratio of lifetimes, CB/DL, used to calculate DL Log GFs, available for UPNs 19624 to 27975). KZ Kwiatkowski,M., P.Zimmermann, E.Biemont, & N.Grevesse, l982, ASTRON. & ASTROPHYS. 112, 337-340, NEW LIFETIME MEASUREMENTS FOR NB I (& RH I) AND THE SOLAR PHOTOSPHERIC ABUNDANCES OF NB & RH, with lifetime measurements of ll levels of NB I, (in good accord with DL) giving A = 2.10 Hauge,O., & N.H.Youssef, l975, SOLAR PHYSICS 41, 67-69, THE SOLAR NIOBIUM ABUNDANCE derived from 5 lines of NB I and 10 lines of NB II using GFs of CB, A = 2.13. 5 sep 85 B.Bell HLB P.Hannaford, R.M.Lowe, E.Biemont, & N.Grevesse, l985, Astron.& Ap. 143, 447-450, RADIATIVE LIFETIMES FOR (27 levels of) NB II AND THE PROBLEM OF THE SOLAR ABUNDANCE OF NIOBIUM, A = 1.42 from 11 lines, < A of KZ. (UPNs 33,351-48,771, correction dependant on UPN, eqn given: HL' given by them, CB' est from plot). S.Salih & J.E.Lawler, 1983, Phys.Rev.A 28, 3653-55, PULSED ION SOURCE FOR LASER SPECTRSCOPY: APPLICAION TO NB II, 7 levels, good accord with HL. FEB 87 NOTES42.MO Molybdenium KP4200NUW.SUN Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB and AEL III; j's added; lines added from SD and WH; NEWWAVE calculated. 1527 lines, 18 solar; 25 rev3 R. KP4201NUW.SUN Original LENs and UPNs varied, corrected to agree with CB and AEL III; j's added; lines addded from SD, and from Keiss(l958). NEWWAVE calculated. 314 lines, 19 solar; 12 rev3 R. Laboratory GFs from SD S.E.Schnehage, K.Danzmann, R.Kunnemeyer, & M.Kock, 1983 J.Quant.Spectrosc.Radiat.Transfer, 29, 507-516. OSCILLATOR STRENGTHS OF NEUTRAL AND SINGLY IONIZED MOLYBDENUUM. Gives absolute log gf for 174 lines of MO 1, and relative log gf for 58 lines of MO 2. BG E.Biemont, N.Grevesse, P.Hannaford, R.M.Lowe, & M.Whaling l983 Ap.J. 275, 889-91. A REDETERMINATION OF THE SOLAR ABUNDANCE OF MOLYBDENUM = 1.92. Log gf for 12 solar lines of MO 1. WH W.Whaling, P.Hannaford, R.M.Lowe, E.Biemont, & N.Grevesse l984, J.Quant.Spectrosc.Radiat.Transfer 32, 69-80. LIFETIMES, BRANCHING RATIOS, AND TRANSITION PROBABILITIES IN Mo I (570 lines from 56 UPNs, including weak lines not in CB). HL P.Hannaford & R.M.Lowe l983 J.Phys.B l6, 4539-42. RADIATIVE LIFETIMES IN MO II. Gives normalization factor of 0.60 to convert SD to absolute log gf, whence SD' = SD -0.22 SD' = SD - 0.22, Absolute log gf per HL for 4201. CB Corless & Bosman CB' for 4200 = CB - 0.50, est from av difference WH,SD vs CB CB' for 4201 = CB - 0.85 - 0.22, (-0.85 = average difference SD - CB as publ.; -0.22 per SD', HL.) GUES = KE Strong MO 2 lines from Kiess(1958), log gf estimated at -1.00. 30 jun 85 B.Bell PV G.A.Plekhotkin * Ya.F.Verolainen, 1985 Opt. & Spectro. 58, 447-49, RADIAION LIFEIMES OF EXCITED STATES OF CHROMIUM, MOLYBDENUM AND TUNGSTEN ATOMS (12 en levels of Mo I, 1 new en, not in DSL or KMW). not used, 87/4/14 KB4200WVL.DAT = BELL4200.DAT from tape, with Kurucz corrections WB W.Whaling & J.W.Brault, 1988 Physica Scripta 38, 707-18, COMPREHENSIVE TRANSITION PROBABILITIES IN Mo I (determinedfor 2835 lines, 2548-10565 A; 424 strongest lines published, 7154-2616 A; tape avaiable giving 2856 lines, KB4200.DAT). Jan 89 NOTES44.RU Ruthenium KP4400NUW.SUN Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB and AEL II; j's added; NEWWAVE calculated. 929 lines, 34 solar; 32 rev3 R. Dec 85 KC4401NUWW.SUN = bell4401.dat File KP4401.DAT not found, Nov 85: CB has 25 UV lines, RMT has 7 multiplets. File compiled from CB(53 lines) & MC; RMT, & SM (no values of log gf, 65 lines). 118 lines, 16 solar; 12 rev3 R. Log gf MC < CB, some slightly, some substantially, generally suspiciously large. Laboratory GFs from BG New ref.: E.Biemont, N.Grevesse, M.Kwiatkovski, & P.Zimmermann, l981, Astrom.& Ap.131, 364-66. LIFETIME MEASUREMENTS FOR RU I AND THE SOLAR ABUNDANCE OF RUTHENIUM. Lifetimes for 12 levels, log gf for 9 lines observed in sun; solar abundance = 1.84 + - 0.07. SL S.Salih & J.E.Lawler, l985, J.Opt.Soc.Amer.B, v.2, 422-425. RU I: RADIATIVE LIFETIMES & STELLAR ABUNDANCES. Lifetimes for 50 odd-parity lines. (log gf's from ratios of lifetimes, SL vs CB. CB Corless & Bosman (= original KP4000.DAT + 1.029) KP4000: BG & CB in reasonable accord for the 9 solar lines. CB' = CB - 0.40 FOR UPN > 36000 (est from high levels of SL). GUES = KE K.G.Kessler, l959, J.Res.Natl.Bur.Standards 63A, 213-251. ANALYSIS OF THE FIRST SPECTRUM OF RUTHENIUM (RU I). 3400 classified lines, giving 105-even & 206-odd levels. A few of the stronger lines added. GF = -1.000. SM A.G.Shenstone & W.F.Meggers, l958, J.Res.Natl.Bur.Standards 61, 373-411. THE SECOND SPECTRUM OF RUTHENIUM (RU II). 2227 lines, giving 68-even & 140-odd energy levels. Lines from RMT added in 3000s, need log gf's GUES = UV ULTRAVIOLET MULTIPLET TABLE, KC4401, etc. JUN 87 B.Bell NOTES45.RH Rhodium KP4500NUW.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB and AEL II; j's added; log gf = SD, DL, KZ, CB, CB'. NEWWAVE calculated, in good accord with RMT's WVLs 442 lines, 12 solar; 20 solar in rev3 R KP4501NUW.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB and AEL II; j's added; log gf = CB; 36 lines in 3000s and UV added from RMT, no log gfs; NEWWAVE calculated. CB gf's suspiciously large. 94 lines (36 w/o GFs), 5 solar = rev3 R. Laboratory GFs from SDL S.Salih, D.W.Duquette, & J.E.Lawler, l983, Phys.Rev.A, 27,1193-1196, RADIATIVE LIFETIMES IN RH I (AND IN TA I), with lifetimes of 22 levels in Rh I, log gf for 6 lines, and solar abundance in good accord with KZ and with meteoritic abundance. DL D.W.Duquette & J.E.Lawler, l985, J.Opt.Soc.Am.B 2, 422-5, BRANCHING RATIOS AND TRANSITION PROBABILITIES IN RHODIUM I, for 115 lines. KZ Kwiatkowski,M., P.Zimmermann, E.Biemont, & N.Grevesse, l982, ASTRON. & ASTROPHYS. 112, 337-340, NEW LIFETIME MEASUREMENTS FOR (NB I) & RH I AND THE SOLAR PHOTOSPHERIC ABUNDANCES OF NB & RH, with lifetime measurements of l3 levels of RH I, log gf for 11 lines, 6 used to give A = 1.12. CB Corless & Bosman (= original KP4500.DAT +1.029) CB' ?? CB -0.30 ?? DEC 85 B.Bell NOTES46.PD Palladium KP4600NUW.SUN Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB and AEL II; j's added; NEWWAVE calculated. 76 lines, 16 solar; 15 rev3 R. KP4601NUW.SUN Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB and AEL II; j's added; NEWWAVE calculated. 13 lines (4 from CB, 9 uv from ground levels w/o GFs) Laboratory GFs from BG New ref.: E.Biemont, N.Grevesse, M.Kwaitkowski, & P.Zimmermann, 1982, RADIATIVE LIFETIMES FOR PD I AND THE SOLAR ABUNDANCE OF PALLADIUM, Astron.& Ap.108, 127-129. Lifetimes for 9 levels, log gf for 8 solar lines (9 more rejected as blended, no publ. log gf), giving abundance = 1.69. CB Corless & Bosman (= original KP4600.DAT + 1.029) Dec 85 B.Bell NOTES47.AG KP4700NUW.DAT = BELL4700.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB and AEL II; j's added; CB, JMG, IYS. NEWWAVE calculated (agreement with solar made worse). 13 lines, 2 solar; = rev2 R. KP4701NUW.DAT = BELL4701.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB and AEL II, updated from H.Benschop, Y.N.Joshi & h.A.M.Vankleef, 1975, Can. J.Phys. 53, 700-6, SECOND SPECTRUM OF SILVER: AG II; 10 lines, incl 6 uv lines from BJV, 3 from ground level, log GFs GUES. CB Corless & Bosman (= original KP4700.DAT + 1.029) JMG J.Migdalek, 1978, J.Quant.Spec.Rad.Transf. 20, 81-87, RELATIVISTIC OSCILLATOR STRENGTHS FOR SOME TRANSITIONS IN Cu I, AG I (12 lines), and Au I. PS N.P.Penkin & I.Yu.Yu.Slavenas, 1963, Opt.& Spectr. 15, 3-5, ABSOLUTE OSCILLATOR STRENGTHS OF THE RESONANCE DOUBLETS OF AG I and Au I. IYS I.Yu.Yu.Slavenas, 1966, Opt.& Spectr. 20, 264-5, OSCILLATOR STRENGTHS OF SOME Cu I and AG I SPECTRAL LINES (=PS + 2 lines). JK Jules Z.Klose, l975, Ap.J.198, 229-233. MEAN LIFETIME OF THE 5p 2P 3/2 RESONANCE LEVEL IN AG I. 3280.68 A, f = 0.50, in good agreement with other experiments. RA J.E.Ross & L.H.Aller, l972, Solar Physics 25, 30-43. THE SOLAR ABUNDANCE OF SILVER from 3280.7 and 3382.9 A, with f-values from previous experiments; good accord with JK. MB J.Migdalek & W.E.Baylis, 1978 J.Phys. B: 11, L497-501, INFLUENCE OF ATOMIC CORE POLARIZATION ON OSCILLATOR STRENGTHS FOR 2S - 2P, AND 2P - 2D TRANSITIONS IN Cu I, AG I (5 lines) AND AU I SPECTRA 9 MAY 87 B.Bell NOTES48.CD Cadmium KP4800NUW.SUN = BELL4800.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB and AEL II; j's added; NEWWAVE calculated; gf: WA, AS, CB 20 lines, 3 solar lines; 1 line rev3 R. KP4801NUW.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB and AEL II; j's added; NEWWAVE calculated; gf: AS 4 lines, 1 solar uv line. CB Corless & Bosman (= original KP4800.DAT + 1.029). WH B.Warner, 1968 MN 140, 53-59, ATOMIC OSCILLATOR STRENGTHS--IV Transitions of the type s2 - sp and ss - sp, (for Cd I et al.) AS T.Andersen & G.Sorensen, 1973, J.Quant.Spect.Rad.Transf. 13, 369-376, SYSTEMAIC TRENDS IN ATOMIC TRANSITION PROBABILIIES IN NEUTRAL AND SINGLY IONIZED ZINC, CADMIUM AND MERCURY (from measured lifetimes, Cd I 5p - 6s and 5p - 5d, Cd II 5p - 6s and 5s - 5p) AS ~ WA << CB for 5p - 6s; WA > CB for s2 - 5p 6 MAY 1987 NOTES49.IN Indium KP4900NUW.SUN = BELL4900.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB and AEL II; j's added; NEWWAVE calculated; CB, PS. 24 lines, 2 solar lines; 1 rev3 R line. KB4901NUW.DAT = BELL4901.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB and AEL II; 15 lines added from WArner, 1968, MN 140, 53-59, NEWWAVE calculated. 16 lines (more could be added from WA). CB Corless & Bosman (= original KP4900.DAT + 1.029) PS N.P.Penkin & L.N.Shabanova, 1963, Opt.& Spectr.14, 5-8, OSCILLAOR SRENGTHS OF SPECTRAL LINES OF Al I, Ga I, & IN I (26 lines, 3 added). LM D.L.Lambert, E.A.Mallia & B.Warner, l969, MN 142, 71-95. THE ABUNDANCES OF THE ELEMENTS IN THE SOLAR PHOTOSPHERE--VII: ZN,....IN (p.82, log N = 1.71, comparison of f-values from several sources for 2 lines, 4102 & 4511 A). LLK G.M.Lawrence, J.K.Link, & R.B.King, 1965, Ap.J. 141, 293-307, THE ABSOLUTE OSCILLATOR STRENGTHS OF LINES IN THE SPECTRA OF TEN ELEMENTS (incl. 5 IN I lines). 11 MAY 87 B.Bell NOTES50.SN Tin KP5000NUW.SUN = BELL5000.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB and AEL II, most ENS updated from C.M.Brown, S.G.Tilford, & M.L.Ginter, 1977, J.Opt. Soc. Am. 67, 607-21; j's added; NEWWAVE calculated. need BRILL 1964 THESIS for 2 LENs > 10000 59 lines, 6 solar lines; 3 solar in rev3 R. LC J.Lotrian, J.Cariou & A.Johannin-Gilles, l976, J.Quant.Spectrosc. Radiat.Transfer 16, 315-319. DETERMINATION OF THE OSCILLATOR STRENGTHS OF Sn(I) IN THE ULTRAVIOLET (2400-4000 A). PS N.P.Penkin & I.Yu.Yu.Slavenas, 1963, Opt.& Spectr. 15, 83-88, OSCILLATOR STRENGTHS OF THE SPECTRAL LINES SN I (29) and Pb I. CB' Corless & Bosman -0.44 (= Av corr from LC, > 2400A) 5 MAY 87 B.Bell KB5001.DAT = BELL5001.DAT Not in KP or CB; 22 lines, gf from MIG, GUES MAY 87 NOTES51.SB Antimony KP5100NUW.SUN Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB and AEL II; j's added; NEWWAVE calculated. 51 lines, 3 solar lines; 3 lines in rev3 R. CB Corless & Bosman (= original KP5100.DAT + 1.029) 28 dec 85 B.Bell BGH G.Belin, S.Garpman, L.Holmgren & S.Rydberg, 1974, Physica Scripta 9, 213-6, LIFETIMES FOR THE 5p2 6s 4P... LEVELS IN SB I OBTAINED BY THE HANLE METHOD (~2X CB) not yet entered NOTES52.TE Tellurium KP5200NUW.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB and MV; j's added; NEWWAVE calculated. No solar lines known. 18 lines. MV C.Morillon & J.Verges, l975, Physica Scripta 12, 129-144. Observation et Classification du Spectre d'Arc du Tellure (Te I) entre 3678 et 11761 cm-1. 277 lines, 27179-8500A, and 70 energy levels. (Some IR lines added.) CB Corless & Bosman GUES IR lines from MV. 28 JAN 86 B.Bell NOTES55.CS Cesium KP5500NUW.SUN Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB, AEL II, & EW; j's added; NEWWAVE calculated. EW K.B.S.Eriksson & I.Wenaker, l970, Physica Scripta 1, 21-24. NEW WAVELENGTH MEASUREMENTS IN CS I.(Wvls of transitions 6s - 5d and 5d - nf (f=4-14) measured, & energy levels ns (6-11) & nf (4-12) redetermined.) (Introduces wvl discords in 5d - 7p, 6s - 7p lines; no wvl info for higher np's). WA Warner log gf's. 158 lines, 0 solar R. 31 JAN 86 B.Bell NOTES56.BA Barium KP5600NUW.SUN Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB and AEL III; j's added; np 1P added to n = 18(log gf from NBS, UPNs from Armstrong, Wynne, & Esgerick l979, J.Opt.Soc.Am. 69, 211-29); some stronger infrared lines added from RM, with log GFs estimated from RM Intensities; NEWWAVE calculated. 125 lines, 1 solar; 2 solar, rev3 R. KP5601NUW.SUN Original LENs agreed with AEL III; UPNs varied, corrected to agree with AEL II; j's added; NEWWAVE calculated. 165 lines, 14 solar lines; 8 lines, rev3 R. Log gf NBS NBS Technical Note 474, B.M Miles & W.L.Wiese, CRITICALLY EVALUATED TRANSITION PROBABILITIES FOR BA I AND BA II, 1969. WA Warner CB Corliss & Bosman ESTM = RM H.N.Russell & C.E.Moore 1955, THE FIRST SPECTRUM OF BARIUM, BA I, J.RES.NBS, 55, 299-306. (log GFs estimated from RM intensities) 7 JUL 85 B.BELL NOTES57.LA Lanthanum KP5700NUW.SUN = BELL5700.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB and AEL RARE EARTHS, NBS-60, 1978; j's added; NEWWAVE calculated. 270 lines, 1 solar; 1 in rev3R. KP5701NUW.SUN = BELL5701.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB and AEL NBS-60; j's added; NEWWAVE calculated. 272 lines, 70 solar lines; 63 in rev3 R. APR T.Andersen, O.Poulsen, P.S.Ramanujam & A.Petrakiev Petkov, 1975, Solar Physics 44, 257-67, LIFETIMES OF SOME EXCITED STATES IN THE RARE EARTHS: TOO LARGE ?? SEE GREVESSE P.54 LA II, et al. ABH A.Arnesen, A.Bengtsson, R.Hallin, J.Lindskog, C.Nnordling & T.Noreland, l977, Physica Scripta 16, 31-34. LIFETIME MEASUREMENTS IN LA II WITH THE BEAM-LASER METHOD, (of 7 levels plus 6 higher levels from Andersen et al. (l975), giving energy-dependant correction to CB, & Solar abundance = 1.26.) CB Corless & Bosman (= original KP5700.DAT + 1.029) CB' = CB + interpolated correction, estimated from AB. MC c. 650 lines (vs. 540 in KP) some LaO. 25 JUN 87 B.Bell PGK N.P.Penkin, V.N.Gorshkov, & V.A.Komarovskii, 1985, Opt. & Spectr. 58, 840-1, RADIATIVE LIFETIMES OF EXCITED LA 1 LEVELS (16 levels, no f-values, no comp. with CB, not used). GB N.Grevesse & G.Blanquet, 1969, Solar Physics 8, 5-17, ABUNDANCES OF THE RARE EARTHS IN THE SUN (log gf from CB, Jungfraujoch solar data; LA: A = 1.81 > metteoritic) NOTES58.CE Cerium KP5800NUW.SUN No data in CB; no file. KP5801NUW.SUN Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB and AEL NBS-60; j's added; lines with changed ens, per MC, deleted; NEWWAVE calculated. 1281 lines, 173 solar lines (rev2 166 lines) (NUW.DAT 98 solar lines). CC Charles H.Corliss, l973, J.Res.NBS-A.Phys.& Chem.77A,419-546. WAVELENGTHS AND ENERGY LEVELS OF THE SECOND SPECTRUM OF CERIUM (Ce II), 2500-24000A, 11,000 lines, 7500 classified (some different from CB, classifications corrected, log gf's not corrected). NOT YET ADDED. CB Corless & Bosman (= original KP5801.DAT + 1.029) JUN 86 B.Bell KC5800NUW.DAT = BELL5800.DAT Lines and ENS from MC and AEL NBS-60; log GF from MC; NEWWAVE calculated. 910 lines, 0 solar lines; 0 in rev2. NOV 86 KC5801NUW.SUN = BELL5801.DAT Energy levels from W.F.Meggers, C.C.Corliss, & B.F.Scribner, l975, TABLES OF SPECTRAL-LINES, NBS 145 = MC. MC Log gf computed from above by CORLISS.COM. 1656 lines(incl changed classification per CC), 184 solar lines; 166 rev2 R. KC5801NUW.NGF Corliss classification not= MC, 60 lines, recomputed log gf = CC KC5801NUW.BL Corliss classification = blend, one of which is in MC, 78 lines. JULY 86 B.Bell APR T.Andersen, O,Poulsen, P.S.Ramanujam, & A.Petrakiev Petkov, 1975, Solar Physics 44, 257-67, LIFETIMES OF SOME EXCITED STATES IN THE RARE EARTHS: La II, CE II, Pr II, Nd II, Sm II, Yb I & II, & Lu II. SEE KC5801UPN.SUN 27-JUN-87 APR > MC (A = 1.55 ~ meteoritic). AS T.Andersen & G.Sorensen, 1974, Solar Physics 38, 343-50, DETERMINA- TION OF ATOMIC LIFEIMES FOR HR RARE EARTH IONS: PR II, Tm II, Lu II, Ce III. NOTES59.PR Praseodymium KP5900NUW.SUN No data in CB; no file. MC 137 lines KP5901NUW.SUN Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB and AEL NBS-60; j's added; NEWWAVE calculated. 233 lines, 5 solar; rev3R 19 solar lines, not searched. MC 442 classified lines(cf KC5901.DAT); 746 unclassified CB Corless & Bosman (= original KP5901.DAT + 1.029) CB' = CB + 0.53 for wvl < 4600 A; = CB + 0.88 for wvl > 4600 A, from LW (Fig 1) wavelength dependant average differences. KP5901NUW.LW All lines with LW-log gf; use to make CC calibration. MAR 86 B.Bell KC5900NUW.DAT = BELL5900.DAT Lines and ENS from MC and AEL NBS-60; log GF from MC; NEWWAVE calculated. 127 lines, 0 solar lines; 0 in rev2. GK V.N.Gorshkov & V.A.Komarovskii, 1985 Opt.& Spectr. 58, 918-20, LIFETIMES OF PR I & PR II EXCITED LEVELS. OSCILLATOR STRENGTHS OF PR I SPECTRAL LINES (14 lines, av diff in log GF = 0.51). MC' = MC + 0.50. KC5901NUW.SUN = BELL5901.DAT Classifications from W.F.Meggers, C.C.Corliss, & B.F.Scribner, l975, TABLES OF SPECTRAL-LINES, NBS 145 = MC; ENs from AEL NBS-60. 450 lines, 17 solar; 19 in rev2 R. MC Log gf computed from above by CORLISS.COM. APR T.Andersen, O,Poulsen, P.S.Ramanujam, & A.Petrakiev Petkov, 1975, Solar Physics 44, 257-67, LIFETIMES OF SOME EXCITED STATES IN THE RARE EARTHS: La II, Ce II, PR II, Nd II, Sm II, Yb I & II, & Lu II. LW C.S.Lage & W.Whaling, l976, J.Quant.Spectrosc.Rad. Transfer 16, 537-542. TRANSITION PROBABILITIES IN PR II AND THE SOLAR PRASEODYMIUM ABUNDANCE, from 5 levels for 40 lines; 5 solar lines give abundance = 0.66 (AS lifetimes). MC' = MC + 0.48 for wvl < 4600 A; = MC + 0.82 for wvl > 4600 A, from LW (Fig 1) wavelength dependant (BG gives a wvl-dependant correction eqn to CB) average differences. JUNE 87 MC 1464 lines, many unclassified, see above. AS T.Andersen & G.Sorensen, 1974, Solar Physics 38, 343-50, DETERMINA- TION OF ATOMIC LIFEIMES FOR HR RARE EARTH IONS: PR II, Tm II, Lu II, Ce III BG E.Biemont, N.Grevesse, & O.Hauge, 1979, Solar Physics 61, 17-22, SOLAR ABUNDANCE OF PRAESEODYMIUM = 0.71, based on LW & APR gf's). GB N.Grevesse & G.Blanquet, 1969, Solar Physics 8, 5-17, ABUNDANCES OF THE RARE EARTHS IN THE SUN (log gf from CB, Jungfraujoch solar data; PR: A = 1.63 >> meteoritic). KC6800NUW.DAT = BELL6800.DAT Lines and ENS from MC and AEL NBS-60; log GF from MC; NEWWAVE calculated. 371 lines, 0 solar lines; 0 in rev2. KC6801NUW.SUN = BELL6801.DAT Lines and ENS from MC and AEL NBS-60; log GF from MC; NEWWAVE calculated. 529 lines, 1 solar; 1 in rev2 R. MC Log gf computed from above by CORLISS.COM. NOTES60.ND = Neodymium KP6000NUW.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB and AEL RARE EARTHS, NBS 60; j's added; NEWWAVE calculated. 79 lines; No solar lines in rev2 ROWLAND, 1966. KP6001NUW.DAT Original LENs and UPNs varied, corrected to agree with CB and AEL RARE EARTHS, NBS 60; j's added; lines added from NBS 145, log gf calculated by CC (T = 8357 K), & MW; NEWWAVE calculated. 1023 lines, 98 solar; 102 in rev2 ROWLAND, 1966. KC6000NUW.DAT = BELL6000.DAT ENS from NBS 145 & NBS 60; lines added & log gf calculated from NBS 145 intensities, T 5100 K deg., and GKO. 283 lines; No solar lines in rev2 ROWLAND, 1966. GKO V.N.Gorshkov, V.A.Komarovskii, A.L.Osherovich, & N.P.Penkin, l981, transl. from Astrofizika 17, 799-806. LIFETIMES OF EXCITED LEVELS ND I AND ND II. OSCILLATOR STRENGTHS OF [116 lines] OF ND I. f values only, log gf's calculated for KC6000NUW.ENC. KC6001NUW.SUN = BELL6001.DAT ENs from NBS 60 updated by BWD; classifications and log gf calculated from NBS 145 intensities = MC (T = 5100 K, as CB), and WV (ratios of lifetimes, Table I), WVA (explicit, Table II) 1004 lines, 98 solar;102 in rev2 ROWLAND, 1966. (2993 - 8839 A) BWD J.Blaise, J-F.Wyart, M.T.Djerad, & Z.B.Ahmed, 1984, Physica Scripta 29, 119-131, REVISED INTERPRETATION OF THE SPECTRUM OF SINGLY-IONIZED NEODYMIUM (ND II) (most odd ens & high even ens 1218 cm-1 < NBS 60, giving log gf(MC) smaller by 0.15). (Nd 2? unident solar lines where BWD gives better wvl fit.) WV, WVA L.Ward, O.Vogel, A.Arnesen, R.Hallin, & A.Wannstrom, l985 ?, Physica Scripta 31, 162-65. ACCURATE EXPERIMENTAL LIFETIMES OF (24) EXCITED LEVELS IN ND II. Includes log gf for 23 lines, and abundance determination of 1.50 from 17 solar lines. Av diff from CB = 0.62. (CB/MC vs WV shows no UPN dependance.) (WV vs WVA, discontinuity c.4450 A, 4000A) MW R.S.Maier & W.Whaling, l977, J.Quant.Spectrsc.Radiat.Transfer, 18, 501-507. TRANSITION PROBABILITIES IN Nd II AND THE SOLAR NEODYMIUM ABUNDANCE, = 1.26 from 12 lines; branching ratios & As, log gf for 60 transitions, av diff from CB = 0.61 dex. (CB vs MW shows UPN dependance.) MC' = MC + 0.62 (KC6001); MC + wvl variable, KC6000, +0.35 for WVL > 6000 A. MC Log GF calculated from revised intensities, NBS 145. WVL < 4650 CB = MC - 0.23; 4650-4950 CB = MC - 0.07; >4950 CB = MC + 0.04 (further correction since lifetimes are relative to CB, & corrections were initially made to MC) MC 1471 lines (vs. 1102 KP). SEP 87 B.Bell APR T.Andersen, O,Poulsen, P.S.Ramanujam, & A.Petrakiev Petkov, 1975, Solar Physics 44, 257-67, LIFETIMES OF SOME EXCITED STATES IN THE RARE EARTHS: La II, Ce II, Pr II, ND II, Sm II, Yb I & II, & Lu II. (not entered) (CB/APR shows UPN dependance, 0.65 to 0.30 in Nd II). GB N.Grevesse & G.Blanquet, 1969, Solar Physics 8, 5-17, ABUNDANCES OF THE RARE EARTHS IN THE SUN (log gf from CB, Jungfraujoch solar data; ND: A = 1.82 > meteoritic = 1.44 > MW) NG N.Grevesse 1984, Physica Scripta T8, 49-58, ACCURATE ATOMIC DATA AND SOLAR PHOTOSPHERIC SPECTROSCOPY (ND abund = 1.34, based on MW & new eq.widths). CC C.R.Cowley & C.H.Corliss, l983, M.N.R.A.S.203, 651-659, MODERATELY ACCORATE OSCILLATOR STRENGTHS FROM NBS INTENSITIES--II, using calibration (en 23230-30247 /cm, wvl 3780-6365 A) (based on MW) provided for ND II (generally good accord with MW)(from which cali- brated), MW, WV used where available (replacing CB); T = 8357 K deg. CC' = CC outside the calibration limits. NOTES62.SM = Samarium KP6200NUW.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB and AEL RARE EARTHS, NBS 60; j's added; NEWWAVE calculated. 218 lines; No solar lines in rev2 ROWLAND, 1966. KP6201NUW.DAT Original LENs and UPNs varied, corrected to agree with CB and AEL RARE EARTHS, NBS 60; j's added; NEWWAVE calculated. 759 lines; 118 solar lines; 133 in rev2 R. KC6200NUW.SUN = BELL6200.DAT Energy levels from NBS 60; classifications from NBS 145; & log GF calculated from MC intenisties; 129 lines added from PK; NEWWAVE calculated. 521 lines; 0 in rev2 R. HL P.Hannaford & R.M.Lowe, 1985 J.Pys.B 18, 2365-70, RADIATIVE LIFETTIMES OF LOW-LYING LEVELS IN SM I (compared to BKP, f-values for 4 lines). HL values from PK & ratios of lifetimes). PK N.P.Penkin & V.A.Komarovskii, 1976, JQSRT 16, 217-52, (in Russian) Rel.oscillator strengths for spectral lines of Sm I (et al.), coverted to absolute f-values from BKP BKP K.B.Blagoev, V.A.Komarovskii, & N.P.Penkin, 1977, Opt.Spectr. 42, 229-30; 238--9, more rel f-values; & LIFETIMES OF EXCITED STATES OF THE SAMARIUM ATOM (& conversion factor for absol. f-values) KC6201NUW.SUN = BELL6201.DAT Energy levels from NBS 60; classifications from NBS 145; & log GF calculated from MC int., & SW; NEWWAVE calculated. 1060 lines, 140 solar; 133 rev2 R. (2690 - 8913 A) SW L.Saffman & W.Whaling, 1979 JQSRT 21, 93-98, TRANSITION PROBABILITIES IN SM II AND THE SOLAR ABUNDANCE OF SAMARIUM (= 0.80; new branching ratios, APR lifetimes, gf-values for 65 transitions). APR T.Andersen, O,Poulsen, P.S.Ramanujam, & A.Petrakiev Petkov, 1975, Solar Physics 44, 257-67, LIFETIMES OF SOME EXCITED STATES IN THE RARE EARTHS: La II, Ce II, Pr II, Nd II, SM II, Yb I & II, & Lu II. CB Corless & Bosman (= original KP6200.DAT & KP6201.DAT + 1.029) MC Meggers, Corliss & Scribner, NBS 145, 1975. GB N.Grevesse & G.Blanquet, 1969, Solar Physics 8, 5-17, ABUNDANCES OF THE RARE EARTHS IN THE SUN (log gf from CB, Jungfraujoch solar data; SM: A = 1.66 > meteoritic) MC NBS 145: 1567 lines (vs.1101). JULY 87 B.Bell VBA O.Vogel, B.Edvardsson, A.Arnesen, R.Hallin, & A.Wannstrom, 1987, Uppsala Preprint No.11, RADIATIVE LIFETIMES IN SM II (9 levels) AND THE SOLAR SAMARIUM ABUNDANCE (prelininary, no gf's) NOTES63.EU = Europium KP6300NUW.DAT = BELL6300.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB and AEL RARE EARTHS, NBS 60; j's added; 40 new lines from PGK; NEWWAVE calculated. 330 lines, 3 solar lines; 2 in rev2 ROWLAND. PGK N.P.Penkin, V.N.Gorshkov, & V.A.Komarovski, 1984, Opt. & Spectr. 57, 488-92, LIFETIMES OF EU I AND EU II EXCITED LEVELS. OSCILLAOR SRENGTHS OF (86) EU I SPECTRAL LINES (28 new UV lines). KPS V.A.Komarovskii, N.P.Penkin & L.N.Shabanova, l968, Opt.Spectrsk. 25 p81-82, OSCILLATOR STRENGTHS OF EU I SPECTRAL LINES, by absorption of 49 lines from the ground state. (~.1 > PGK). KP6301NUW.DAT = BELL6301.DAT Original LENs and UPNs varied, corrected to agree with CB and AEL RARE EARTHS, NBS 60; j's added; lines added to some *?? multiplets, gf's estimated from As(=lab intensities) from RMT. NEWWAVE calculated. 160 lines, 26 solar lines; 17 in rev2 ROWLAND l966. Laboratory GFs from KM C.Karner, G.Meyer, F.Traeger, & G.zu Putlitz, l982, Astron. Astrophys.107,161-165, ABSOLUTE TRANSITION PROBABILITIES IN THE SPECTRA OF EU I & EU II, II. Line Intensity Measurements of 27 lines of Eu II. 13 new lines, INFRARED. GF ?? * BK E.Biemont, C.Karner, G.Meyer, F.Traeger, & G.zu Putlitz, l982, Astron.Astrophys.107,166-171, ABSOLUTE TRANSITION PROBABILITIES IN THE SPECTRA OF EU II, III. Astrophysical Applications. Log gf for 27 lines from z9P & z7P, from f-values; solar abundance = 0.51. 2 new lines. (EX-10, not found)? * CB Corless & Bosman (= original KP6000.DAT & KP6001.DAT + 1.029) MC 525 lines (vs 462). 14 JULY 87 B.Bell ** KP6301MC.BK All lines with BK-log gf, for calibration of CC. GB N.Grevesse & G.Blanquet, 1969, Solar Physics 8, 5-17, ABUNDANCES OF THE RARE EARTHS IN THE SUN (log gf from CB, Jungfraujoch solar data; EU: A = 0.49 ~ meteoritic) NOTES64.GD = Gadolinium KP6400NUW.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB and AEL RARE EARTHS, NBS 60; j's added; NEWWAVE calculated. 512 lines; No solar lines in rev2 ROWLAND, 1966. KP6401NUW.DAT Original LENs and UPNs varied, corrected to agree with CB and AEL RARE EARTHS, NBS 60; j's added; lines added from NS; NEWWAVE calculated. 570 lines, 69 solar incl blends & masked; 60 in rev2 ROWLAND. KC6400NUW.SUN = BELL6400.DAT ENS and LOG GFs from MC and NBS 60; NEWWAVE calculated. 621 lines; 0 solar lines in rev2. GKO V.N.Gorshkov, V.A.Komarovskii, A.L.Osherovich, & N.P.Pemkin 1983, Opt.Spectro. 54, 122-24, LIFETIMES OF GD I AND GD II EXCITED STATES. OSCILLATOR STRENGTHS OF GD I SPECTRAL LINES (107 lines from ground term, GKO < MC). PK Penkin & Komarovski 1976 JQSRT 16, 217-252, (relative f-values, 138 lines of Gd I, p.239-41, incl higher LENs discordant with ground term) KC6401NUW.SUN = BELL6401.DAT ENS and LOG GFs from MC and NBS 60; NEWWAVE calculated. 779 lines, 70 solar lines incl blends & masked; 60 in rev2. CB Corless & Bosman (= original KP6400.DAT & KP6401.DAT + 1.029) NS Nissan Spector, l970, Ap.J., 159, 1091-2, NEW CLASSIFICATIONS FOR (9) GD II SOLAR LINES (no lab gf's or abundances). N.Spector, 1970, J.Optical.Soc.Am. 60, 763-776, EXTENSION OF THE ANALYSIS OF SINGLY IONIZED GADOLINIUM (GD II), 300 lines 11153-2890 A, 4f8 core plus 6s, 6p, 5d. (Lines not added.) MC NBS 145 c. 1432 lines, GD 1 + GD 2 (vs 1082). JULY 87 B.Bell GB N.Grevesse & G.Blanquet, 1969, Solar Physics 8, 5-17, ABUNDANCES OF THE RARE EARTHS IN THE SUN (log gf from CB, Jungfraujoch solar data; GD: solar A = 1.12 ~ meteoritic) ** CHECK CLASSIF IN MC VS. N.SPECTOR, before doing CORLISSGF.GD2 NOTES65.TB = Terbium KP6500NUW.DAT CB 3 lines, from ground level of TB1 KP6501.DAT CB 0 lines; 5 solar lines in rev2 ROWLAND. MC c. 1400 lines(Tb 1 & 2), only about 10% classified. KC6500NUW.DAT = BELL6500.DAT Lines and ENS from MC and AEL NBS-60; log GF from MC; NEWWAVE calculated. 385 lines, 0 solar lines; 0 in rev2. KC6501NUW.SUN = BELL6501.DAT Lines and ENS from MC and AEL NBS-60; log GF from MC; NEWWAVE calculated. 106 lines, 3 solar; 5 in rev2 R. MC Log gf computed from above by CORLISS.COM. BRD E.Biemont, G.Roland, & L.Delboulle, 1981, Solar Physics 71, 223-231, f-VALUES FOR TB II AND A SEARCH FOR TERBIUM IN THE SOLAR PHOTOSPHERE (BRD ~ MC + 0.7; A = 0.2, < meteoritic) MC' MC + 0.70 JULY 87 B.BELL NOTES66.DY = Dysprosium KP6600.DAT No file; no solar lines in rev2 ROWLAND l966. KP6601NUW.DAT Original LENs and UPNs varied, corrected to agree with MC and AEL RARE EARTHS, NBS 60; j's added; NEWWAVE calculated. 80 lines, 39 (+10) solar incl blends & masked; 56 in rev2 ROWLAND. CB Corless & Bosman (= original KP6601.DAT + 1.029) MC 1378 lines (DY 1 + 2)! MAY 86 B.Bell KC6600NUW.DAT = BELL6600.DAT Lines and ENS from MC and AEL NBS-60; log GF from MC; NEWWAVE calculated. 390 lines, 0 solar lines; 0 in rev2. GKO V.N.Gorshkov, V.A.Komarovskii, A.L.Oserovich, N.P.Penkin & R.Khefferlin, 1980, Opt.Spectr.48, 362-64, LIFETIMES OF DY I AND DY II EXCITED LEVELS. OSCILLATOR STRENGTHS OF DY I SPECTRAL LINES (from ground term; GKO > MC for UPNs < 21000; GKO < MC for UPNs > 21780; change c.4600 A). 22 lines added. MC' = MC + 0.22, WVL > 4600 A KC6601NUW.SUN = BELL6601.DAT Classifications from NBS 145, energy levels from NBS 60; MC = LOG GFs computed from NBS 145 by CORLISS.COM. 793 lines, 57 solar; 56 rev2 R. (2455 - 8905 A) AUG 86 GB N.Grevesse & G.Blanquet, 1969, Solar Physics 8, 5-17, ABUNDANCES OF THE RARE EARTHS IN THE SUN (log gf from CB, Jungfraujoch solar data; DY: A = 1.11 = meteoritic). NOTES67.HO = Holmium KP6700NUW.DAT CB 3 lines, from ground level of HO1 MC 975 lines, only about 50 classified. KC6700NUW.DAT = BELL6700.DAT Lines and ENS from MC and AEL NBS-60; log GF from MC & GK; NEWWAVE calculated. 78 lines, 0 solar lines; 0 in rev2. KC6701NUW.SUN = BELL6701.DAT Lines and ENS from MC and AEL NBS-60; log GF from MC & GK; NEWWAVE calculated. 12 lines, 0 solar; 0 in rev2 R. MC Log gf computed from above by CORLISS.COM. MC' = MC + 0.10 GK V.N.Gorshkov & V.A.Komarovskii, 1979, Opt.Spectr.47, 350-51, LIFETIMES OF EXCITED LEVELS AND OSCILLATOR STRENGTHS OF HO I AND 4 HO II SPECTRAL LINES (GK ~ MC; 9 lines added to KC6700). JULY 87 B.BELL NOTES68.ER = Erbium KP6800.DAT File KP6800.DAT is really KP6801; No CB file; no solar lines in rev2 ROWLAND 1966. KP6801NUW.DAT Originally KP6800; Original LENs and UPNs varied, corrected to agree with MC and AEL RARE EARTHS, NBS 60; j's added; NEWWAVE calculated. File = 62 lines, 1 solar line = rev2 ROWLAND 1966 Additional lines in MC. CB Corless & Bosman (= original KP6801.DAT + 1.029) CM 1211 lines(ER 1, 2), some uncl. (vs. 62, ER 2) MAY 86 B.Bell KC6800NUW.DAT = BELL6800.DAT Lines and ENS from MC and AEL NBS-60; log GF from MC; NEWWAVE calculated. 370 lines, 0 solar lines; 0 in rev2. GK V.N.Gorshkov & V.A.Komarovskii, 1981, Opt.Spectr. 50, 467-69, LIFETIME OF EXCITED LEVELS AND OSCILLATOR STRENGTHS OF ER I AND ER II SPECTRAL LINES (f's for ER I only; MC' = MC - 0.20, WVL > 4600A; MC' = MC - 0.40, WVL < 4600A.) KC6801NUW.SUN = BELL6801.DAT Lines and ENS from MC and AEL NBS-60; log GF from MC; NEWWAVE calculated. 536 lines, 7 solar, BY; 1 in rev2 R. MC Log gf computed from above by CORLISS.COM. ESM B.Engman, J.O.Stoner,Jr. & I.Martinson, l976, Physica Scripta 13, 363-364, LIFETIMES OF THE 26,099 & 29973 CM-1 LEVELS IN ER II (log gf = -0.030, 3830A; 0.110, 3896A). BNP S.M.Bentzen, U.Nielson, O.Poulsen, 1982, J.Opt.Soc.Am. 72, 1210, BY E.Biemont & N.Y.Youssef, 1984, Astron.& Ap. 140, 177-78, THE SOLAR ABUNDANCE OF ERBIUM, A = 0.93 from analysis of 7 lines ML K.Musiol & S.Labuz, 1983 Phys.Scr.27, 422-24, EXPERIMENTAL DETERMINATION OF THE TRANSITION PROBABILITIES (gA) IN ER II (101 lines, relative gA's calibrated to absolute by BNP lifetimes; ESM normalization factor is 2.15 times greater than BNP, or +0.332). (some typos in wvls & upns) JULY 87 B. BELL GB N.Grevesse & G.Blanquet, 1969, Solar Physics 8, 5-17, ABUNDANCES OF THE RARE EARTHS IN THE SUN (log gf from CB, Jungfraujoch solar data; ER: A = 0.76 < meteoritic). PROBLEM LINES; SEE KC6801ENS.QQ VSM K.L.Vander Sluis & J.R.McNally Jr, 1970 J.Opt.Soc.Am., 60, 94--97, RECENT ZEEMAN RESULTS IN ER II (additional UPNs) NOTES69.TM = Thulium KP6900NUW.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB and AEL RARE EARTHS, NBS 60; j's added; NEWWAVE calculated. 49 lines; 2? solar lines, = rev2 ROWLAND, 1966. KP6901NUW.DAT Original LENs and UPNs varied, corrected to agree with CB and AEL RARE EARTHS, NBS 60; j's added; NEWWAVE calculated. 134 lines, 10 solar lines; 11 in rev2 ROWLAND. CB Corless & Bosman (= original KP6900.DAT & KP6901.DAT + 1.029) KC6900NUW.DAT = BELL6900.DAT Lines and ENS from MC and AEL NBS-60; log GF from MC; NEWWAVE calculated. 283 lines, 2 solar lines; 2 in rev2. (24 new lines from PK, BKP) PK N.P.Penkin & V.A.Komarovskii, 1976, JQSRT 16, 217-52 (Table 14, absolute f-values for 71 lines, len 0.000 cm-1) KC6901NUW.SUN = BELL6901.DAT Lines and ENS from MC and AEL NBS-60; log GF from MC; NEWWAVE calculated. 471 lines, 10 solar; 11 in rev2 R. MC Log gf computed from above by CORLISS.COM. AS T.Andersen & G.Sorensen, 1974, Solar Physics 38, 343-50, DETERMINA- TION OF ATOMIC LIFEIMES FOR HR RARE EARTH IONS: Pr II, TM II, Lu II, Ce III. (4 lines, 3 upns, vs CB). MC" = MC + 0.40 (upn < 42000 cm-1). AUG 87 B.Bell BKP K.B.Blagoev, V.A.Komarovskii, & N.P.Penkin 1978, Opt.Spectr. 44, 130-32, LIFETIMES OF THE EXCITED LEVELS OF TM I AND TM II AND OSCILLATOR STRENGTHS OF TM I SPECTRAL LINES (len 8771 cm-1; correction to MC c. -0.3 more than for PK, len 0.000 cm-1) ?? NOT YET ENTERED NOTES70.YB = Ytterbium KP7000NUW.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB and AEL RARE EARTHS, NBS 60; j's added; NEWWAVE calculated. 52 lines, 2 solar lines; = rev2 ROWLAND, 1966. KP7001NUW.DAT Original LENs and UPNs varied, corrected to agree with CB and AEL RARE EARTHS, NBS 60; NEWWAVE calculated. 280 lines, 2 solar lines; = rev2 ROWLAND, 1966. CB Corless & Bosman (= original KP7000.DAT & KP7001.DAT + 1.029) MC NBS 145: c.434 lines (vs.332). MAY 86 B.Bell KC7000NUW.DAT = BELL7000.DAT Lines and ENS from MC and AEL NBS-60; log GF from MC; NEWWAVE calculated. 371 lines, 2 solar lines; 2 in rev2. KP N.P.Penkin & V.A.Komarovskii, 1976, JQSRT 16, 217-252 (p.247, 5 lines Yb I, 6s2; p.249, 2 lines Yb II). KC7001NUW.SUN = BELL7001.DAT Lines and ENS from MC and AEL NBS-60; log GF from MC; NEWWAVE calculated. 529 lines, 2 solar; 2 in rev2 R. MC Log gf computed from above by CORLISS.COM. APR T.Andersen, O,Poulsen, P.S.Ramanujam, & A.Petrakiev Petkov, 1975, Solar Physics 44, 257-67, LIFETIMES OF SOME EXCITED STATES IN THE RARE EARTHS: La II, Ce II, Pr II, Nd II, Sm II, Yb I & II, & Lu II. SEP 87 BBG M.Baumann, M.Braun, A.Gaiser, & H. Liening, 1985 J.Phys.B 18, L601-4, RADIATIVE LIFEIMES AND gJ FACTORS OF LOW-LYING EVEN-PARITY LEVELS IN THE YB I SPECTRUM (good agreement with CB, 6s6d, 6s7s). MB J.Migdalek & W.E.Baylis, 1986, Phys.Rev.A 33, 1417-20, (relativistic, theoretical). NOTES71.LU = Lutetium KP7100NUW.DAT = BELL7100.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB and AEL RARE EARTHS, NBS 60; j's added; NEWWAVE calculated. 83 lines; 0 solar lines, = rev2 ROWLAND, 1966. KTZ M.Kwiatkoski, U.Teppner, & P.Zimmermann, 1980, Z.Naturforsch.A, 35, 370-72, LASERSPECTROSCOPIC INVESTIGATIONS IN THE CONFIGURATION 5d6s6p OF LU I (6 levels, with CB comparison, CB >> KTZ). GKP V.N.Gorshkov, V.A.Komarovskii, & N.P.Pemkin, 1984, Opt.& Spectr. 56, 575, LIFETIMES OF (23) EXCITED LEVELS OF ATOMIC LUTETIUM. (Only general statement that CB lifeimes are 'on the average 4 times greater' than ours, & KTZ's, ~ CB + 0.60 = CB') CB' = CB + 0.60, from GKP. KP7101NUW.DAT = BELL7101.DAT Original LENs and UPNs varied, corrected to agree with CB and AEL RARE EARTHS, NBS 60; NEWWAVE calculated. 72 lines, 1 solar line, poor wvl agreement; 3 in rev2 ROWLAND, 1966. APR T.Andersen, O,Poulsen, P.S.Ramanujam, & A.Petrakiev Petkov, 1975, Solar Physics 44, 257-67, LIFETIMES OF SOME EXCITED STATES IN THE RARE EARTHS: La II, Ce II, PR II, Nd II, Sm II, Yb I & II, & Lu II. AS T.Andersen & G.Sorensen, 1974, Solar Physics 38, 343-50, DETERMINA- TION OF ATOMIC LIFEIMES FOR HR RARE EARTH IONS: PR II, Tm II, Lu II, Ce III. CB' = CB - 0.50, or as interpolated, cf KP7101UPN.NGF MC NBS 145: 225 lines (vs.155). No analysis since 1937 available for NBS 60, except VW. VW Verges,J. & J.F.Wyart, l978, Phys.Scripta 17, 495-99, INFRARED EMISSION SPECTRUM OF LUTECIUM AND EXTENDED ANALYSIS OF LU I. 3 lines added, NBS 60 ENS adjusted per VW. OCT 87 B.Bell NOTES72.HF Hafnium KP7200NUW.DAT = BELL7200.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with NBS 153 William F.Meggers & Charlotte E.Moore, l976, THE FIRST SPECTRUM OF HAFNIUM (Hf I), NBS 153, 117 pp. j's added; NEWWAVE calculated. 430 lines, 2 solar; 4 in rev3 R. DS D.W.Duquette, S.Salih, & J.E.Lawler, l982, Phys.Rev.A, 26, 2623-2626, RADIATIVE LIFETIMES IN HF I (for 25 levels). CB' = CB + 0.60, UPN < 26000 (av diff DS vs CB) Q: 6p2()5d()6s = s6p2 (p.15) or d6s ? (p.6) even upn. ground state = 5d26s2 KP7201NUW.SUN = BELL7201.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB, AEL III, & MC; j's added; NEWWAVE calculated. 307 lines, 23 solar incl. UV; 18 in rev3 R. AP T.Andersen, P.Petersen,& O.Hauge, l976, Solar Physics 49, 211-215, THE SOLAR HAFNIUM ABUNDANCE (from 9 Hf II lines, A = 0.88; based on new lifetimes for 9 levels). CB' = CB + 0.25, UPN 29160. (UPN 37885 - 3100O agrees well with AP). MC 770 lines (vs 737). JUNE 86 B.Bell KC7200.DAT LOG GF FROM MC < 2440 A CB < MC 2444-3651 CB = MC + 0.05 3664-3858 CB = MC 3860-4100 CB = MC - 0.05 4104-4598 CB = MC - 0.07 4757 CB = MC - 0.13 4948-6587 CB = MC - 0.20 6700-6979 CB = MC >7000 CB = MC 0.05 to 0.1 In general, DS > MC, CB, by more than MC & CB differ from each other; DS difference depends roughly on UPN; MC vs CB differnce depends mainly in wavelength, not UPN. NOTES73.TA Tantalum KP7300NUW.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with AEL III, & MC; j's added; NEWWAVE calculated. 766 lines (13 deleted), 0 solar; 0 in rev3 R. DS D.W.Duquette, S.Salih, & J.E.Lawler, l981, Phys.Rev.A, 27, 1193-96, RADIATIVE LIFETIMES IN RH I AND IN TA I (35 levels). CB' = CB + AV COR, see KP7600COR.GF. KP7301NUW.DAT, Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB, AEL III, & MC, updated by C.C.Kiess, 1962, J.Res.NBS, 66A, 111-161, DESCRIPTION & ANALYSIS OF THE SECOND SPECTRUM OF TANTALUM, TA II; j's added, NEWWAVE calculated. Some MC classifications=/ Kiess, see KP7301CL.CHG, deleted from kp7301nuw.dat. 270 lines; 0 in rev3 R. MC 1306 lines (vs 1036). JUNE 86 B.Bell DDL E.A.Den Hartog, D.W.Duquette, & J.E.Lawler, 1987, JOSA B, 48- ABSOLUTE TRANSITION PROBABILITIES IN TA I (253 lines, gA) and W I. not yet entered NOTES74.W Tungsten KP7400NUW.SUN = BELL7400.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with AEL III, updated by D.D.Laun & C.H.Corliss, l968, J.Res.NBS 72A, 609-755, THE FIRST SPECTRUM OF TUNGSTEN (W I), (c.5500 classified lines); j's added; 45 lines added from CM; NEWWAVE calculated. 1026 lines, 13 solar (EP<1.0 only ck'd); 15 in rev3 R. DS D.W.Duquette, S.Salih, & J.E.Lawler, l981, Phys.Rev.A, 24, 2847-2850, RADIATIVE LIFETIMES IN W I (for 15 levels, using a novel atomic-beam source, 21454 - 30587 cm-1). PV G.A.Plekhotkin & Ya.F.Verolainen, 1985, Opt.& Spectr. 58, 447-9, RADIATION LIFETIMES OF EXCITED STATES OF CR, MO, AND TUNGSTEN ATOMS (22 levels, comp. CB; good agreement wih DS) HW Hartmut Holweger and Klaus Werner, l982, Solar Physics 81, 3-8, THE SOLAR ABUNDANCE OF TUNGSTEN (based on log GFs of OK for W I) = 1.06. OCT 87 B.BELL KP7401NUW.DAT = BELL7401.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB, AEL III, & MC; Donald D.Laun, l964, J.Res.NBS, 68A, 207-252, SECOND SPECTRUM OF TUNGSTEN (W II), (2173 classified lines); j's added; lines added from CM; NEWWAVE calculated. 108 lines, no solar, incl. UV; none in rev3 R. KNW M.Kwiatkowski, F.Naumann, K.Werner & P.Zimmermann, l984, Physics Letters 103A, 49-51, MEASUREMENTS OF RADIATIVE LIFETIMES IN TA II AND W II (3 levels) (absolute gf for 27 lines = OK + 0.05, based on OK relative GF's and KNW lifetimes). OK H.U.Obbarius & M.Kock, 1982, J.Phys.B 15, 527-534, OSCILLATOR STRENGTHS OF NEUTRAL AND SINGLY IONIZED TUNGSTEN (by wall-stabilised arc, absolute for 43 W I; and relative for 27 W II lines; absolute GF for 1 line of W II, 3641A = CB - 1.34, uncertainty c.45%.) W II: CB' = CB -1.34; correction shows neg correl with log gf (OK), no clear correl with UPN; wide scatter vs CB. W I: reasonable agreement with CB. CM J.E.Clawson and M.H.Miller, 1973, J.Opt.Soc.Am. 63, 1598-1603, EXPERIMENTAL TRANSITION PROBABILITIES FOR NEUTRAL AND SINGLY IONIZED TUNGSTEN (relative A values of 131 W I & 116 W II lines, by gas-driven shock tube). W I: standardized to CB by 4570.66A; 45 new lines added, remainder not used; poor agreement with OK. W II: approx absolute GF's by comparison with 6 common lines by OK and their one abs GF, 109 new lines added. EVE GFA(WVL.,Ae6,Ju) + 0.58. FEB 87 B.BELL DDL E.A.Den Hartog, D.W.Duquette, & J.E.Lawler, 1987, JOSA B, 48- ABSOLUTE TRANSITION PROBABILITIES IN TA I and W I (309 lines, gA). not yet entered NOTES75.RE Rhenium KP7500NUW.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with AEL III, & MC; j's added; NEWWAVE calculated; some Qs, see KP7500CL.QQ. 804 lines, 0 solar; 0 in rev2 R, nor Swensson l970. DS D.W.Duquette, S.Salih, & J.E.Lawler, l982, J.Phys.B 15, 1897-901, RADIATIVE LIFETIMES IN RE I (9 levels, 8 with negative corrections to CB log gf's; cf KP7500COR.GF). KP7501NUW.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB, AEL III, & MC; j's added, NEWWAVE calculated. 47 lines, 0 solar; 0 in rev2 R. MC 962 lines (vs. 851). JUNE 86 B.Bell NOTES76.OS Osmium KP7600NUW.DAT = BELL7600.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with AEL III, & MC, updated by Th.A.M.Van Kleef & P.F.A.Klinkenberg, l961, Physica 27, 83-94, SPECTRAL STRUCTURE OF NEUTRAL AND IONIZED OSMIUM; and G.G.Gluck, Y.Bordarier, J.Bauche, et Th.A.M.Van Kleef, l964, Physica 30, 2068-2104, DEPLACEMENT ISOTOPIQUE, CALCULS THEORIQUES ET STRUCTURE DES TERMES DANS LE SPECTRE D'ARC DE L'OSMIUM; j's added; NEWWAVE calculated; some Qs, see KP7600CL.QQ. ??* 889 lines, 4 solar ;7 in rev2 R. KP7601NUW.DAT = BELL7601.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with CB, AEL III, & MC; updated by Th.A.M.Van Kleef & P.F.A.Klinkenberg, l961, Physica 27, 83-94, SPECTRAL STRUCTURE OF NEUTRAL AND IONIZED OSMIUM; j's added, NEWWAVE calculated. 35 lines, 0 solar; 0 in rev2 R. MC 1036 lines (vs. 924). JUNE 86 B.Bell KZB M.Kwiatkowski, P.Zimmermann, E.Biemont, & N.Grevesse, l984, Astron.& Ap. 135, 59-60, AN IMPROVED SOLAR ABUNDANCE OF OSMIUM BASED ON NEW LIFE-TIME MEASUREMENTS (6 UPNs) IN OS I. A = 1.45 from 9 solar * lines; average correction to CB = 3.05, indep of UPN, log gf = -0.48. CB' = CB - 0.48. NOTES77.IR Iridium KP7700NUW.SUN = BELL7700.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with AEL III, & MC, updated by Th.A.M.Van Kleef, l957, Physica 23, 843-897, STRUCTURE AND ZEEMAN EFFECT IN THE SPECTRUM OF THE IRIDIUM ATOM, IR I; j's added; NEWWAVE calculated; some Qs, see KP7700CG.CHG ??* 501 lines, 11? solar ;10 in rev2 R. GHL D.S.Gough, P.Hannaford & R.M.Lowe, l983, J.Phys.B 16, 785-91, RADIATIVE LIFETIMES (25 levels) AND (absolute) OSCILLATOR STRENGTHS IN NEUTRAL IRIDIUM (27 transitions). New branching ratios, lifetimes c. 3.5 x CB, giving GFs systematically smaller than CB, independent of UPN. A = 1.35 (vs. 0.82 old) GH' from GHL lifetimes, old (CB) branching ratios CB' = CB - 0.55 OCT 87 KC7701NUW.DAT = BELL7701.DAT ENS fom MC and Th.A.M.van Kleef & B.C.Metsch, l978, Physica 95c, 251-65; GFs from MC, adjusted in UV by difference betwwn CB and MC at similar wavelength in KC7700.DAT (all large); NEWWAVE calculated. 10 lines, 0 solar JAN 87 B.Bell NOTES78.PT Platinium KP7800NUW.SUN = BELL7800.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with AEL III, & MC, updated by R.Engleman,Jr., 1985, J.Opt.Soc.Am.B 2, 1934-41 (no wvls); NEWWAVE calculated. 157 lines, 6 solar +14 UV; 6 in rev2 R. GHL D.S.Gough, P.Hannaford & R.M.Lowe, 1982, J.Phys.B 15, L431-434, RADIATIVE LIFETIMES IN NEURAL PLATINUM (15 odd levels; trans.prob for 6 lines, new branch ratios for UPN 44444cm-1) LG J.Lotrian & Y.Guern, 1982, J.Phs.B 15, 69-72, BRANCHING RATIOS OF NEUTRAL PLATINUM IN 5d8 6s6s and 5d9 6p CONFIGURATIONS ( trans.probs. for 15 lines & comparison wih CB). MC 163 lines. SEE KC7800.DAT, KC7800NO.GF. MAR 87 B.Bell KB7801.DAT = BELL7801.DAT LENS & UPNS from AEL III; lines from Shenstone (l938) and M.W.Dworesky, 1969, Ap.J. 156, L101-02, IDENIFICATION OF PT II IN THE SPECTRA OF SOME PECULIAR A STARS; Dworetsky, J.P.Storey & J.M.Jacobs, l984, Physica Scripta T8, 39-42, THE SPECTRUM OF PT II IN CHEMICALLY PECULIAR STARS (A = 6.) (log gf DSJ(theor), and DS*(astrophysical)); 1 line in CB. WVLs calculated from ENS often differ by up to .04A from Shenstone WVLs AEL III: PT IS INADEQUATELY STUDIED!! Infrared lines of PT I, Kessler, Meggers & Moore l954 (in file) NBS 363: #4082: UV 1150-3100 A, PT 1, 2 - not in file. OCT 87 B.BELL NOTES79.AU Gold KP7900NUW.DAT = BELL7900.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with AEL III, & MC, updated by J.C.Ehrhardt and S.P.Davis, 1971, J.Opt.Soc.Am. 61, 1342-1349, PRECISION WAVELENGTHS AND ENERGY LEVELS IN GOLD; C.M.Brown & M.L.Ginter, 1978, J.Opt.Soc.Am. 68, 243-46, ABSORPTION SPECTRUM OF AU I BETWEEN 1300 AND 1900 A; 25 lines added from MIG, 10 from BG; NEWWAVE calculated. GFs from CB, HL, MIG, JMG, MB, GUES. 61 lines, 1 solar, plus 7 UV; 1 in rev2 R. MC 26 classified lines. HL P.Hannaford, P.L.Larkins & R.M.Lowe, l981, J.Phys.B: At.Mol.Phys.14, 2321-27, RADIATIVE LIFETIMES AND BRANCHING RATIOS FOR THE 62P LEVELS OF GOLD (5 lines, abundance = 1.13). PS N.P.Penkin & I.Yu.Yu.Slavenas, 1963, Opt.& Spectr. 15, 3-5, ABSOLUTE OSCILLATOR STRENGTHS OF THE RESONANCE DOUBLETS OF Ag I and AU I. MIG J.Migdalek, 1976, Can.J.Phys. 54, 2272-78, THEORETICAL OSCILLATOR STRENGTHS III. TRANSITIONS IN AU I.....(33 lines). JMG J.Migdalek, 1978, J.Quant.Spec.Rad.Transf. 20, 81-87, RELATIVISTIC OSCILLATOR STRENGTHS FOR SOME TRANSITIONS IN Cu I, Ag I, and AU I (12 lines). MB J.Migdalek & W.E.Baylis, 1978 J.Phys. B: 11, L497-501, INFLUENCE OF ATOMIC CORE POLARIZATION ON OSCILLATOR STRENGTHS FOR 2S - 2P, AND 2P - 2D TRANSITIONS IN Cu I, Ag I AND AU I (5 lines) SPECTRA (6s - 6p, MB ~ HL ~ PS ~ .5 MIG; 6p - 6d, MB ~ MIG). KB7901.DAT No lines in CB, MC, or KP tape 3 lines from ground level, from Brown & Ginter, GUES. 7 MAY 87 B.Bell NOTES80.HG Mercury KP8000NUW.DAT = BELL8000.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with AEL III, & MC; 1 UV line added from AJG, 7 from WA; NEWWAVE calculated. log gf from WA = LMW, AS, AJG. 27 lines, 1 uv solar; 0 in rev2 R. WA B.Warner, 1968, MN 53-59. LMW D.L.Lambert, E.A.Mallia, & B.Warner, 1969, MN 142, 171-95, THE ABUNDANCES OF THE ELEMENTS IN THE SOLAR PHOTOSPHERE--VII....HG.. (p.86-7). AJG R.Abjean & A.Johannin-Gilles, 1976, J.Quant.Spec.Rad.Tranf. 16, 369-71, OSCILLATOR STRENGTHS MEASUREMENT BY ATOMIC BEAM ABSORPTION --III, OSCILLATOR STRENGTH OF THE HG I 1P - 1S TRANSITION (1850A), (f = 1.15). AS T.Andersen & G.Sorensen, 1973 JQSRT 13, 369-76, SYSTEMATIC TRENDS IN ATOMIC TRANSITION PROBABILITIES IN NEUTRAL AND SINGLY-IONIZED ZINC, CADMIUM AND MERCURY (p.474, 3 lines, 6p - 7s 3S, CB >> AS). JUNE 87 B.Bell IR & XUV studies available in file. KB8001NUW.DAT = BELL8001.DAT LENs and UPNs from AEL III; approx ENS; GFs from MIG, MMD. MIG J.Migdalek, 1976, Can.J.Phys. 54, 2272-78, THEORETICAL OSCILLATOR STRENGTHS III. Transitions in Au I, Hg II, Pb IV, & Bi V SPECTRA (principal, sharp, & diffuse series, relativistic f-values). MMD M.M.Dworetsky, l980, Astron.& Ap. 84, 350-53, ON THE ABSOLUTE OSCLLATOR STRENGTH OF HG II 3984A AND THE PRESENCE OF HG IONS IN Ap STARS (gf deduced from APR data). APR T.Andersen, O.Poulsen, and P.S.Ramanujam, 1976, JQSRT 16, 521-27, RADIATIVE LIFETIMES IN Zn II, Cd II, AND HG II MEASURED BY FAST-BEAM LEVEL-CROSSING TECHNIQUE (no f-values). JUN 87 BLD E.C.Benck, J.E.Lawler, & J.T.Dakin, preprint for JOSA B LIFETIMES(10 levels), BRANCHING RATIOS, & ABSOLUTE TRANSITION PROBABILITES (23 lines, gA) IN HG I. NOTES81.TL Thallium KP8100NUW.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with AEL III, & MC; j's added; NEWWAVE calculated. 18 lines, 0 solar; 0 in rev2 R. MC 18 lines. JULY 86 B.Bell NOTES82.PB Lead KP8200NUW.SUN = BELL8200.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with AEL III, & MC, updated by D.R.Wood and K.L.Andrew, l968, J.Opt.Soc.Am. 58, 818-829, ARC SPECTRUM OF LEAD (370 lines, wvl 1977-12561A); j's added; NEWWAVE calculated; GF from PS. 38 lines, 6 solar; 2 in rev2 R. PS N.P.Penkin & I.Yu.Slavenas, 1963, Opt.& Spectr. 15, 83-88, OSCILLATOR STRENGTHS OF THE SPECTRAL LINES OF Sn I and PB I (absolute, 29 lines of Sn I; 17 lines of PB I, PS ~ NG, < CB, except 2170 A). NG N.Grevesse, 1969, Solar Physics 6, 381-398, ABUNDANCES OF HEAVY ELEMENTS IN THE SUN (Pb, Bi, Th, & U; log gf for 5 Pb lines, p.390). KB8201NUW.DAT = BELL8201.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with AEL III, & MC, updated by D.R.Woods et al.,l974, J.Opt.Soc.Am. 64, 1159-61; INTERFEROMETRIC MEASUREMENT OF PB II SPECTRUM (50 lines, energy levels); NEWWAVE calculated; log gf from MIG, GUES. 28 lines. MIG J.Migdalek, 1976, J.Quant.Spect.Rad.Transf. 16, 265-272, THEORETTTICAL OSCILLATOR STRENGTHS FOR SOME TRANSITION IN Si II, Ge II, Sn II, and PB II spectra (releativistic Gfs). APR 87 B.Bell HS O.Hauge & H.Sorli, 1973, Solar Physics 30, 301-08, THE SOLAR ABUNDANCE OF THORIUM (A = 0.85) AND LEAD (A = 1.90) GV V.N.Gorshkov & Ya.F.Verolainen, 1985, Opt.Spectr. 58, 848-9, RADIATIVE LIFETIMES OF EXCITED STATES OF PB I AND PB II (no comp. with CB; GV slightly > PS). NOTES83.BI Bismuth KP8300NUW.DAT = BELL8300.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with AEL III, & MC; updated by Y.N.Joshi & P.P.Srivastava 1978, Can.J.Res.56,1157-64, ABSORPTION SPECTRUM OF BISMUTH IN THE REGION 2300-1250A, USING THE FLASH PYROLYSIS TECHNIQUE; NEWWAVE calculated. 29 lines, 0 solar; 0 in rev2 R. AMS T.Andersen, O.H.Madsen, & G.Sorensen, 1972, J.Opt.Soc.Am., 62, 1118 RADIATIVE LIFETIMES IN Sn I AND BI I (6 levels; CB from SV, whence 4 levels with AMS > CB, 1 level with AMS < CB). MC 29 lines. OCT 87 B.Bell SV S.Svanberg, 1972, Physica Scripta, 5, 73-79, 1972, NATURAL RADIATIVE LIFETIMES OFV SOME EXCITED BI 1 LEVELS BELONGING TO THE 6p2 7s AND THE 6p2 6d CONFIGURATIONS MEASURED BY THE HANLE METHOD (SV > CB) OT A,.L.Osherovich & V.V.Tezikov, 1978, Opt.Spectr. 44, 128-30, RADIAIVE LIFETIMES OF EXCITED STATES OF THE BISMUTH ATOM (18 Bi I levels, no comp. with CB; CB from SV, good agreement with AMS NOTES90.TH Thorium KP8300NUW.DAT Original LENs and UPNs changed to accord with MC, & R.ZALUBAS, 1968, J.Opt.Soc.Amer. 58, 1195-99, PRESENT STATE OF ANALYSIS OF THE FRIST SPECTRUM OF THORIUM (TH I); NEWWAVE calculated. GFs from CB 340 lines, 0 solar; 0 in rev2 R. KC9000NUW.ENC = BELL9000.DAT Lines from MC; ENS updated from B.A.Palmer & R.Engleman Jr., 1983, ATLAS OF THE THORIUM SPECTRUM, LA-9615; NEWWAVE calculated. GFs FROM MC. 687 lines, 0 solar; 0 in rev2 R. KC9001NUW.ENC = BELL9001.DAT Lines from MC; ENS updated from B.A.Palmer & R.Engleman Jr., 1983, ATLAS OF THE THORIUM SPECTRUM, LA-9615; NEWWAVE calculated. GFs FROM MC. 1369 lines, 0 solar; 0 in rev2 R. MC 1430 lines for TH II OCT 86 B.Bell LA LA-9515, ATLAS OF THE THORIUM SPECTRUM, B.A.Palmer & R.Engleman Jr., l983, LA-9615. 2777 to 13500 A; formulae are given (p.10) for computation of gf from published intensities, calibrated by CB. Numerous fairly strong (Int > 10.) lines in LA are not in MC, especially for TH I, incl. lines from low EP. NOTES92.U Uranium KC9200NUW.DAT Lines from MC; ENS updated from J.Blaise & L.J.Radziemski, l976, J.Opt.Soc. Am. 66, 644-59, ENERG LEVELS OF NEUTRAL URANIUM (U I); classifications updated from LA. NEWWAVE calculated. GFs FROM MC. 561 lines, 0 solar; 0 in rev2 R. KB9200NUW.DAT = BELL9200.DAT Lines from MC, PKE & TB; ENS updated from J.Blaise & L.J.Radziemski, l976, J.Opt.Soc.Am. 66, 644-59, ENERGY LEVELS OF NEUTRAL URANIUM (U I); MC classifications updated from PKE; 160 lines added from PKE, log gf recalculated from PKE intesities and equation, wvl > 3854; log gf, 3354-3600A from TB; < 3354A MC' = MC - 1.00; 3601-3847A, from MC. 1142 lines, 0 solar; 0 in rev2 R. PKE B.A.Palmer R.A.Keller & R.Engleman Jr., l980, LA-8251-MS, An Atlas of Uranium Emission Intensities in a Hollow Cathode Discharge, 3848 to 9083 A; formula given (p.xxii) for computation of gf from published intensities, calibrated by KV & BC. Numerous fairly strong (Int > 10.) lines in LA are not in MC, especially for U I, incl. lines from low EP. No energy levels. 638 LINES, 160 new, in U I WVL > 3848A in KB9200NUW.DAT TB T.Bieniewski, 1984, J.Opt.Soc.Am.B 1, 300-05, OSCILLATOR STRENGTHS FOR NEUTRAL ATOMIC URANIUM, (497 lines, 3354-3600 A, MC = TB + ~1.0) KV J.Z.Klose & P.A.Voigt, 1977, Phys.Rev.A 16, 2032-37, MEAN LIVES AND gf VALUES IN U I. (MC > TB < KV < MC, see KB9200NUW.LAMCKV.) KC9201NUW.DAT = BELL9201.DAT Lines from MC; ENS updated from Rolf Engleman, pers.comm. l987; NEWWAVE calculated. GFs FROM MC. (67 lines not found in PKE). 595 lines, 0 solar; 0 in rev2 R. NOV 87 B.Bell HFR G.Henrion, M.Fabry, & M.Remy, l987, JQSRT 37, 477-99, DETERMINATION OF OSCILLATOR STRENGTHS FOR (370) U I AND U II LINES not yet entered