pro plot_refvsx,blocks,rf,zdb=zdb,ps=ps,log=log ; This routine makes postscript plots of the observed magnitudes of reference ; stars, uncorrected for atmospheric extinction, as a function of airmass. ; It does this for every filter for which observations exist, for every ; block listed in input array blocks. ; If rf=0, it plots all reference stars that are observed at every opportunity ; in the given block and filter ; If rf=1, it plots only stars in the R19 field ; If rf=2, it plots only stars in the NGC6811 field. ; If keyword ps is set, ps and gif files are created ; If keyword log is set, values relating to the fits are written to a log ; file residing in a standard directory print, '*****current version as of 071210*****' ; Trunk directories where PS and GIF files are created. Make sure they exist! ; Likewise for logfile directory! psdir='/mnt/server/tbrown/dbase/diagnostics/plots_ps/' gifdir='/mnt/server/tbrown/dbase/diagnostics/plots_gif/' ;psdir='/knobos/e/kolinski/kepler_diagnostics/plots_ps/' ;gifdir='/knobos/e/kolinski/kepler_diagnostics/plots_gif/' logdir='/mnt/server/tbrown/dbase/diagnostics/log/' psflag = keyword_set(ps) ; constants zdbase=getenv('ZDBASE') if(keyword_set(zdb)) then zdbase=zdb blkdbase=zdbase+'/survey/blocks/blocks' obspath=zdbase+'/survey/observations/' stardbase=zdbase+'/survey/stars/tstds' starpath=zdbase+'/survey/stars' imdbase=zdbase+'/survey/images/images' filtdir=['u','g','r','i','z','gr','d5'] nfilt=n_elements(filtdir) filtnam=['u ','g ','r ','i ','z ',$ 'Gred ','D51 '] filtstar=['u','g','r','i','z','Gred','D51'] ; filter names in stars dbase ral=[0.,19.5208,19.6367,8.8561] decl=[0.,36.1167,46.5667,11.8333] oname=['/tostds','/tostds','/tostds','/to132+011'] sname=['/tstds','/tstds','/tstds','/t132+011'] nblk=n_elements(blocks) ; loop over blocks, get range of images in block if(keyword_set(log)) then begin openw,iunl,logdir+'refvsxlog_test',/get_lun,/append sst=systime() printf,iunl,'Created: '+sst endif for i=0,nblk-1 do begin ib=blocks(i) print,'block = ',ib dbopen,blkdbase dbext,[ib],'iseqmin,iseqmax,jdmin',ismin,ismax,jdmin dbclose ;Form date name and create date-named directory for plot repository ;Dave Latham requested plot date change (subtracted 1 from jdmin) CALDAT, (jdmin-1.0D), mon, day, yr yr = STRTRIM(STRING(yr[0]),2) mon = STRTRIM(STRING(mon[0]),2) IF (STRLEN(mon) LT 2) THEN mon='0'+mon day = STRTRIM(STRING(day[0]),2) IF (STRLEN(day) LT 2) THEN day='0'+day sdatenam=yr+mon+day ;for log file IF (psflag) THEN BEGIN pspath = psdir+yr+mon+day+'/' file0 = FINDFILE(pspath, count=ct) IF (ct EQ 0) THEN BEGIN str0 = 'mkdir '+pspath SPAWN, str0 ENDIF gifpath = gifdir+yr+mon+day+'/' file1 = FINDFILE(gifpath, count=ct) IF (ct EQ 0) THEN BEGIN str1 = 'mkdir '+gifpath SPAWN, str1 ENDIF psfile = pspath+yr+mon+day+'_rvx_b'+strtrim(string(ib),2)+'' set_plot, 'ps' DEVICE, /helvetica, bits_per_pixel=8, filename=psfile, /landscape, $ /inches, xsize=10, ysize=8, xoffset=.5, yoffset=10.5 set_plot, 'x' ENDIF ; loop over filters, find observations in tostds in each filter, in ; right range of iseq numbers, in right RA, Dec range if rf ne 0. for j=0,nfilt-1 do begin print,'filtno = ',j window, 5, retain=2, xsize=800, ysize=650 ;open plot window before loop obsdbase=obspath+filtdir(j)+oname(rf) ierr=findfile(obsdbase+'.dbd') berr=byte(ierr) if(berr(0) eq 0) then goto,endloop ; bail if target dbase doesn't exist dbopen,obsdbase sisr=strtrim(string(ismin),2)+' < iseq < '+strtrim(string(ismax),2) ll=dbfind(sisr) if(ll(0) gt 0) then begin if(rf gt 0) then begin ll1=dbcircle(ral(rf),decl(rf),15.,dis,ll,/silent) ll=ll1 endif if(ll(0) lt 0) then goto,nostars dbext,ll,'starid,iseq,ra,dec,mag,x,chip',sid,iseq,ra,dec,mag,x,chip dbclose ; make list of unique stars, images, get standard magnitudes for all stars su=uniq(sid,sort(sid)) & usid=sid(su) nsu=n_elements(usid) sq=uniq(iseq,sort(iseq)) & uiseq=iseq(sq) nui=n_elements(uiseq) stardbase=starpath+sname(rf) dbopen,stardbase ll=dbget('starid',usid) dbext,ll,filtstar(j),mag0 dbclose ; get fwhm and aperture corrections for the images dbopen,imdbase dbext,uiseq,'apercor,fwhm,ra,jd',apercor,fwhm,raio,jdio dbclose ; count observations for each unique star nos=lonarr(nsu) for kk=0,nsu-1 do begin s=where(sid eq usid(kk),ns) nos(kk)=ns endfor nosmax=max(nos) ; pick out subset of stars that were observed on every possible image but one ; sg=where(nos ge nosmax-1,nsg) ; if(j eq 3) then sg=where(nos ge nosmax-3,nsg) ; ***temporary hack*** ; !p.multi = [0,1,2] ; pick out subset of stars that were observed exactly the same number of ; times as many other stars. ho=histogram(nos,min=0) hom=max(ho,ixh) sh=where(ho ge 0.6*hom,nsh) ; find big peaks in the histogram msh=max(sh) ; big peak with max no of obs ssh=where(sh ge 0.75*msh,nssh) ; big peaks with similar number of obs gno=sh(ssh) ; no of obs for each of these peaks if (nssh gt 4) then gno=gno(nssh-4:nssh-1) ; take at most 4 biggest ngno=n_elements(gno) ; how many peaks have we got? sg=[-1] for iz=0,ngno-1 do begin ssg=where(nos eq gno(iz),nssg) ; take stars with exactly this no of obs if(nssg gt 0) then sg=[sg,ssg] endfor sg=sg(1:*) nsg=n_elements(sg) if(nsg gt 5) then begin ; make medians of (mags of all stars on each image) and (mags-mags0) ; of all stars on each image, likewise of airmass for these stars on each image ; but only for stars with reasonable mag (or mag, mag0 for difference). medm=fltarr(nui) meddif=fltarr(nui) errdif=fltarr(nui) medx=fltarr(nui) tmag=fltarr(nsg,nui)+99.9 tmag0=fltarr(nsg,nui)+99.9 tdif=fltarr(nsg,nui)+99.9 tx=fltarr(nsg,nui)+99.9 ; also make aperture corrections, fwhm weighted by number of stars for ea image apca=fltarr(nui) fwhma=fltarr(nui) for mm=0,nui-1 do begin fwa=0. apa=0. ntot=0. for cc=0,3 do begin si=where(iseq eq uiseq(mm) and chip eq cc,nsi) apa=apa+nsi*apercor(cc,mm) fwa=fwa+nsi*fwhm(cc,mm) ntot=ntot+nsi endfor apca(mm)=apa/ntot fwhma(mm)=fwa/ntot for nn=0,nsg-1 do begin st=where(sid eq usid(sg(nn)) and iseq eq uiseq(mm),nst) if(nst eq 1) then begin tmag(nn,mm)=mag(st) tmag0(nn,mm)=mag0(sg(nn)) tdif(nn,mm)=mag(st)-mag0(sg(nn)) tx(nn,mm)=x(st) endif endfor sug=where(tmag(*,mm) lt 40,nsug) sue=where(tmag(*,mm) lt 40 and tmag0(*,mm) lt 40,nsue) if(nsue ge 3) then begin medm(mm)=median(tmag(sug,mm)) meddif(mm)=median(tmag(sue,mm)-tmag0(sue,mm)) quartile,tmag(sue,mm)-tmag0(sue,mm),medofd,qrt,dqrt errdif(mm)=dqrt medx(mm)=median(tx(sug,mm)) endif endfor ; compute linear fits to meddif vs medx, residuals if(nui ge 2 and max(abs(medx)) gt 0.) then begin ss=where(medx ne 0.,nss) if(nss gt 0) then begin medx=medx(ss) meddif=meddif(ss) medm=medm(ss) nui=nss rai=raio[ss] jdi=jdio[ss] endif dd=poly_fit(medx,meddif,1) azero=dd(0) slope=dd(1) ; look for and reject outliers in the residuals yyf=poly(medx,dd) resid=meddif-yyf nresid=n_elements(resid) if(nresid ge 5) then begin quartile,resid,medrr,qrr,dqrr dmed=abs(resid-medrr)/dqrr sgdd=where(dmed le 3.*1.349,nsgdd) ; data within 3-sigma if(nsgdd lt nresid and nsgdd ge 4) then begin dd=poly_fit(medx(sgdd),meddif(sgdd),1) azero=dd(0) slope=dd(1) print,nresid-nsgdd,'Bad data rejected, filter=',j endif endif endif else begin azero=meddif(0) slope=0. dd=[azero,slope] if(max(abs(meddif)) eq 0.) then begin print,'no nonzero meddif -- bailing' goto,endloop endif endelse yyf=poly(medx,dd) resid=meddif-yyf if(n_elements(resid) ge 2) then medrms=stddev(resid) else medrms=99. minx=min(medx) ; smallest image median airmass maxx=max(medx) ; largest nxpts=n_elements(medx) ; number of points to which fit is made msiga=medrms/sqrt((nxpts-2) > 1) mxran=(maxx-minx) > .01 msigk=medrms/(mxran*sqrt((nxpts-2) > 1)) ; rough and ready estimates, ; do better later f1='(i5,2x,1a8,2x,1a4,7(2x,f7.3),i6)' if(keyword_set(log)) then begin fs=filtstar(j) printf,iunl,ib,sdatenam,fs,azero,msiga,slope,msigk,medrms,$ minx,maxx,nsg,format=f1 endif xx=.8+.5*findgen(4) yyp=poly(xx,dd) stra=string(azero+1.215*slope,format='(f6.3)') strs=string(slope,format='(f6.3)') strsiga=string(msiga,format='(f7.4)') strsigk=string(msigk,format='(f7.4)') strrms=string(medrms,format='(f7.4)') ; get hourangle get_hourangle, rai, jdi, hrai ha = INTARR(nui) sha = WHERE(hrai GT 0, nsha) IF (nsha GT 0) THEN ha[sha]=1 ; make plots of useful stuff IF (psflag) THEN BEGIN ;plot ps and gif files first, then to screen set_plot, 'ps' !p.multi = [0,1,2] tit='Test: Block '+strtrim(string(blocks(i)),2)+' filter '+filtstar(j) xtit='Airmass' ytit='Magnitudes' xr=[0.9,2.2] medmed=total(medm)/nui difmed=total(meddif)/nui yr1=[medmed-0.2,medmed+0.3] yr2=[difmed-.3,difmed+.4] plot,medx,meddif,xran=xr,yran=yr2,tit=tit,xtit=xtit,ytit=ytit, $ /nodata,/xsty,/ysty for mm=0,nui-1 do begin IF (ha[mm] EQ 0) THEN symb=4 ELSE symb=5 oplot,[medx(mm)],[meddif(mm)],psym=symb,thick=3 ; oplot,tx(*,mm),tdif(*,mm),psym=3 oploterr,[medx(mm)],[meddif(mm)],[errdif(mm)] endfor oplot,xx,yyp,line=2 xyouts,1.,yr2(1)-.05, 'Triangle symbol denotes positive hour angle' xyouts,1.,yr2(1)-.1,'a = '+stra+' +/- '+strsiga xyouts,1.,yr2(1)-.15,'k = '+strs+' +/- '+strsigk xyouts,1.,yr2(1)-.2, 'rms = '+strrms ytit2='Fit Residual (mag)' xtit1='FWHM (pix)' xr1=[0.,12.] yr1=[-.06,.06] plot,fwhma,resid,psym=2,tit=tit,xtit=xtit1,ytit=ytit2,xran=xr1,$ yran=yr1,/xsty,/ysty set_plot, 'x' ENDIF !p.multi = [0,1,2] tit='Test: Block '+strtrim(string(blocks(i)),2)+' filter '+filtstar(j) xtit='Airmass' ytit='Magnitudes' xr=[0.9,2.2] medmed=total(medm)/nui difmed=total(meddif)/nui yr1=[medmed-0.2,medmed+0.3] yr2=[difmed-.3,difmed+.4] plot,medx,meddif,xran=xr,yran=yr2,tit=tit,xtit=xtit,ytit=ytit,/nodata,$ /xsty,/ysty for mm=0,nui-1 do begin IF (ha[mm] EQ 0) THEN symb=4 ELSE symb=5 oplot,[medx(mm)], [meddif(mm)], psym=symb, thick=3 ; oplot,tx(*,mm),tdif(*,mm),psym=3 oploterr,[medx(mm)],[meddif(mm)],[errdif(mm)] endfor oplot,xx,yyp,line=2 xyouts,1.,yr2(1)-.05, 'Triangle symbol denotes positive hour angle' xyouts,1.,yr2(1)-.1,'a = '+stra+' +/- '+strsiga xyouts,1.,yr2(1)-.15,'k = '+strs+' +/- '+strsigk xyouts,1.,yr2(1)-.2, 'rms = '+strrms ytit2='Fit Residual (mag)' xtit1='FWHM (pix)' xr1=[0.,12.] yr1=[-.06,.06] plot,fwhma,resid,psym=2,tit=tit,xtit=xtit1,ytit=ytit2,xran=xr1,$ yran=yr1,/xsty,/ysty ;Create gif IF (psflag) THEN BEGIN giffname=gifpath+yr+mon+day+'_rvx_b'+ $ strtrim(string(ib),2)+'_'+strtrim(filtnam(j),2)+'_test.gif' tvlct, r, g, b, /get r[0]=255 & g[0]=255 & b[0]=255 r[255]=0 & g[255]=0 & b[255]=0 gif_image = tvrd() write_gif, giffname, gif_image, r, g, b ENDIF endif ;from: if(nsg gt 5) then begin nostars: wdelete, 5 endif endloop: endfor ; end of filters loop if (psflag) then begin set_plot, 'ps' device, /close set_plot, 'x' endif endfor ; end of blocks loop !p.multi=[0,1,1] if (keyword_set(log)) then begin close, iunl free_lun,iunl endif ;stop end