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D = Detected
ND = Not Detected
(---) = no observation made
Core L1157
Core Name RA (J2000) Dec (J2000) d (pc) Size
Continuum IRAS
hms deg'" 1100 (40" aperture)850 (40"/120" aperture)450 (40"/120" aperture)
L1157 20 39 06.20 68 02 16.0 440 5 x 5 0.58(0.09) 0.66(0.04)
DSS-2 Red


Post-Launch Infrared


From Reference:
"Tracing the Mass During Low-Mass Star Formation. I. Submillimeter Continuum Observations"
by Yancy L. Shirley and Neal J. Evans II, Jonathan M.C. Rawlings, and Erik M. Gregersen.
Additional Maps and Images

Contour maps of Class 0 sources at 850 m. The solid line indicates the outflow direction. The contour levels are as follows (lowest contour and contour increment in percentage of the peak flux). L1527 (850 m) 10% (4 ) increasing by 10%. L1527 (450 m) 5% (5 ), 10% (8 ) increasing by 10%. B228 (850 m) 5% (4 ), 10% (8 ) increasing by 10%. B228 (450 m) 5% (3 ), 10% (6 ) increasing by 10%. L483 (850 m) 10% (5 ) increasing by 10%. L483 (450 m) 10% (6 ) increasing by 10%. Contours near the edge of the maps should be ignored due to noisy pixels, less integration time, and inability of the plotting package to handle irregular edges.