pro colblock_smooth,colblock_raw,colblock_smooth ; this routine does 3x3 smoothing on all the planes of a colorblock ; Input is read from colblock_raw (a save file) ; Output is written to colblock_smooth (also a save file). restore,colblock_raw stop sz=size(colblock) nc=sz(1) nt=sz(2) ng=sz(3) nz=sz(4) cbout=fltarr(nc,nt,ng,nz) for i=0,nc-1 do begin for j=0,nz-1 do begin cc=reform(colblock(i,*,*,j)) ccs=smooth(cc,3,/edge) ccs=reform(ccs,1,nt,ng) cbout(i,*,*,j)=ccs endfor endfor colblock=cbout save,colblock,teffu,loggu,logzu,names,file=colblock_smooth end