pro m67_basel_colors,ra,dec,v,bmv,teff,logg,bas_colors,names,v1=v1,mix=mix ; This routine returns synthetic colors for observed stars in M67, ; obtained by using m67_props to estimate teff and logg, and then ; using these values to interpolate into the synthetic colors table ; (for logz=-0.1, ext=0.25) ~/basel/m67_survey.sav. String representations ; of the names of the colors are returned in array names. ; If keyword v1 is set, observations come from the older Latham teff and ; coarse logg, combined with Montgomery photometry. ; If v1 is not set, teff and logg come from soeren's more recent spectroscopic ; fits. ; If keyword mix is set, both new and old observations are obtained, and the ; old ones are used to provide 4 stars at the redmost end of the color range. ; get the M67 teff, logg derived from observations ; use v1 to choose between newer values for 116 stars from Seoren Meibohm ; and older 190 stars from Latham + Montgomery. if(keyword_set(v1) or keyword_set(mix)) then begin m67_props,ra,dec,v,bmv,teffo,loggo,logzo,exto endif if(keyword_set(mix)) then begin s=where(bmv gt 1.2,ns) raa=ra(s) deca=dec(s) va=v(s) bmva=bmv(s) teffa=teffo(s) logga=loggo(s) logza=logzo(s) exta=exto(s) endif if(not keyword_set(v1) or keyword_set(mix)) then begin rd_soeren2_m67,ra,dec,v,bmv,teffo,tef2,loggo,logzo,vsini nst=n_elements(ra) exto=fltarr(nst)+3.1*0.09 ; estimate of extinction, from E_B-V = 0.09 endif if(keyword_set(mix)) then begin ra=[ra,raa] dec=[dec,deca] v=[v,va] bmv=[bmv,bmva] teffo=[teffo,teffa] loggo=[loggo,logga] logzo=[logzo,logza] exto=[exto,exta] nst=n_elements(ra) endif ; get the synthetic color table, convert it into a 2-dimensional array ; This table spans 3500-6500K in 250K steps, logg is 0.5 to 5.0 in 0.5 steps restore,'~/d/basel/m67_survey3.sav' ;restore,'/local/d/timbrown/basel/m67_survey.sav' ctab=fltarr(9,13,10) ; colors, teff, log(g) for i=0,12 do begin tt=3500.+250.*i for j=0,9 do begin ll=0.5+0.5*j s=where(teff eq tt and logg eq ll,ns) if(ns eq 1) then ctab(*,i,j)=colors(*,s) endfor endfor ; make indices into the table for each star ix=(teffo-3500.)/250. iy=(loggo-0.5)/0.5 ; make ouyput array, fill it up nst=n_elements(ra) bas_colors=fltarr(nst,9) for i=0,8 do begin tabl=reform(ctab(i,*,*),13,10) bas_colors(*,i)=interpolate(tabl,ix,iy) endfor teff=teffo logg=loggo end