Photos from 11th HITRAN Conference
June 2006

Photos thanks to Agnès Perrin, Bob Gamache, Kelly Chance, Sergey Tashkun, and Larry Rothman
HITRAN Committee
HITRAN Advisory Committee (taken by Agnès)
HITRAN Committee
HITRAN Advisory committee (taken by Iouli)
Jeanna and Vladimir
A solid theory discussion
Talk by Laraia
Line shape was a popular topic this year
YSA winner ShanShan Yu
JQSRT Young Scientist Award winner, Shanshan Yu
YSA ruuner-up Julien Lamouroux
JQSRT Young Scientist Award winner, Julien Lamouroux
Julien Lamouroux
Julien mentors
Julien's mentors
Birthday award
Special Issue commemorative for Larry
The co-chairs begin the raffle
really young scientists
Really young scientists
French drinking beer
The prefered beverage at French tables
Ed Cohen
Ed Cohen came to see the Red Sox
Herb Pickett
Herb Pickett