pro prob_hr,tran,dlt,loglran,dll,logt,logl,hist ; This routine reads the hipparcos data for stars with good parallaxes, ; and uses them to create a histogram containing number of stars per ; increment in log(Teff) and per unit log(lum/lum_sun). The range of ; the histogram is given by tran(2) (units of K, not logK) and loglran(2). ; The bin size in logT is dlt, and in log(lum) is dll. ; Values corresponding to the centers of the bins are returned in logt, logl, ; and the histogram in array hist. logt is in units of log(teff/teff_sun). ; constants tsun=5777. ; solar teff bcsun=-.123 ; solar bolometric correction vabssun=4.87 ; solar abs V mag. vbmvfile='/home/tbrown/d/stardat/vabs_bmv.sav' ptc=[1.,-.09,0.85] ; photometric transformation coeffs to get ; from tycho to bessell magnitudes, from ; ESA SP-1200 (1997) via Vizier ; read the data rd_hip,ra,dec,hip,vmag,bmv,plax,eplax,pmra,pmdec ; *********************************************************************** ; *** do not do this, since it gives really bad comparison between Tycho ; HR diagram and Yale model isochrone for M67 ; *********************************************************************** ; transform the magnitudes and colors ;vmag=vmag*ptc(0) + bmv*ptc(1) ;bmv=bmv*ptc(2) ; construct V absolute magnitudes distpc=1000./plax dmod=5.*alog10(distpc/10.) vabs=vmag-dmod ; get logt, logl nb=n_elements(bmv) logti=fltarr(nb) logli=fltarr(nb) for i=0,nb-1 do begin vbmv2tg,vbmvfile,vabs(i),bmv(i),tmpti,tmpgi,tmpbci,err logti(i)=tmpti-alog10(tsun) logli(i)=-0.4*(vabs(i)-vabssun+tmpbci-bcsun) ; tl_vs_cv,bmv,vabs,logti,logli endfor ; make histogram array ltran=alog10(tran) nlt=(max(ltran)-min(ltran))/dlt + 1 logtbot=min(ltran)+dlt*findgen(nlt)-alog10(tsun) logt=logtbot+dlt/2. nll=(max(loglran)-min(loglran))/dll+1 loglbot=min(loglran)+dll*findgen(nll) logl=loglbot+dll/2. hist=lonarr(nlt,nll) ; now fill it up for i=0,nlt-1 do begin for j=0,nll-1 do begin s=where(logti ge logtbot(i) and logti lt logtbot(i)+dlt and $ logli ge loglbot(j) and logli lt loglbot(j)+dll,ns) hist(i,j)=ns endfor endfor end