On Linux Computers

Here is a procedure for installing binary Miriad compiled on a linux computer with FC.
1. gunzip bFCsmaMiriadBeta.tar.gz        % unzip the package
2. tar xvf bFCsmaMiriadBeta.tar          % untar the package
3. cd miriad_cvs                         % go to miriad directory
4. editing MIRRC.linux                   % for (t)csh users,
   Move to line 33, and then             % edit the setup script;
   replace "/home/miriad/miriad_cvs" 
   with the path of miriad_cvs (such as /home/lsabin/miriad_cvs)       
   editing MIRSRC.linux                  % for (ba)sh users,
   Move to line 34, and then             % edit the setup script;
   replace "/home/miriad/miriad_cvs"                  
   with the path of miriad_cvs (such as /home/lsabin/miriad_cvs)     
5. also reset the MIR path in both 
   miriad_start.csh and miriad_start.sh
6. source ./miriad_start.csh             % to set MIR env and start Miriad
                                           for (t)csh users.
                                           One may add this line in
   source ./miriad_start.sh                for (ba)sh users.
                                           One may add this line in
                                           login env setting file.                              
Jun-Hui Zhao (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory)

December 15, 2010