o18rdme.inf 2/21/95 There are 11 files of the cross sections of oxygen 18O2 at 79 K. They consist of one initial title/label line; a second line labelling the two columns of the data; and then a number of lines of data, each line corresponding to a measured point, and consisting of first the value of the wavenumber position, and second the value of the cross section/molecule (sigma) of oxygen at that position. A FORTRAN format statement for reading the data lines could be: FORMAT(1x,F10.3,3x,E11.3) There are three additional information files included: this one; a file containing the publication information of the article in which this data was presented (including title, authors and address, journal reference, and the abstract); and a file listing the title lines of the data files. At this point, the cross section file for (14,0) is unavailable. Yoshino, et. al., Planetary Space Science, Vol. 36, No. 11, pp. 1201-1210 (1988).