function star_radius,teff,av,kmag,ra,dec ; this routine estimates the radius of a star given its effective temp ; teff, its V extinction av, its Kepler magnitude kmag, and its RA and ; Dec (for computing galactic latitude). ; For now, strictly dwarf radii, for teff >= 5560 ; From AQ 4th ed. p. 388 tt=[5560.,5940.,6650.,7300.,8180.,9790.,11400.,15200.,19000.,30000.,42000.] rr=[.92,1.1,1.3,1.5,1.7,2.4,3.0,3.9,4.8,7.4,12.] if(teff ge 5560.) then begin rad=interpol(rr,tt,teff) endif else begin rad=10.*(5560./teff)^3.4 ; gives r=40 at M0 = 3690K endelse return,rad end